The Sacred Chanupa
Having journeyed to the North on the Path of Knowledge and Wisdon, we can pause and contemplate the American Indians most treasured possession - The Sacred Pipe (Chanupa).
The Sacred Pipe is at the core of Medicine Teachings and ceremonies. It is a summation of the American Indians Wisdom and outlook on life, for the pipe is more than a spiritual tool, more than a ceremonial implement. It is even more than a symbolic representation of all that exists and share's a common source and common breath. For it contain's an 'Aliveness' that can unlock some of life's deepest mysteries.
The Sacred Pipe is made into two section's - the bowl and the detachable stem.. When not in use, the bowl and the stem are separated and carefully wrapped individually and carried in a hand made pipe bag.
The bowl, as it's shape suggests, symbolises the female aspect of divinity, and the stem symbolises the male aspect of divinity. The joining together of the stem and bowl is thus symbolic of a Sacred Act of Union.
The most favored material from which the bowl is carved or sculptured is a hard rock like substance called catlinite, but more popularly known as pipestone.
When the pipe is made and assembled, the pipe represents the four Kingdom's. The bowl, being made from Earth, represents the Mineral Kingdom; the stem, made out of wood, represents all that grow's - the Plant Kingdom. The feather's and fur that are hung from the stem when it is united with the bowl, represents the Bird's and Animal's - The Animal Kingdom. The Human Kingdom is represented by the person who made the pipe and by the one who put's it together and smoke's from it..
All the element's are also represented, Earth by the Tobacco and herb's that are smoked. Fire, by the Fire when it is alight. Air that is sucked into keep the smoking mixture alight, and water by the spittle, Aether is represented by the smoke.
The bowl also represents the Earth Mother and the stem represents the Sky Father. The pipe become's a bridge between the unmanifested, invisible, unchanging Spirit personified in the Father Sky, and the manifested, ever changing Spirit visible in nature as personified by the Earth Mother.
The Pipe is smoked for various purposes or intention's, and the number of filling's and the method will vary according to that intention.
Smoking the Sacred Pipe, is a very personal and profound experience. It is and act of communion which reache's out and embrace's all thing's in the manifestation, each puff of smoke represent's the breath of the Invisible made manifest and returning to invisibility.
Once you have shared in a Pipe Ceremony, the experience has only to be recalled to mind in moment's of difficulty or danger to release an abundance of love and power to augment your own. For wherever you are and whenever the time, it's blessing is Alway's with you.