| This is my medicine wheel that I made a long time ago... | | | | | Every medicine wheel is an energy spiral created to provide a place of prayer and meditation. A Place to diagnose and heal spiritual and mental as well as the resulting physical problems. It is entered from the North for spiritual or physical problems and for prayer. You circle three times clockwise when entering because you are going into the spiral. Then going either to the marker related to your problem or the marker You feel drawn to (much more effective). After you finish what you are doing, you circle out Counterclockwise to allow normal function of your system after the intense energy work is finished. Enter from the West for self-knowledge. Enter from the South to achieve growth in any area of your life. Use the Eastern entrance to receive guidance for your life. Enter from the North for healing and spiritual growth. The circle of the medicine wheel represents all the people, animals, rocks, rivers and religions in the entire universe, Each part of the circle is connected to all other parts. The philosophy or ways of perceiving life focuses on gaining understanding of yourself, of your fellow human beings, of the natural wonders of the world, and of your place in that world. The way to achieve the understanding is to experience all life as part of the circle of the Medicine Wheel. All people and creatures are equally important in this perfect circle of understanding, growth and connectedness. Like the Medicine Wheel which represents life itself, learning is a continuous, ever changing .............process of growth.............. When we are in a circle around the wheel, we listen carefully....to whomever is sharing. Given all the understanding, the Medicine Wheel is a place of great joy and a light-hearted state should prevail. Dance and sing and laugh and tell stories........... Share friendship and the Love of Life! (Tapestry and Native American History) Cherokee Medicine Wheel The medicine wheel is a symbol for the wheel of life which is forever evolving and bringing new lessons and truths to the walking of the path. The Earthwalk is based on the understanding that each one of us must stand on every spoke, on the great wheel of life many times, and that every direction is to be honored. Until you have walked in others' moccasins, or stood on their spokes of the wheel, you will never truly know their hearts. The medicine wheel teaches us that all lessons are equal, as are all talents and abilities. Every living creature will one day see and experience each spoke of the wheel, and know those truths. It is a pathway to truth, peace and harmony. The circle is never ending, life without end. In experiencing the Good Red Road, one learns the lessons of physical life, or of being human. This road runs South to North in the circle of the medicine wheel. After the graduation experience of death, one enters the Blue or Black Road, that is the world of the grandfathers and grandmothers. In spirit, one will continue to learn by counseling those remaining on the Good Red Road. The Blue Road of the spirit runs East to West. The medicine wheel is life, afterlife, rebirth and the honoring of each step along the way. For your own medicine wheel, you will need 5 or more marker stones. Before you start, cleanse yourself by smudging with Sage. You spiral in clockwise with the first stone, raise it and ask the Great Mystery to use this stone to symbolize the Creator or God. From this time onward the wheel is a sacred place, where healing and change are it's normal function. Place the marker gently on Mother Earth, in the center of your wheel. Spiral outward and select the next marker. Spiral back in and ask the Great Mystery to use this marker to symbolize the presence of the Spirit of Vision, Illumination, and Clarity then place it in the East. Spiral back outward to obtain another marker. Repeat the process, asking that the marker represent the Spirit of Growth, Trust and Love. Place this marker in the South. Repeat the process, asking that the marker symbolize the presence of the Spirit of Introspection, Experience and Strength. Place this marker in the West. Repeat the process another time, asking that the marker represent the Spirit of Cleansing, Renewal and Purity. Place this marker in the North. Now go to the location within the wheel, which you feel drawn to. When you have felt the energy, vision or knowing that you need, spiral outward and offer a gift of thanksgiving for the gift you were given, this can be a handful of cornmeal, sage or it Can be a gift you feel necessary to give to ALL MY RELATIONS. Remember this wheel is a place of prayer and meditation, but you will find the four legged and feathered are drawn to it also. You will also find its energy with use expands far beyond the rim of this wheel, bringing increased growth to the plants and even helps to heal Mother Earth. The Medicine Wheel is an ancient method for teaching important concepts about truth and life. Many Native American communities use a Medicine Wheel, although the colors and the symbols are different depending upon the culture. The purpose is the same in each culture. These teachings, when applied to one’s life, have the power to influence significant change in attitudes, behaviors, values and intent. The Elders have shared a series of Teachings based upon the Natural Order of the way things should be. These are sometimes referred to as the “original instructions.�?These important Teachings are included in the Medicine Wheel and 12 Steps: �?Four Seasons of Change �?Four Laws of Change �?Four Directions of Growth �?Ten Teachings for Leadership �?Twelve Principles for Healthy Living �?Reclaiming our Power �?The 12 Steps of Recovery �?Nature’s Way: Principles, Laws and Values Cycle of Life �?Eight Feelings for Healthy Development Comfort Zones �?The Two Thought System: Love and Fear �?The Medicine Wheel �?The Laws of the Unseen World
| Four Elements Medicine Wheel Prayer
O Great Spirit of the East, radiance of the rising Sun, spirit of new beginnings O Grandfather Fire, great nuclear fire of the Sun. From you comes life-energy, vital spark, power to see far, and to envision with boldness; with you we can purify the senses, our hearts and our minds. We pray that we may be aligned with you, so that your energies may flow through us, and be expressed by us, for the good of this planet Earth, and all living beings upon it. O Great Spirit of the South, protector of the fruitful land, and of all green and growing things, the noble trees and grasses. Grandmother Earth, Soul of Nature, great power of the receptive, of nurturance and endurance, of bringing forth and growing, flowers of the field, fruits of the garden. We pray that we may be aligned with you, so that your powers may flow through us, and be expressed by us, for the good of this planet Earth, and all living beings upon it. O Great Spirit of the West, spirit of the great waters, of rain and rivers, lakes and springs; O Grandmother Ocean, deepest matrix, womb of all life. With you comes the dissolving of boundaries and holdings, the power to taste and to feel, to cleanse and to heal. Great blissful darkness of peace. WE pray that we may be aligned with you, so that your powers may flow through us, and be expressed by us, for the good of this planet Earth, and all living beings upon it. O Great Spirit of the North, invisible spirits of the air, and of the fresh, cool winds; O vast and boundless Grandfather Sky, your living breath animates all life. From you comes clarity and strength, and the power to hear inner sounds, to seep out old patterns, and bring challenge and change. The ecstasy of movement and the dance. We pray that we may be aligned with you, so that your powers may flow through us, and be expressed by us, for the good of this planet Earth, and all living beings upon it.