Famous Chiefs & Cherokees - Part 1
Cherokees Mentioned in Records Prior to 1775
ABRAM He was from the Overhills, 1751-1777. Cherokee name, Ooskiah, Ooskuah. Also called Old Abram of Chilohowie
AGANSTATA He was from the Overhills, Chota/Settico, Born: 1711, Died 1783. Name defined as 'Groundhog Sausage" and known as the Beloved Warrior, First Warrior, Great Warrior of Chota, Oconostota, and Skiagunsta Chota. The most powerful of all Cherokee warriors. His mother was Quatsis, and his brothers were Kenoteta, Mankiller of Settico, and Shallelocke Kittegunsta.
ALL BONES He was from the Lower towns, 1751. Cherokee name Kalahu, while others called him, Sawanugi or Shawano. The white people caIled him Sawnook and Flying Squirrel. He was the 2nd headman under Skiagunsta of Keowee. He was from Cheowee. One of the nine leaders of the Lower towns.
AMAKETAI He was from the Valley towns, 1754. Name defined as "Rain Conjuror" and also called Moytoy, the Bully, George, Mankiller of Hiwassee, Ootossetih, and Tossity. The son of Raven of the Valley, and brother of Pigeon, Skiakow, and Skienah. He was from Little Hiwassee of the Valley. He later moved to Great Tellico. He was a member of the Tellico faction. In 1761, he went with Little Carpenter's peace delegation to the English.
AMMOUSHOSSMEE He was from the Overhills, 1741-1757. Name defined as "Bad Water." Also called the Emperor of Great Tellico, the Emperor, and the Young Emperor. He was an English appointed ruler of the Cherokee nation to replace his deceased father, Moytoy who died in 1741. Born about 1730, probably in Great Hiwassee.
ANAKANO He was from the Middle towns, 1751. Also called Aneanoay, Annoconoay, and Great Canoe, He was from Conutroy. He took care of Bernard Hughes' horses.
ANAKANOE He was from the Overhills, 1751, One of the leaders of the Great Tellico faction.
ANDREW He was from the Valley towns.
ARCHER, JOHNNY He was from the Lower towns, 1761. A half breed. A messenger from Fort Prince George to the Overhills. He served the English interest.
ARNUT He was from the Middle towns, 1751. He was from Tuskaseegee.
ATORE EAK He was from the Lower towns, 1756. A headman.
BEAMER, THOMAS He was from the Lower towns, 1756. The half breed son of James Beamer of Estatoe. Later a trader in the Valley towns. An English/Cherokee interpreter. His grand- father was John Beamer, who came to the Overhills in 1699. French Hugetmot ancestry (Beamour). He was called a Mustee.
BENCH or BENGE He was from the Overhills, 1762. The name was actually Benge, and he was from Great Island town.
BIG HAVEN He was from the Overhills, 1757, Cherokee name@ Callonah equa. He was from Settico.
BIG SAWNY He wag from the Middle towns, 1760. Also called Captain Sawny, Great Sawny, and Sawney.
BLACK DOG He was from the Overhills, 1746-1757. Cherokee name, Gili-gunnage.Served on the Council of Ammouskossittee. He was from Chatuga.
BLACK DOG He was from the Valley towns, 1754-1757. Cherokee name, Gili-gunnage. A headman in Nottley of the Valley towns. He died in 1757. A friend of Governor James Glen of South Carolina. An associate of Moytoy of Little Hiwassee.
BLIND WARRIOR He was from the Overhills, 1746-1754. Also called Bread Slave Catcher, Breed Slave Catcher, Blind Slave Catcher, and Skiagunsta, Served on the Council of Ammouskossittee, and was the headman of Chatuga. Breed refers to the Breed Camp in central Alabama.
BLOODY FELLOW Cherokee name, Ninatoogah, or Nenetooyah.
BRANNON He was from the Lower towns, 1751. A half breed. May be Jesse Branham.
BROWN, JOHN He was from the Lower towns, 1754-1758. Also called Captain Brown. A half breed. He was a packhorseman for the Cherokee traders, and later a Chickasaw trader. He was a partner with Jerome Courtonne. Brother-in-law to the Beloved Warrior of Great Tellico. Possibly the son of John Brown of Virginia. Later lived at Creek Path (Alabama) in 1817.
BROWN, SAMUEL He was from the Lower towns, 1756. A Cherokee half breed. He was a Creek trader and served the French interest.
BRYANT, JOHN SR. He was from the Lower towns, 1754. A pack horseman and trader from Bryant's Mountain, near Tomassee (S.C.). He was of French Huguenot ancestry (de Bruyant). Killed as a Tory in 1781, by hanging. This trader is believed to have been the father of Chenawee of Hiwassee.
BRYANT, JOHN He was from the Overhills, 1775. A half breed. The son of Lucy Bryant (Catawba/Cherokee). This family was from the ancient Bear Clan (Anitsag-uhi) through Lucy Bryant. Lucy's Cherokee name may have been Aunooyohee. John married Frances Nance (French Huguenot). Then moved to Gibson County, Tennessee, yet returned to the Cherokee nation just before the removal. Died in Gibson County in IS56, and many of his descendants lived in Vinita, Oklahoma.
BRYANT, LUCY She was from the Overhills, 1757. A Catawba/Cherokee woman born about 1758, who later lived at Chunannee (Chenawee?) Creek in modern White County Georgia (Ca-1817, Reservation #91). She was the mother of John Bryant.
BULLEN, JAMES He was from the Middle towns, 1755-1756. A half breed. He held a commission from the Governor of North Carolina, and led a mission to the Northern Indians-
BULLHEAD He was from the Overhills. This heroic leader of the Cherokees drove the Creeks below Coosa River before 1730. This military victory was a celebrated event through 1775.
BULLETHEAD He was from the Overhills, 1751-1757. Cherokee name: Uskwalena, or Bullhead. Originally lived in Great Tellico, and later Tenase. A member of the Tellico faction. He served as Old Hop's speaker on behalf of Chota. May also be Big Bullet.
BUTLER, NANCY She was from the Overhills, 1756-1760. Cherokee name, ONinaa. An English informer who lived in Tellico. Worked with Fort Loudon. She was a half breed who was employed by Captain Raymond Demere at Fort Loudon.
CAJUR He was from the Lower towns, 1730-1754. He was from Keowee. Had a brother mentioned in 1730 who served the English interest.
CAIUKA He was from the Overhills, 1755. Name probably defined as Ground Squirrel. A warrior of the English interest from Chota.
CANACAUGHT He was from the Lower towns, 1684. Also called the Great Conjuror. Signed the Treaty of 1684 with South Carolina. He was from Keowee.
CANISTOGUE He was from the Overhills (Chatuga), 1758.
CANNAUAUGHTE He was from the Lower towns (Keowee).
CANORCORTURER He was from the Overhills, 1754-1760. SEE: Old Hop and Standing Turkey. Name defined as Standing Turkey (Kanagatoga).
CANTEATOY He was from the Middle towns, 1758-1759. Also called Cawlectoy. He was the 2nd highest warrior of Watoga.
CAPPEE He was from the Overhills, 1757-1761. This black man was the adopted son of Old Hop. He lived at Chota. In 1761, he lived in Tomatley, and went with Little Carpenter's peace delegation to the English.
CAPTAIN SENECREY 1751. A Seneca warrior who led twelve Seneca warriors to reside with the Cherokees in 1751. This group may have been associated with Seneca town of the Cherokee Lower towns.
CATHERINE She was from the Overhills, 1753. The daughter of Kingfisher and Nancy Ward.
CATUCHEE He was from the Lower towns, 1754. Also called the "Tail," or Utana.
CAUNASAITA He was from the Lower towns, 1684. Signed the Treaty of 1684 with South Carolina. He was from Keowee.
CEASAR He was from the Overhills, 1713-1775. Also called Captain Ceasar, Skiagunsta Ceasar, Old Ceasar, and the Triple-nosed Warrion He was a half breed. Served on the Council of Ammouskossittee. fie was the headman of Great Tellico. As a youth, he was held as a British slave by John Stephens. He spoke English well. He was from Chatuga. Had a brother mentioned in 1730.
CHACHETCHA He was from the Middle towns, 1751-1752. Also alled Chucheechee. He was a warrior from Tuskasegee of the Out settlements.
CHACONNUNTO He was from the Lower towns, 1756.
CHARITE HAGEY 1716-1718. Negotiated trade with South Carolina, and associated with Ceasar and Partridge.
CHAUNEE He was from the Lower towns, 1756. Also called Chauunnee. A principal man of the Lower towns.
CHAURAUGOTCHE He was from the Middle towns, 1756. Called a very great warrior,
CHEESQUATALONE He was from the Lower towns, 1751-1754. Name defined as "Yellow Bird." Also called Cheeskiowee and Cuareto. The headman of the Lower towns. SEE: Yellow Bird of Estatoe.
CHEESTOO KAIEHRE 1730. Cherokee name, Old Rabbit, or Eleazer Wiggan. A Cherokee trader who served as interpreter on the trip to England in 1730. He began trading with the Cherokees in 1711. Due to his Cherokee name, he was probably adopted.
CHEKESAW He was from the Lower towns, 1755. He was Long Jack's brother, and was from Cheowee.
CHENALLOTEHE He was from the Lower towns. He was Tiftowe's brother and was from Keowee. The suffix "tehe," or "dihi' signifies killer.
CHENAWEE He was from the Valley towns. Believed to be the husband of Lucy Bryant, and son of the Cherokee trader, John Bryant of Bryant's Mountain near Tomassee. Chenawee was killed in the Battle of Horseshoe, du-ring Andrew Jackson's Creek War. His wife Aunooyohee drew a pension on his service. He may have been the son of John Bryant Sr
CHENESLEY He was from the Overhills, 1775. Supposed to have signed a deed at Sycamore Shoals.
CHEROKEE BILLY he was from the Overhills, 1774, He was a relative of Ostenaco who was killed in 1774.
CHETHEAKA He was from the Middle towns, 1753. A warrior from Stecoe River.
CHEULAR He was from the Overhills, 1761-1762. Cheulah or Tsula was defined as 'fox." When visited by Lieutenant Henry Timberlake in 1761, he directed the Eagle Tail Dance. He was the headman of Settico, and may be the Small Pox Conjuror.
CHEWEREECRA He was from the Middle towns. SEE: Mankiller of Nequassee.
CHICKASAW He was from the Overhills. A young Cherokee who served as Oconostota's messenger.
CHICKSAY He was from the Middle towns, 1751. He was known to protest the traders, and was from Stecoe.
CHICSATERE He was from the Overhills, 1700. Also called Bushyhead (Donodutu). He was the son of Caulanna (Raven) and the cousin of Oconostota. He was the brother of Savanooka. He married Nancy Foreman.
CHINORE 1759. Held as a hostage of the English at Fort Prince George and murdered in February 1760.
CHIOTLOHEE He was from the Middle towns, 1751. He killed the trader, Daniel Murphy.
CHISANAH 1759. Held hostage at Fort Prince George by the British and murdered in February 1760.
CHISTV 1759. 'Chistu" or 'Tsitu" was defined as rabbit. Held hostage at Fort Prince George by the British and murdered in February 1760
CHOOSAHETE He was from the Overhills, 1757. Associated with Cappee, and listed as young in 1757. He was from Settico.
He was from the Overhills, 1761. He was visted by Lieutenant Henry Timberlake in 1761, and was from Settico. A brother was mentioned in 1765.
CHUCHECHE He was from the Middle towns, 1754-1755. The headman of Tuskasegee.
CHUGNONANTA He was from the Overhills, 1754- Also called Chugnonanta Tommy of Tenase. SEE. Little Carpenter.
CHURNROKEKE He was from the Lower towns, 1751.He was from Eustanally. One of nine leaders of the Lower towns.
CLENEWA He was from the Valley towns, 1754. The headman of Noyowe.
CLOCHUITA He was from the Lower towns, 1751. The headman of Estatoe.
CLOGITTAH He was from the Overhills,1730. Went on the trip to England in 1730. He was from Tenase.
CLOGOITASH He was from the Lower towns, 1751. Second rank headman in Estatoe.
CLUNLUSY He was from the Valley towns, 1761.Name defined as "Leech.' He was the son of the Long Dog of Nottley, and was killed in 1761.
COCKEYE WARRIOR He was from the Valley towns, 1757.
COLD WEATHER He was from the Overhills, 1760. He was from Chilohowie.
COLLANAH He was from the Overhills, 1684-1730. Name defined as "Raven." Also spelled Corani and Corane, and Kalanu. Signed the Treaty of 1684 with South Carolina. Went on trip to England in 1730. He was Oconostota's uncle and Quatsis's brother. He was probably from Settico.
COLD IRON He was from the Overhills, 1756-1757. He was an English informer and a messenger from Chota to Lower towns.
COLINNA He was from the Overhills, 1750. Name defined as "Raven," in the Upper dialect. Served on Johnny of Tenase's council. One of the leaders of the Great Tellico faction.
COLLALONA He was from the Lower towns, 1757, The head warrior of Qualache.
CONASORATAH 1759. Held as a hostage at Fort Prince George by the English and murdered in February 1761.
CONENTACKSHIOWAY He was from the Lower towns, 1751.A headman in Estatoe.
CONJUROR He was from the Valley towns, 1730. The Conjuror of Tassetchee who met Sir Alexander Cumming at loree (Jore) in 1730.
CONNECORTE He was from the Overhills, 1753-1760. SEE: Old Hop.
CONOTACTCHE He was from the Lower towns, 1751. The headman of Tugaloo.
COOSAEKAH He was from the Lower towns, 1759. The prefix "Coosab" refers to Upper Creeks. The subject was either a Coosa or was a Cherokee who earned honors in battle against the Coosas. "Ekah" may be 'equa," defined as "big." He was the Second Man of Conasatchee (Sugar town), and was known to war against the French.
CORANESEE Collanah. Corane is the Lower dialect, and Collanah, the Upper dialect for "Haven."
CORLIONEGA He was from the Middle towns, 1755. He was from Tuskasegee.
COWEETATEECHEE He was from the Overhills. Name signifies Lower Creek (Coweta) origin. SEE: Oakehoge.
COWWONANNS He was from the Lower towns, 1756.
From the Archives of Blue Panther Keeper of Stories.