Cherokee Moons - January - Month of the Cold Moon - du no lv ta ni
February - Month of the Bony Moon - ka ga li
March - Month of the Windy Moon - a nu yi
April - Month of the Flower Moon - ka wa ni
May - Month of the Planting Moon - a na a gv ti
June - Month of the Green Corn Moon - de ha lu yi
July - Month of the Ripe Corn Moon - gu ye quo ni
August - Month of the end of the Fruit Moon - ga lo nii
September - Month of the Nut Moon - du li i s di
October - Month of the Harvest Moon - du ni nv di
November - Month of the Trading Moon - nu da de qua
December - Month of the Snow Moon - v s gi ga
See New and Full Moons Date and Time:
2003-2004 - 2005 -2007 - 2008 - 2010