The graceful bird of the
skies, the eagle, is the prayer
carrier and messenger of the
Anishinabe people.
As the eagle soars arose the skies,
oneknows he is carrying the
prayers to the Creator.
The eagle has great
significance for the
Anishinabe people
when it comes to
healing ceremonies
ceremonies honouring
respecting other people.
Although people of different cultures
may have different beliefs,
respecting others' beliefs is part
of the
growing process in the
Anishinabe way of life.
As a person begins
to grow more spiritual,
he learns to respect and honor
the graceful eagle of the skies.
An individual might see himself
as the eagle when he prays
for the people who are
in need
of prayer to get them
through the rough spots on
the road of life.
In the healing ceremonies performed
by the medicine man
medicine woman, the eagle carries
the sickness out of the body
up to the
Creator for healing.
The person who is sick
believe in the power of
the prayer carrier.
When ones sees this graceful bird
flying overhead,
one should pray
tobacco in his hand
give thanks to the eagle for
showing himself.
The Feather
When the World was new the Creator had made all the birds. He colour their feathers like a bouquet of flowers. The Creator then gave each bird a distinct song to sing. The Creator instructed the birds, to greet each new day with a chorus of there songs. Of all the birds, our Creator chose the Eagle to be the leader. The Eagle flies the highest and sees the furthest of all creatures. The Eagle is a messenger to the Creator. During the Four sacred Rituals we will wear an Eagle Feather or hold. To wear or to hold the Eagle Feather causes our Creator to take immediate notice. With the Eagle Feather the Creator is honored in the highest.
When one receives an Eagle Feather that person is being acknowledged with gratitude, with love, and with the most ultimate respect. That feather must have sacred tobacco burnt for it, In this way the Eagle and the Creator are notifed of the name of new Eagle Feather Holder The holder of the Eagle Feather must ensure that anything that changes one state of mind (Alcohol and Drugs) must never ever come in contact with sacred Eagle feather. The keeper of the feather will make a little home where the feather will be kept safely and protected. The Eagle feather must be fed. You feed the Eagle Feather is recharge with sacred energy.
Never abuse, never disrespect, or drop and never contaminate your Eagle feather. Only real true human Men and Woman carry the Eagle Feather.
Grandfather Great Spirit
All Over The World,
The Faces Of Living Ones
Are Alike.
With Tenderness,
They Have Come
Up Out Of The Ground.
Look Upon Your Children
That They May Face The Winds
And Walk The Good Road
To The Day Of Quiet.
Grandfather Great Spirit
Fill Us With The Light.
Give Us the Strength
To Understand
And the Eyes To See.
Teach Us To Walk The Soft Earth
As Relatives....
To All That Live.