alligator (tsulasgi)
armadillo (uyasgali)
badger (igodi ehi ogana)
bat (tlameha)
bear (yona)
beaver (doya)
blackbear (yona gvnage)
blackfox (tsula gvnage)
bobcat (gvhe)
buffalo ( yansa)
camel (kemili)
cat (wesa)
chipmunk (kiyuga)
cougar (hivdatsi)
cow (waga)
deer (ahwi)
dog (gili)
donkey (digalenvhida)
elephant (kamama)
elk (awega)
fawn (ahwi agina)
flying squirrel (dewi)
fox (tsula)
giraffe (galvndi alsdagisgi)
goat (ahwi dihanulvhi)
gopher (giga)
groundhog (ogana)
guinea pig (ohweli)
horse (sogwili)
jack rabbit (tsegi tsisdu)
kangaroo (diltadegi tsisdetsi yusdi)
leopard (tlvdatsi unvtsadi)
lion (tlvdatsi)
mole (tinegwa)
mouse (tsisdetsi)
muskrat (selawksga)
opossum (utsetsdi)
otter (tsiya)
pig (sigwa)
polar bear (yona unega)
pony (sogwili agina)
porcupine (dili tsutsaosdi)
prairie dog (igodi ehi gili)
rabbit (tsisdi)
raccoon (kvli)
rat (kaniwksa)
red fox (tsula uwodige)
sheep (unodena)
skunk (dili)
squirrel (saloli)
tiger (hlvdatsi)
weasel (tsisdetsi daloni)
wolf (waya)
woodrat (kaniwksa utana)
zebra (sogwili tsulvdanvni)
`o si `yo (hello)
to `hi tsu (how are you/ are you well?)
to `hi quu (yes, I'm fine/ yes, I'm well)
`ni hi `na hv (and you?)
`al sta yvn `ti (food)
ha `wi `ya (meat)
ha `wi `ya (meat)
wa `ka-ha `wi `ya (beef or cow meat)
si `qua-ha `wi `ya (pork or pig meat)
ha `wi `ya-u ka `yo sv (bacon or dried meat)
nu `na (potatoes)
`ga du (bread)
`se lu-`ga du (corn bread)
a tsa `di (fish)
u `we tsi (egg)
`ka `wi (coffee)
as ta `tlv da (cream)
kal `se tsi (Sugar or candy)
`wa du `li si (cake or something sweet)
ge `lis gi (pie)
`a `ma (salt)
a `ma (water)
`a se li do (plate)
a di `to di (spoon)
ha yel `sdi (knife)
yv `gi (fork)
hi `gi (eat)
`a `ga (ate)
a ska `ya (man)
a `ge ya (woman)
a `tsu tsa (boy)
a ge `hu tsa (girl)
e `do `da (father)
e `tsi (mother)
u `sti i (baby)
a `yo li (child)
di ni `yo li (children)
go `hus ti-a na da`dv ni (kinfolk-relatives)
e lo `gi (aunt)
e du `sti (uncle)
Home & Furnishings
gal `tso de (house)
o we `nv `sv (home)
as `du di (door)
ga lo `hi `sti (doorway)
tso `la `na (window)
a da `sta ti (kitchen)
a `sv sti-ka nv `su lv (bedroom)
ga `ni tlv `di `sti (bed)
ga `sgi lo (table or chair)
di se `hi sti (dresser)
a `tsv sta (lamp)
di li no `he `di (phone)
u da ta `nv-a `gi `sdi (fruit)
svk `ta (apple)
da `lo ni ge-a dv `dv ski (apricot)
qua `ne `na (banana)
a da `lo ni `ge (orange)
`qua `na (peach)
gi `ta ya (cherry)
di ga `dv di (pear)
`un te lv nv `di (grapes)
qua `nun sti (plum)
`a `ni (strawberry)
ka `nu gal `hi (blackberry)
General words
v `v (yes)
tla (no)
a `ya (me)
nv (now)
u ka `yo di (dry)
ga du `li di (wet)
u ne sv `yv `tli (cool)
u `ga na `wa (warm)
u `yv `dla (cold)
u `di `tle `ga (hot)
su na `le i (morning)
`i `ga (noon-day)
sv `no `i (night)
`o sda (good)
u yo `i (bad)
`e qua (big)
`u sti (little)
`u da `nv ga `lv da (clean)
ga da `ha i (dirty)
u do hi `yu (true)
ha `nel `ta (try)
`ha tlv (where)
hi la `yu i (when)
ga do (what)
`as du `di (close)
`as du `i da (open)
e `he na (come)
ko hi `i `ga (today)
ko `hi u `sv (tonight)
su `n le ( tomorrow)
hi `ya (this)
`na (that)
`na hi `yui (then)
na `hna (there)
-ga ya `nu la (fast)
u ska `no la (slow)
ha le `wi sta (stop)
tlas `ti (quit)
e la `we i (quite)
ni `ga da (all)
u `wa sa (alone)
`ga yu `la (already)
nas `quu (also)
a `le (and)
ga li `ha (asleep)
`u wo `du hi (beautiful)
wa `sti (watch or clock)
go we `li (book or paper)
di go `we lo `di (pencil)
di go we `lo di (desk)
ho `we lv `ga (you write)
hi go `li ya (you read)
`a yv `wi ya (indian)
tsa la `gi (Cherokee)
u gv wi `yu `hi (chief or governor-ruler)
a da `do `lis do `ti (worship-pray)
`al tsa `do `ti (preach)
`ga lo `ne `da (Christ)
tsu `nel ti (Christian)
`di ga la `wi sti (church)
di `nu wo (clothing)
a `nu wo (cloth)
ga sa `le na (coat)
di `su lo (trousers)
ha `wi ni-`a nu (shirt)
a `sv no (dress)
di `li yo (socks)
di la `su lo (shoes)
`o `ni (yard)
de tlu `gv (trees)
ga `nu lv (grass)
u `no le (air-wind)
`ga no `lv `sga (the wind is blowing)
a `ga `sga (raining)
v `tsi (snow)
go `ti (it is snowing)
u `lo gi `la (cloudy)
nv `da (sun)
a ga `lis gv (sunshine)
a `ga li (sun is shining)
nv `no `hi (road)
ga la `nv da (street)
u `ta `na-nv `no hi (highway-big road)
a sv `tlv i (bridge)
`a `tso du `di (car)
ga du `hv i (city)
sga `du gi (county)
e `lo `hi (world)
sa `quu i (one)
`ta `li (two)
`tso `i (three)
`nv `gi (four)
`his `gi (five)
su da `li (six)
gal `quo `gi (seven)
tsa `ne la (eight)
`so `ne `la (nine)
sko `hi (ten)
I Present-Past-Future
`tsi go `ti (I see)
a gi go `hv (I saw)
da `tsi go `i (I will see him or her)
a qua du `li (I want)
a qua du `lis gv (I wanted)
a qua du `lis ge sti (I will want)
`da qua du `li (I wanted-two or more items)
da qua `lis `ge sti (I will want-two or more items)
a quo `hi yu ( I believe)
a quo hi `yu nv (I believed)
da `go hi yu `ni (I will believe)
ge `li (I think)
ge `lis gv (Ithought)
ge `lis ges `ti (I will think)
ga `tv gi (I hear)
ak dv `ga nv (I heard)
ga `ga dv `ga ni (I will hear)
tsi `wo ni (I'm talking)
gi `wo ni `sv (I talked)
da tsi `wo ni `si (I will talk)
`tla i `go li `ga (I don't understand)
tla ya quol `tsi i (I didn't understand)
tla i ge go `li `ga (I wont understand)
`gv `ni `ga (I hit it)
a quv ni lv `hi (I hit it-past tense)
dv `gv ni `la (I will hit it)
da gi `lv wi sta `ne (I'm working)
da gi `lv wi sta ne `hv (I was working)
da gi `lv wi sta ne `he sti (I will be working)
`ge `ga (I'm going)
`ge gv `i (I was going)
`ge ges `ti (I will be going)
a gi `yo si (I'm hungry)
a gi `yo sis gv `i (I was hungry)
a gi `yo sis `ges ti (I'll be hungry)
da gi yo `we ga (I'm tired)
da gi yo `we gv (I was tired)
da gi yo`we ges `ti (I'll be tired)
ga li `e li `ga (I'm thankful)
a qua li `he li tsv (I was thankful)
ga li `e li `ges `ti (I'll be thankful)
dv ge `si-di `quenv `sv i (I'm going home)
a `qua ni gi ses `ti (I will go home)
ko `hi i ga-ge `ga (today I'm going)
sv `hi- wa qua do `lv (I went yesterday)
su na `le-da ge `si (I will go tomorrow)
di `ga du `hv-ge `ga (town, I'm going)
di `ga du hv-wi ge `da (I've been to town)
di `ga du `hv-a qua `nv ses `ti (I will go to town)
da gi `lv wi sta `le `ga (I'm going to work)
da ge `lv wi sta ne `le `sv (I went to work)
da gi `lv wi sta ne `he `sti (I will be working)
da ga `lis `ta yv `ni (I'm going to eat)
a qual `sta yv `nv (I have eaten)
ko `hi yu da ga `li sta `yv `ni (I will eat later)
tsi `tsa ne (I'm riding with him)
tsi `tsa ne lv (Irode with him)
da tsi `tsa ne `li (I will ride with him)
he `na (go-you-one person)
tso `le `sti (stay home-you-one person)
hi sta qua du `ga (go w/him/her-you-one person)
ksta qua du `ga (go with me-you-one person)
hi `ste `na (go-you-two people)
He/She Present-Past-Future
e `li (he/she thinks)
e `li sgv (he/she thought)
e `lis ges `ti (he/she will think)
u `wo hi `yu (he/she believes)
u `wo hi `yu sv (he/she believed)
a go `ti (he/she sees)
u go `hv (he/she will see)
gvn `ga (he/she hit it)
da `gv ni `li (he/she will hit it)
de ka no `gi (he/she is singing)
du no `gi sv (he/she sung)
do da ka no `gi si (he/she will sing)
al `sta yv `hv sga (he/she is eating)
ul `sta yv `nv (he/she ate)
ga `wo ni (he/she is talking)
u yets `ga (he/she is laughing)
u yets `ga `i (he/she was laughing)
da yu `yets (he/she will laugh)
du `lvw sta ne `i (he/she is working)
du `lvw sta ne `hv `i (he/she was working)
du `lvw sta ne `hes ti (he/she will work)
They Present-Past-Future
du ni `lvw `sta ne (they are working-2 or more)
du ni `lvw sta ne `hesti (they will be working-2 or more)
ani `wo ni (they are talking-2 or more)
a ni `wo ni sge `sti (they were talking-2 or more)
a ni `wo ni sge `sti (they will be talking-2 or more)
da ni `no gi (they are singing-2 or more)
da ni no `gis gv `i (they were singing-2 or more)
da ni no `gis ge `sdi (they will be singing-2 or more)
a nal sta yv hv `sga (they are eating-2 or more)
da nal sta yv `ni (they will eat-2 or more)
u na du `li (they want-2 or more)
That Is/ This Is
`na a qua `tse `li (that is mine)
hi `ya-gal tso `de aqua `tse `li (this is my house)
hi `ya-a tso do `di-a qua `tse `li (this is my car)
hi `ya- ak sta `yv hv `sga (this is my wife)
hi `ya- a que `tsi (this is my son/daughter)
a gi na`tse `li (this is ours)
hi `ya-gal tso `de-o gi na `tse `li (this is our house)
hi `ya-a tso do `di o gi na `tse `li (this is our car)
hi `ya-o gi `ne tsi (this is our child)
Is This
hi `yas-tsa `tse `li (is this yours?)
hi `yas-tsa `tse li-a tso do `di (is this your car?)
hi `yas-tse `tsi (is this your child?)
hi `yas-di `ste nv `sv (is this where you live?)
`hi la `yu `i (when)
hi la `yu-ta ni gi `si (when are you leaving?)
hi la `yu-dv hi lu `tsi (when will you be back?)
hi la `yu-ga lu `gi (when did he/she come back?)
hi la `yu-gu wa ni `gi `di (when did he/she leave?)
hi la `yu-da na ni `gi `si (when are they leaving?)
hi la `yu-dv a ni `lu `tsi (when are they coming back?)
ha `tlv (where)
ha `tlv-we `da (where have you been?)
ha `tlv-hi `ne la (where do you live?)
ha `tlv-da tsa lo `sv hi (where are you from?)
ha `tlv-he `ga (where are you going?)
ga `do (what)
ga `do-ha `da (what did you say?)
ga `do-ha dv `ne hi (what do you do?)
ga `do u `sti-hi `go ti (what do you see?)
ga `do u `sti (what is it?)
ga `do hv `dv ne (what are you doing?)
ga `do-a `da (what did he say?)
ga `do u `sti- u `di li ( what does he/she want?)
ga `do- de tsa `do a (what is your name?)
ga `ga (who?)
gag-i `li go (who are you with?)
gag-da `ya i (who is coming?)
gag-da `ye si (who is going?)
gag-ni `hi (who are you?)
gag-e `na (who went?)
gag-na a ska `ya (who is that man?)
gag-na a ge `ya (who is that woman?)
Months of the year
u no lv ta ni (January)
ka ka li (February)
a nv yi (March)
ka wo ni (April)
a (ni) s gv ti (May)
ti ha lu yi (June)
gu ye quo ni (July)
ga lo ni (August)
du li s di (September)
du ni nv di (October)
nv da de wi (November)
v s gi yi (December)
Days of the week
u na do da qua s gv i (Sunday)
u na do da quo nv i (Monday)
ta li ne i ga (Tuesday)
tso i ne i ga (Wednesday)
nv gi ne i ga (Thursday)
tsu (ni) gi lo s ti (Friday)
u na do da qui de na (Saturday)
gv ni ge (black)
sa go ni ge (blue)
u wo di ge (brown)
i tse i yu s di (green)
u s go lv - sa go ni ge (grey}
a sa lo ni ge (orange)
gi ga ge i yu s di (pink)
gi ge s di (purple)
gi ga ge (red)
a de lv u ne gv (silver)
u ne ga (white)
da lo ni ge (yellow)
u yv tlv (north)
u ga na wv (south)
ka lv gv (east)
wu de li gv (west)
u yv tlv ka lv gv i di tlv (northeast)
u yv tlv i di tlv (northern)
u yv tlv u de li gv i di tlv (northwest)
u ga na wv ka lv gv (southeast)
u ga na wv i di tlv (southern)
u ga na wv u de li gv i di tlv (southwest)
Proper Names
a me li ge (America)
yo wa ne gv (Arkansas)
a de ka tsu lv (California)
a tsi la a ne lo hi (Catholics)
a ni tsi ga sa (Chichasaw Tribe)
tsi ka ma gi (Chickamauga)
a ni tsa ta (Choctaw Tribe)
a ni gu si (Creek Tribe)
de la si (Dallas or Dallis)
a ni qua nv gi (Delaware Tribe)
tsu yv tlv a ne hi yv wi (Eskimo)
a ni ga lv tsi (French People)
a da tsi (German)
tsi lu si la mi (Jerusalem)
a ni gi du wa gi (Kitowah People)
a ni s qua ni (Mexican People)
a ni da lo ni ge (Orientals)
o ga li ho mi (Oklahoma)
a ni (wa)sa si (Osage Tribe)
a ni yv wi ya (Principle People)
lo mi i (Romans)
a ni se ni ka (Seneca Tribe)
si quo ya (Sequoyah)
ta li qua (Tahlequah)
nv da gv (Texas)
ta li si i (Tulsa)
a ni s ka la li (Tuscarora People)