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Odd Tutorials : Limericks 101A - Learn to Write one today...
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Recommend  Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: Bionic~verbage  (Original Message)Sent: 9/17/2002 11:53 PM

lesson : Limericks...for Odd they will all write limericks and love doing it as much as those of us whom already do write them enjoy it...only you get to read instructions...(and Odd ones at that..)The first rule is that you scroll back, and find as many mistakes you can...then you will know it is to be expected...then read at least 10...for all the laughs youo will have..and what you will learn...then, if your still shy, read this post..I hope it helps.

~A Limerick is a humorous verse form of five lines with the rhyme pattern .

~Limericks are short rhymes written to entertain people. They are always written using the same form and generally tell about people's actions in a humorous way.


line 1-the person and or the set-up..of who

line 2-what about this person should we be noticing

line 3-what was the funny...

line 4- how it became....or will finish

line 5-what finally did happen..


There was an old man with a cane (who and what)

who tried to do flips down a lane (what we notice)

but his cane somehow broke(what is the funny..)

and this sorry old bloke(how it became, or is ending)

ended up with a terrible pain.(the end result)

Helpful hints...

Note that the first, second and fifth lines each have about eight syllables, and rhyme with each other, while the middle lines have only six syllables and a separate rhyme.

Now, to write your own limerick, begin by choosing a character and a place name. (Note here that if your place name is longer than one syllable you may expand your lines to nine instead of eight syllables.)

Think of some words which rhyme with your place name. Because the limerick is meant to be humorous, your rhymes must be silly...

another example 

There one was a girl who loved bugs

And kept them in jars, cups, and jugs

She tickled their shins,

Scratched under their chins,

And carefully gave them all hugs


Limericks in our world...that is..Odd People Limericks, are as these...that simple...only we add a bit of a boost, so you won't have to worry about what to write it about...

At the end of a limerick, you will copy the Sentence that has been left there for you, thus begining your reply.

When you are finished writing your limerick, it is up to you to leave a verse that can be played well by others, and has a bit of humor to it, or has the possibility for just that.

In Odd, there are people of all walks of sure not to offend, but at the same time, life is sexual, racial, and religous comments must be kept within the G-rated, and respectful catagories.

 Unlike these type things.....I have a behind the size of boston, and a wart on my nose that can make a pose, feet like a duck and I walk like a truck....and I still havn't found the booth where I am supposed to pay attention...I must owe a lot..

A good rule of thumb is:

 If you can't take it...don't fake it. 

Personally I think...Could I tell this to a 7 year old, and not be embarrassed...

 Or...Would you laugh if it sounded like it was your mom?   I hope so...moms are a riot!! (maybe..see rule of thumb #1.)



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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: UbergàtoSent: 9/18/2002 12:25 AM
     :>) Good advice on the limerick Verbage and thank you! . :>) Just a slight addendum, sexual, racial and religious puns, limericks and remarks in general are not allowed at OP, nor is bathroom type humor, but there are numerous other things in the world that are fun and humorus as well :>)  Keeping things clean is more challenging and ultimately much more funny. See you all in the limerick section. :>)