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Odd Tutorials : Fumble, can you teach me......
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Recommend  Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: sweetinsanity1  (Original Message)Sent: 5/3/2001 2:13 PM
can you teach me how to make these kind of tables?
is there something different done with these or is the paint can used?



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Recommend  Message 2 of 1 in Discussion 
From: happyguppypuppySent: 5/3/2001 6:13 PM
Sweet, I  have often wondered how I would do this.  I think you would make a table with several columns and rows (but less than you will need).  Make the background colored, and then where you will have words,  use that paint can to make each cell white.  When you need more columns and rows, click on the edge of the table until the table menu pops open.  Select the edit table option, then add columns and rows that you need.  But numbers would be a problem.  This would work best with the phrase puzzle.  I am thinking that maybe you might be able to find a gridbox addapted for on-line puzzles (similar to that scrabbleboard) at zdnet or somewhere.  Or remember that jigsaw puzzle site I found on Sunday?  Maybe you could find a crossword site like that.

Recommend  Message 3 of 1 in Discussion 
From: sweetinsanity1Sent: 5/8/2001 4:00 PM
okies... thanks!