CHAURAUGOTCHE He was from the Middle towns, 1756. Called a very great warrior,
CHEESQUATALONE He was from the Lower towns, 1751-1754. Name defined as "Yellow Bird." Also called Cheeskiowee and Cuareto. The headman of the Lower towns. SEE: Yellow Bird of Estatoe.
CHEESTOO KAIEHRE 1730. Cherokee name, Old Rabbit, or Eleazer Wiggan. A Cherokee trader who served as interpreter on the trip to England in 1730. He began trading with the Cherokees in 1711. Due to his Cherokee name, he was probably adopted.
CHEKESAW He was from the Lower towns, 1755. He was Long Jack's brother, and was from Cheowee.
CHENALLOTEHE He was from the Lower towns. He was Tiftowe's brother and was from Keowee. The suffix "tehe," or "dihi' signifies killer.
CHENAWEE He was from the Valley towns. Believed to be the husband of Lucy Bryant, and son of the Cherokee trader, John Bryant of Bryant's Mountain near Tomassee. Chenawee was killed in the Battle of Horseshoe, du-ring Andrew Jackson's Creek War. His wife Aunooyohee drew a pension on his service. He may have been the son of John Bryant Sr
CHENESLEY He was from the Overhills, 1775. Supposed to have signed a deed at Sycamore Shoals.
CHEROKEE BILLY he was from the Overhills, 1774, He was a relative of Ostenaco who was killed in 1774.
CHETHEAKA He was from the Middle towns, 1753. A warrior from Stecoe River .
CHEULAR He was from the Overhills, 1761-1762. Cheulah or Tsula was defined as 'fox." When visited by Lieutenant Henry Timberlake in 1761, he directed the Eagle Tail Dance. He was the headman of Settico, and may be the Small Pox Conjuror.
CHEWEREECRA He was from the Middle towns. SEE: Mankiller of Nequassee.
CHICKASAW He was from the Overhills. A young Cherokee who served as Oconostota's messenger.
CHICKSAY He was from the Middle towns, 1751. He was known to protest the traders, and was from Stecoe.
CHICSATERE He was from the Overhills, 1700. Also called Bushyhead (Donodutu). He was the son of Caulanna (Raven) and the cousin of Oconostota. He was the brother of Savanooka. He married Nancy Foreman.
CHINORE 1759. Held as a hostage of the English at Fort Prince George and murdered in February 1760.
CHIOTLOHEE He was from the Middle towns, 1751. He killed the trader, Daniel Murphy.
CHISANAH 1759. Held hostage at Fort Prince George by the British and murdered in February 1760.
CHISTV 1759. 'Chistu" or 'Tsitu" was defined as rabbit. Held hostage at Fort Prince George by the British and murdered in February 1760
CHOOSAHETE He was from the Overhills, 1757. Associated with Cappee, and listed as young in 1757. He was from Settico.
CHUCATAH He was from the Overhills, 1761. He was visted by Lieutenant Henry Timberlake in 1761, and was from Settico. A brother was mentioned in 1765.
CHUCHECHE He was from the Middle towns, 1754-1755. The headman of Tuskasegee.
CHUGNONANTA He was from the Overhills, 1754- Also called Chugnonanta Tommy of Tenase. SEE. Little Carpenter.
CHURNROKEKE He was from the Lower towns, 1751.He was from Eustanally. One of nine leaders of the Lower towns.
CLENEWA He was from the Valley towns, 1754. The headman of Noyowe.
CLOCHUITA He was from the Lower towns, 1751. The headman of Estatoe.
CLOGITTAH He was from the Overhills,1730. Went on the trip to England in 1730. He was from Tenase.
CLOGOITASH He was from the Lower towns, 1751. Second rank headman in Estatoe.
CLUNLUSY He was from the Valley towns, 1761.Name defined as "Leech.' He was the son of the Long Dog of Nottley, and was killed in 1761.
COCKEYE WARRIOR He was from the Valley towns, 1757.
COLD WEATHER He was from the Overhills, 1760. He was from Chilohowie.
COLLANAH He was from the Overhills, 1684-1730. Name defined as "Raven." Also spelled Corani and Corane, and Kalanu. Signed the Treaty of 1684 with South Carolina . Went on trip to region England in 1730. He was Oconostota's uncle and Quatsis's brother. He was probably from Settico.
COLD IRON He was from the Overhills, 1756-1757. He was an English informer and a messenger from Chota to Lower towns.
COLINNA He was from the Overhills, 1750. Name defined as "Raven," in the Upper dialect. Served on Johnny of Tenase's council. One of the leaders of the Great Tellico faction.
COLLALONA He was from the Lower towns, 1757, The head warrior of Qualache.
CONASORATAH 1759. Held as a hostage at Fort Prince George by the English and murdered in February 1761.
CONENTACKSHIOWAY He was from the Lower towns, 1751.A headman in Estatoe.
CONJUROR He was from the Valley towns, 1730. The Conjuror of Tassetchee who met Sir Alexander Cumming at loree (Jore) in 1730.
CONNECORTE He was from the Overhills, 1753-1760. SEE: Old Hop.
CONOTACTCHE He was from the Lower towns, 1751. The headman of Tugaloo.
COOSAEKAH He was from the Lower towns, 1759. The prefix "Coosab" refers to Upper Creeks. The subject was either a <st1:place>Coosa</st1:place> or was a Cherokee who earned honors in battle against the Coosas. "Ekah" may be 'equa," defined as "big." He was the Second Man of Conasatchee (Sugar town), and was known to war against the French.
CORANESEE Collanah. Corane is the Lower dialect, and Collanah, the Upper dialect for "Haven."
CORLIONEGA He was from the Middle towns, 1755. He was from Tuskasegee.
COWEETATEECHEE He was from the Overhills. Name signifies Lower Creek (Coweta) origin. SEE: Oakehoge.
COWWONANNS He was from the Lower towns, 1756.
CUARTETO CHESKIOWEE He was from the Lower towns, 1751. One of the nine leaders of the Lower towns. SEE: Cheesquatalone (Upper dialect).
DICHITI He was from the Lower towns, 1753. A messenger to the Creeks from the Lower towns.
DREADFUL WARRIOR He was from the Middle towns, 1758. The principal man of loree (Jore).
FATT WARRIOR He was from the Overhills, 1757. He was from Chatuga.
FLINT 1713. He lived on Cussata River .
FRENCH JOHN He was from the Overhills, 1753-1757. A slave or adopted son of Old Hop, who served as the chief agent of the French from Fort Toulouse (Alabama) to Chota.
GOOD WARRIOR He was from the Lower towns SEE Warrior Of Estatoe
GOOD WARRIOR He was from the Lower towns SEE Warrior of Tugaloo.
GORRALEKE He was from the Lower towns, 1684 He signed the Treaty of 1684 with South Carolina, and was from Toxaway.
GOTTOMA He was from the Lower towns 1684, He signed the Treaty of 1684 with South Carolina , and was from Keowee.
GREAT CONJUROR He was from the Lower towns, 1753 Also called Sower tSour Hominy), He was 2nd rank over the Lowe- towns, and was from Keowee SEE Cannauaughto
GREAT ELK 1756. A Nuttewa (Nottowago or <st1:place>Nottoway</st1:place> ) Indian who led many ofhis tribe to the Cherokees in 1756 Then resided with the Cherokees for over a year. Organized groups of Cherokees to go to the French in Canada .
GREAT GISTOTE He was from the Lower towns, 1758 A head warrior of the English interest from Keowee.
GREAT WARRIOR he was from the Overhills, 1711-1783, SEE Aganstata.
HALFBREED TOM He was from the Lower towns, 1760 he was an associate of the Mankiller of Nequassee, and was from Keowee.
HALFBREED WILL He was from the Middle towns, 1759-1761 The headman of Nequassee. He was said to be a henchman for the Mankiller of Nequassee in 1760. In 1761, he was a part of the Little Carpenter's peace mission to the English at Charleston
HEAD BELOVED MAN He was from the Lower towns SEE Owasta of Toxaway.
HEADMAN He was from the Middle towns, 1754 Also called King of Nequassee
HEADMAN'S SON He was from the Middle towns, 1756 Possibly known as "Thigh," and was also called the, Headman of Nequassee's son. He served the English interests. taken prisoner by the Savannah tribe.
HEADMAN He was from the Valley towns, 1758 Called the Headman of Nottley
HEADMAN OF WRYOCHE He was from the Lower towns, 1754, He was from Keowee. Wryoche is also spelled Wohatche
HEADMAN OF WRYOCHE he was from the Middle towns, 1750- 1765. He was from Stecoe.
HEAD WARRIOR He was from the Lower towns, 1758 He was from Estatoe.
HOOTLEYBOYAW He was from the Lower towns 1717. The Warrior of Tugaloo,
HOWRUFTO He was from the Lower towns, 1751-1756 A headman in Keowee One of nine leaders from the Lower towns
HUGHES MARY She was from the Overhills, 1760-1761 One of thirty white prisoners held at Settico. Her husband, Bernard Hughes, was killed by the Cherokees. She was released, yet chose to stay and married her deceased husband's murderer.
IKEYOGUSTS He was from the Lower towns, 1'56 Also called Tellickconaeo He was the principal man in the Lower towns
ITOWA QUO He was from the Overhills, 1756 Listed as one of the six greatest headmen in the Overhills.
ITOWA RUFTO He was from the Lower towns, 1756
JACCUTEE He was from the Middle towns, 1751. A headman in Cowee.
JACOB THE CONJUROR He was from the Valley towns, 1730. Took part in arrangements for the trip to England in 1730, yet he did not go. Known as a Taseetchee leader before 1730, and was a close associate of Moytoy.
JAMEY He was from the Middle towns, I7, 51 Also called Jemmv The headman of Sarlacha or Oussazlay May have been Conjuror Jamie of Estatoe, in 1758
JOHNNY He was from the Overhills, 1741-1751. Also called Johnny of Tenase, Great Warrior of Tenase, Mankiller of Tenase (Tacite). A half breed. Served on Council of Ammouskossittee he was the son of Kittegunsta of Chota. Said to have died from a fever in 1749, yet records mention him after that Year. He was one of the leaders of the Great Tellico faction. A probable brother of Ostenaco and two others. Born before 1715.
JOHNS (Jones), LEWIS He was from the Lower towns, 1755. A half breed and interpreter between the Cherokees and Catawbas. May have lived in Catawba nation. Noted as a Pee Dee Indian.
KATACTOI 1759. Held hostage at Fort Prince George by the British and murdered in February 1760 |