The Cedar Flute has an undeniable power. It has that power because it is empty, or hollow inside. It is not ‘full of itself.�?nbsp; And what gives it a voice is the breath of life which is breathed into it by whoever plays it. That breath of life is a gift from Wakantanka. It is the essence of Spirit, invisible yet very real and very present. As a player of these instruments that I consider to be sacred, it is my responsibility to be respectful with them and allow myself to be a ‘hollow bone�?when I play. If I succeed in emptying myself, Spirit may come and fill my emptiness. This power will then flow into the emptiness of the flute. As its voice is offered to the wind, the hidden power can fill the emptiness in the hearts of any who listen and hear. This is when the healing and mending can and does happen. This, is the power of the Cedar Flute