I went through my fo0nts and typed
one in its own font and printed them out so I can have an easy reference. I thought I would share them here..(If there is a shortcut to listing fonts in their own font please fill me in)
****You may not be able to use a few of these about 8-10 (maybe less) were downloaded fonts.
4 my lover All hearts Abadi mt condensed Agency fb Alfredo’s dance Algerian Andale mono Aria Arial black Arial narrow Arial rounded mt bold Baskerville old face Bauhaus 93 Bell mt Berlin sans fb Berlin sans fb demo Bernard mt condensed Black chancery Blackadder itc Book antiqua Bookman oldstyle Bradley hand itc Britannic bold Broadway Brush script mt Bumble bee bv Californian fb Calisto mt Castellar Centaur Century gothic Century schoolbook Chiller olonna mt Comic sans ms Computerfont Cooper Black Copperplate gothic bold Copperplate gothic light Courier Courier new Crushed out girl Curlz mt Edwardian script itc Elephant Engravers mt Eras bold itc Eras demi itc Eras light itc Eras medium itc Felix titling Film star Footlight mt light Forte Franklin gothic book Franklin gothic demi Franklin gothic demi condensed Franklin gothic heavy Franklin gothic medium Franklin gothic medium cond Freestyle script French script mt Gallaudet regular -galaudet regular Garmond Georgia Gigi Gill sans mt Gill sans mt condensed Gill sans mt ext condensed bold Gill sans ultra bold Gloucester mt extra condensed Goudy old style Goudy stout Haettenschweiler Harlow solid italic Harrington High tower text Home Hot rod gang bv Impact Imprint mt shadow Informal roman Jokerman Juice itc Kristen itc Kunstler script Little trouble girl bv Lucida bright Lucida calligrapy Lucida console Lucida fax Lucida handwriting Lucida sans Lucida sans typewriter Lucida sans unicode Magneto Maiandra gd Matisse itc Matura mt script capitals Mistral Modern no. 20 Monotype corsiva Ms gothic Ms sans serif Ms serif New gothic mt Niagra engraved Niagra solid Ocr a extended Old english text mt Onyx Palace script mt Papyrus parchment Perpetua Perpetua titling mt Playbill Poor richard Pristina PUNK ROCK RAGE ITALIC RAVIE ROCKWELL ROCKWELL CONDENSED ROCKWELL CONDENSED BOLD SCRIPT MT BOLD SHOWCARD GOTHIC SIGNATURE SMALL FONTS SNAP ITC STENCIL SWEET HEARTS BV SYSTEM TAHOMA TEMPUS SANS ITC TERMINAL THICKHEAD TIMES NEW ROMAN TREBUCHET MS TURN TABLE BV TW CEN MT TW CEN MT CONDENSED TYPEWRITER VERDANA VERDANA REF VINER HAND ITC Vivaldi Vladimir script Westminster Wide latin |