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Odd Tutorials : The Case Of The Disappearing Icons...a tutorial
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Recommend  Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: happyguppypuppy  (Original Message)Sent: 7/9/2001 10:46 PM
Hmmmm....   I just had a real fight with the guy at the computer center.  I took in a perfectly tuned computer for a memory chip instillation.  I had tried to do it myself but couldn't.  I made two phone calls and received assurances each time that they would indeed install it for me for free, I carried my hard drive several blocks to the bus and then to the store.  The person at the front desk argued with me.  He said their NEW policy was not to do that.  My point was that I wouldn't have bothered to risk carrying the thing all the way in on the bus if I hadn't called and been assured about it twice.  AND that the only reason I tried to install it myself was that I was more afraid of dropping it on the bus than of goofing badly installing it.  After at least 15 minutes arguing with him, he agrees to see if it will boot up.  He disappears into the back room for about 5 minutes, and then comes out gloating. 
Needless to say, I hit the roof from anger, and also need CPR for heart failure.  IT WORKED FINE 1/2 HOUR AGO!  I say.  Again I am impressed by the speed of thought....should I risk leaving my little boxy buddy here with these people?  I try to negotiate his release.  GIVE IT BACK; I WILL WORK ON IT MYSELF. 
But suddenly he morphs into a computer-store-zealot that wants to retain custody.  Or win the argument at any cost.  MAAM, I TRIED TO BOOT IT UP!  IT FAILED!  YOU WANNA COME BACK AN' CHECK FOR YOURSELF? 
Until now I had been embarrassed by the frank stares of the other customers (this is a big nationally recognized store).  NOW, suddenly I AM ELATED!  Looking him straight in the eye I respond evenly, "IT HAS NO ICONS BECAUSE THEY ARE CONFIGURED TO REMAIN ON THE TASKBAR.  THEY RIDE UP AND DOWN IN RESPONSE TO THE MOUSE.  IT IS A WINDOWS CONFIGURATION."  The look on his face is priceless, but not so much as is the laughter ringing through the nearby crowd.  The next day when I pick up my computer with its new chip freely installed he is not there.
So, here is how to configure your computer this way.  I like it because it takes the clutter off your screen, it makes your functional space much larger, it is prettier (I use the free webshots screensaver.  It changes wallpaper every hour and you have thousands of professional photographs to choose from for free), and it provides more privacy as your icons are hidden from the casual observer.
  • this works with windows 98, I am not sure what else
  • click on start
  •  go up to settings, highlight and click the TASKBAR AND START option
  • click on the auto hide box
  • still there in settings, go tothe ACTIVE DESKTOP option and click on view as web page
  • go to the CUSTOMIZE DESKTOP option under active desktop or open DISPLAY PROPERTIES ( you can do that by opposite clicking anywhere on your desktop) click on the WEB TAB, and check the VIEW ACTIVE DESKTOP AS WEBPAGE option
  • still in display properties box, click on the EFFECTS tab.  Check the box HIDE ICONS WHEN DESKTOP IS VIEWED AS WEB PAGE
  • remember, each time you change a setting click on the apply now box and close the display properties by clicking on ok. 

Now, your desktop is your very own to design how you want in privacy!  But remember my ordeal with the computer store guy.  Sometimes if you change your desktop theme, you have to redo the view active desktop as webpage option.

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Recommend  Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: happyguppypuppySent: 7/10/2001 4:56 AM
Oh, I forgot to say.... when you configure this way, your taskbar pops up and down as your mouse approaches it.  The usual taskbar stays the same, and the "desktop" is an additional one.  You can stretch them out, drag them around, add to them as you want.  One thing you will probably want to do is to remove the text and titles.  They take up a lot of space and I think you will recognize your icons anyway.  To do that, go to the part of the taskbar that holds your icon (the desktop part) and opposite click.  Then make sure the SHOW  TEXT and SHOW TITLE options are UNCHECKED. To make other changes, move your pointer to the taskbar part and follow your inclinations.

Recommend  Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: SootsySent: 7/10/2001 2:23 PM
Good for you Fumble!  The feeling of elation must have been wonderful!!!  Thanks for the new trick.

Recommend  Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: ~catnap~Sent: 1/12/2002 8:37 PM
good one ...good morphin...
i just had a long extended (6month) battle
with my puter supplier
said processor had to travel
no less than 5 times to the city of origin
via courier  and still they did not believe
the problem was with the puter
FINALLY i got mad and threatened them
with going on FAIR GO a tv programme here
that exposes companies for giving customers
a raw deal ....quick smart ...they replaced the dodgy part
and now i can post pics and stuff....
girl power works ...

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