"From what I have heard from several different traditions has always been the same. Most of the time it is buried with the person,
It should be understood that the things in it are your own personal medicine and you may choose to keep it with you.. To give it away you would lose the gift/power that has been given to you uniquely to help you do your "job" in the great circle of life.
And you will need your medicine on the other side as well, for it has become part of you. Just as when a Pipe is buried with someone, it is so you will have the Pipe on the other side. The spirit of that pipe goes along with your spirit. I hope this is not confusing.
The ingredients of your bag or pouch are gathered in different ways, some in the ourdoors and others private items. I was taught to always add corn, sage and other such things so as you can offer it as a gift to our Creator. But everyone has their own ways of doing these things. Mine will go with me when I die as its been with me for so many years.