Feathers are links to the forces of the air, and to spirit. They call the spirits of air into play. Many believe that spirits make themselves known to us in the form of birds. Many spirit totems that are birds are actually spirits of the air using the form of the bird to connect with us. Through feathers, we can call on the spirits of the air. We learn to make our wishes reality. Here is an honoring ceremony that will show you how to link to the powers of air, using feathers.
1. On a day when there is no wind, take a feather and sit under a tree.
2. Relax. Breathe in through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth. While you do this, allow your body to become relaxed.
3. Slowly raise the feather above your head with both hands.
4. Lower the feather until it is just in front of your mouth.
5. Gently blow upon the feather. As you do this, move the feather with your hand as if it is being carried away by your breath.
In just a few minutes, the spirits of air will become active. The tree leaves will rustle. You may see some leaves or dust swirl on the ground. A small breeze may pick up. Bird activity around you will increase.
Use this ceremony to get yourself in touch with the forces that are linked to feathers.