Oki, aakiim, niisistowahsin (sisters/brothers),
Here are a few more blackfoot words to study and below you will find phonics for pronounciation:
innaap- east (e-n-n-a-a-pe)
waamsskaap-south (wa-ams-s-g-a-a-pe)
waami't-west (wa-ami---te)
sox, waapatohs-north (socs, wa-ap-at-och-s
apiit-sit (a-pi-it)
ksistsikoi-sky (ga-si-ste-si-ga-oi)
When pronouncing:
double vowels are meant to prolong the sound of that letter--ie.--aa = ah-ah
double consonants are meant to extend the consonent sounds--ie.--ss = esh-esh
most vowels are the short sounds but conotation can change it to the long vowel.
when there are three vowels the last will be accented ie,: aaahs (a-a-ai-ch-es)grandparent or
if there is a break in the word as na'a it is meant to pause before pronouncing the last sylible.
more to come...thank you greyfeather