The Wakan Circle Guidelines Message Board Rules
Keep it Clean We expect people of all ages will use the message boards here. Since we never know when children may be present, you are expected to behave in a manner that would be appropriate for any age observe. NO Porn Any advertisements, pictures, text or whatever will be removed immediately, as will the person posting it. No posting on the Message Board personal websites or links to them. First time offenders.. the post will be deleted. Second offense the person who did the posting will be removed from the group We do not allow Links that is for teaching even ..and no personal links on main board Do take a banner of ours and leave one of yours here (banner exchange) Respect Respect must be shown at all times,and if we have to speak to anyone whom have been disrepectful more than once we will no longer speak or reply to you.
RESPECT all Elders and teachers in all they do here as they are the ones who set the examples for all.
If the unrespectful apologixes they will be able to remain in the Group. However the second time they will be removed from the Group.
Debating a Subject We will not debate on a subject that is what one needs to know, but after that there is an end
We are here to reach the Native American traditions, language, and our heritage, we do not speak of or post things that does not pretain to our ways of our community here. All questions will be answered when you need us...the resources, traditions and our culture is here with us. Aho. Have Fun and Participate. The best groups are those where all members feel comfortable paticipating. We encourage our members to help answer questions, to share ideas, and to start new discussion topics whenever they have a comment or question. We wish all would only use one address but we can not let you have more than we will be having problems with storage space. DO not REPLY to a message on the boards from your mai; box ...Come to the site and reply here ONLY. This is to help keep out viruses also. wado Do not post your personal Links on the main we have a special board for all Links....on side bar...Thank you.
. ******************** **Friends of ours have lost great sites due to a worm/ trojan or hackers sent thru the email addresses on the site. So we're strictly enforcing this:::All ADDRESSES in this group MUST be removed as soon as you join. Also NO POSTING OR REPLYING to a post here from your EMAL address od mailbox. To remove your address Go to tools,(bottom of sidebar....( on your left side) Click on "email settings". This takes you to your "profile page"((your address is here) Under where your email address , there is a box. If there is a check mark in it...remove itby clicking on it. Make sure that it is NOT checked. It says,"" "Allow other group members to see my e-mail address."" That is the box that should not be checked. Remove the check mark...please. Thanks......... If you dont, you'll be removed immediately, no questions, no warning. We have to be strict about this. Alot of work goes into these sites and alot of love. We hope you appreciate our position. Wado Our Tranditions and guidlines We are a group of all nationalities here preserving the native american spirituality and sharing , teaching , and trying to unify the people of all nations.
These few guidelines we must go by is for the good of all. Respect must be shown at all times, and if we have to speak to anyone whom have been disrespectful more than once we will no longer speak or reply to you. Respect all elders and teachers in all they do here as they are the ones who set the examples for all. We are the "old ways'...native american spirituality, with love and respect. We respect all beliefs but will not accept anyone trying to get any of our family here to believe your ways as we respect you and expect the same in return. ************ Christianity will NOT be discussed, because of the problems this can causes, because it is not part of our culture, (Please take no offence. It is just our intention to keep our posts and teachings to as Traditional as we can) There will be no Political discussions of any kind in this group...wado If you feel that this is unfair, then please, do not attempt to join, Do not take or remove pictures as this is against the rules of MSN What Is Bandwith Theft ? | Bandwidth theft is sort of copyright thief, too. But this involves stealing the "Space" off another web site. Bandwidth is the frequency the net runs on. Heard of servers crashing because too many people try to access a site at the same time? That is what bandwidth in action - or rather not enough bandwidth available. Each website is alotted so much space/memory that it take to display that site and for people to access it. On WWW sites you pay for that space and if you run out of it your site crashes - or is taken off line. Occasionally, you come to sites at yahoo that will say this site has used its bandwidth allowance up, try again in an hour. That is because Yahoo groups limits how much space your group can have - exceed that and they punish you by making it unavailable. At MSN, you don't really worry about this, because each site is not alotted any specific amount - MSN's alot the GROUPS as a whole. But on www sites you are alotted what you pay for, which cause a lot of problems when people COPY and Paste from a site. First off - you are committing copyright theft. But on those sites you are also stealing their "space." In other words, using the bandwidth they are paying for!! If you copy an image from a www site and paste on your MSN site - it will show on your page. But is it not MSN's space you are using that has that image - it is the site you stole it from. The more people copy from sites, the more it ties up space and can eventually cripple a site and take it out all together. Some web hosting services will take a site off line for a month for going over their limit. You work hard to make you site, but suddenly you cannot access it, no one can access it because people are linking to your backgrounds and images. It is against the law to do this, so when you copy and paste from another site you not only are breaking copyright laws you are in violation of bandwidth theft and this is ACTIONABLE in court. If you are caught stealing from a www site in this manner they can sue you for the money it costs them, even for lost time off line because when their sites are not working they are losing money. This is not the same if you have two sites at MSN groups and you store stuff on one site and paste it into another. This does not apply. It is only bandwidth thief in the groups if you copy and paste from a site without permission. So yes, you have have a work site and copy images to your main site. MSN groups official stance on one group stealing from another by bandwidth thieft is they are grouped in the same violation as copyright. The report goes to Weston, who is a Copyright Investigator at MSN. | |
| We have permission from many places to use their psp and we have all their banners and addresses in our banner and links boards on side bar. Disclaimer Any material that slips past the normal procedure of approval here that is copy written will be promptly removed or granted credit upon notification. |