Famous Chiefs & Cherokees - Part 2
CUARTETO CHESKIOWEE He was from the Lower towns, 1751. One of the nine leaders of the Lower towns. SEE: Cheesquatalone (Upper dialect).
DICHITI He was from the Lower towns, 1753. A messenger to the Creeks from the Lower towns.
DREADFUL WARRIOR He was from the Middle towns, 1758. The principal man of loree (Jore).
FATT WARRIOR He was from the Overhills, 1757. He was from Chatuga.
FLINT 1713. He lived on Cussata River.
FRENCH JOHN He was from the Overhills, 1753-1757. A slave or adopted son of Old Hop, who served as the chief agent of the French from Fort Toulouse (Alabama) to Chota.
GOOD WARRIOR He was from the Lower towns SEE Warrior Of Estatoe
GOOD WARRIOR He was from the Lower towns SEE Warrior of Tugaloo.
GORRALEKE He was from the Lower towns, 1684 He signed the Treaty of 1684 with South Carolina, and was from Toxaway.
GOTTOMA He was from the Lower towns 1684, He signed the Treaty of 1684 with South Carolina, and was from Keowee.
GREAT CONJUROR He was from the Lower towns, 1753 Also called Sower tSour Hominy), He was 2nd rank over the Lowe- towns, and was from Keowee SEE Cannauaughto
GREAT ELK 1756. A Nuttewa (Nottowago or Nottoway) Indian who led many ofhis tribe to the Cherokees in 1756 Then resided with the Cherokees for over a year. Organized groups of Cherokees to go to the French in Canada.
GREAT GISTOTE He was from the Lower towns, 1758 A head warrior of the English interest from Keowee.
GREAT WARRIOR he was from the Overhills, 1711-1783, SEE Aganstata.
HALFBREED TOM He was from the Lower towns, 1760 he was an associate of the Mankiller of Nequassee, and was from Keowee.
HALFBREED WILL He was from the Middle towns, 1759-1761 The headman of Nequassee. He was said to be a henchman for the Mankiller of Nequassee in 1760. In 1761, he was a part of the Little Carpenter's peace mission to the English at Charleston
HEAD BELOVED MAN He was from the Lower towns SEE Owasta of Toxaway.
HEADMAN He was from the Middle towns, 1754 Also called King of Nequassee
HEADMAN'S SON He was from the Middle towns, 1756 Possibly known as "Thigh," and was also called the, Headman of Nequassee's son. He served the English interests. taken prisoner by the Savannah tribe.
HEADMAN He was from the Valley towns, 1758 Called the Headman of Nottley
HEADMAN OF WRYOCHE He was from the Lower towns, 1754, He was from Keowee. Wryoche is also spelled Wohatche
HEADMAN OF WRYOCHE he was from the Middle towns, 1750- 1765. He was from Stecoe.
HEAD WARRIOR He was from the Lower towns, 1758 He was from Estatoe.
HOOTLEYBOYAW He was from the Lower towns 1717. The Warrior of Tugaloo,
HOWRUFTO He was from the Lower towns, 1751-1756 A headman in Keowee One of nine leaders from the Lower towns
HUGHES MARY She was from the Overhills, 1760-1761 One of thirty white prisoners held at Settico. Her husband, Bernard Hughes, was killed by the Cherokees. She was released, yet chose to stay and married her deceased husband's murderer.
IKEYOGUSTS He was from the Lower towns, 1'56 Also called Tellickconaeo He was the principal man in the Lower towns
ITOWA QUO He was from the Overhills, 1756 Listed as one of the six greatest headmen in the Overhills.
ITOWA RUFTO He was from the Lower towns, 1756
JACCUTEE He was from the Middle towns, 1751. A headman in Cowee.
JACOB THE CONJUROR He was from the Valley towns, 1730. Took part in arrangements for the trip to England in 1730, yet he did not go. Known as a Taseetchee leader before 1730, and was a close associate of Moytoy.
JAMEY He was from the Middle towns, I7, 51 Also called Jemmv The headman of Sarlacha or Oussazlay May have been Conjuror Jamie of Estatoe, in 1758
JOHNNY He was from the Overhills, 1741-1751. Also called Johnny of Tenase, Great Warrior of Tenase, Mankiller of Tenase (Tacite). A half breed. Served on Council of Ammouskossittee he was the son of Kittegunsta of Chota. Said to have died from a fever in 1749, yet records mention him after that Year. He was one of the leaders of the Great Tellico faction. A probable brother of Ostenaco and two others. Born before 1715.
JOHNS (Jones), LEWIS He was from the Lower towns, 1755. A half breed and interpreter between the Cherokees and Catawbas. May have lived in Catawba nation. Noted as a Pee Dee Indian.
KATACTOI 1759. Held hostage at Fort Prince George by the British and murdered in February 17160
KAHTAYAH She was from the Overhills. The daughter of Calaunna, and sister of Savanooka. Married Alexander Drumgould, and later, John Foreman.
KEALHARUFTEKE He was from the Lower towns, 1760. Also called Cheesquatalone (Upper dialect), Chesquoterone (Lower dialect), and Kealheyourough. He was murdered on 2 February 1760 as a hostage at Fort Prince George.
KEELEENAKASTA He was from the Overhills, 1751. One of the leaders of the Great Tellico faction.
KELLELUSSTEKEY He was from the Overhills, 1754. Also called Kerorostekee. One of two headmen from Telassee
KENOTCHTA He was from the Lower towns, 1756. An English medal chief, who went to Charleston, South Carolina with the Cherokee principal chief
KENOTETA He was from the Overhills, 17141-17571. Also called Rising Fawn Served on the Council of Ammouskossittee, and was of the English interest. He was Oconostota's brother and the son of the Small Pox Conjuror of Settico. He was from Settico
KEIZOROSTEKEE He was from the Lower towns, 17 56, Settled in Virginia back settlements in 1756
KILCANNOKEH He was from the OverhillB, 17,59 Signed treaty with with South Carolina in 1759. One of six Overhill leaders
KILLAQUE He was from the Overhills, 1757 Served the English interest, and was the Little Carpenter's brother. He was from Tuskasegee.
KILLIANCA He was from the, Overhills, 1759. When the Little Carpenter requested the release of several key Cherokee officials, who were held hostage at Fort Prince George, Killianca was released with Oconostota.
KINGFISHER He was from the Overhills, 1755. Cherokee name, Chutloh. Married Nancy Ward and had two children, Long Fellow and Catherine Died in battle against the Creeks in 1755, at Taliwa (Georgia). Here Nancy Ward took his weapon and defended his position, later being named War Woman of 'the tribe. Kingfisher was a member of the Deer clan, while Nancy Ward was said to be a member of the Wolf Clan.
KITTEGUNSTA He was from the Overhills, 1730-1768. Also called King of Chota, Prince (Kittegunsta) of Chota, and Shallelocke Kittegungta.2 Went on trip to England in 1730 and was the main speaker (Shaliloski, Shallelocke). He was the brother of Oconostota, and died about March 6,1768. He was from Chota.
KITTEGUNSTA He was from the Middle towns, 1751-1756. He took care, of,James Mays and Mr. McDaniel's horses, He was from loree (Jore) In 1756, he led a war party against the settlers of the Broad and Catawba Rivers in South Carolina.
KITTEGUNSTA He was from the Lower towns, 1730. The Prince of Tomassee, who was visited by Sir Alexander Cumming in 1730.
KNALANOY He was from the Middle towns (Conutroy), 1751.
LITTLE CARPENTER He was from the Overhills. Born: 1710, Died 1781. Also called Attakullakulla (Leaning Wood) Chugnonanto Tommy, Chukenanta Warrior, Little Cornplanter, Ookanaka (White Owl) of Natchey Creek, and Truconita. He was the Peace Chief of the Cherokee Nation. Served the English interest and was a medal chief. Went to England in 1730. He may have been a Nipissing Indian, according to statements made b his son, Turtle at home. He was the nephew of Movtoy and Old Hop, and the uncle of Nancy Ward. Dragging Canoe, Badger, and White Owl were his sons. Born about 1710 in either Canada or the Big Island of the French Broad River in Tennese. During his life, he lived in Natchey Creek, Tenase, Tornatley, and Toqua of the, Overhills. He was a member of the Wolf Clan
LITTLE CONJUROR He was from the Lower towns, 1751. Second headman over Keowee. One of nine leaders of the Lower towns.
LITTLE FELLOW fie was from the Overhills The son of Nancy Ward and Kingfisher. Also called Five killer. Born about 1753. He lived on Wilson Hill at Ocoee (Uwagahi).
LITTLE OWL He was from the Overhills. Cherokee name, Nahoolah. One, of Little Carpenter's sons
LITTLE RAVEN He was from the Overhills. SEEi Savanooka.
LITTLE TETHTOY fie was from the Lower towns, 1754, Name may be called nftowe. The headman of Keowee.
Estanaury (Estonoley).
LONG BEN He, was from the Lower towns lie was a Creek half breed who associated with the Lower and Valley towns.
LONG DOG He was from the Valley towns, 1761 Cherokee name, ganubidugili. lie was from Nottley.
LONG FELLOW lie was from the Valley towns, 1737. The son of Tame Doe and Sir Francis Ward, and brother of Nancy Ward Born about 1737 Born at Chota, and later lived on Ocoee River.
LONGJACK He was from the Lower towns, 1752-1756. Cherokee name, ganuhidutsani. Also called Johnny or Long Johnny. Associated with the Little Carpenter. lie was from Cheowee, though records also place him in Settico of the Overhills. In 1751, he was listed as being from Tenase,
LONG TOM He was from the Middle towns, 1761 Listed as a young Cherokee
LOTTA He was from the Lower towns, 1751 SEE Mankiller of Cheowee.
MANKILLER He. was from the Lower towns, 1751 Called Mankiller of Cheowee or Lotta.see.
MANKILLER He was from the Middle towns, 1751. Called Mankiller of Conutroy.
MANKILLER He was from the Middle towns, 1751. Called Mankiller of Cowee.
MANKILLER He was from the Lower towns, 1756-1761. Called Mankiller of Estatoe, and was the nephew of the Swallow Warrior. In 1761, he raided the Greeks, taking horses and prisoners.
MANKILLER He was from the Overhills, 1751-1757. Mankiller of Hiwassee. SEE: Amahetai.
MANKILLER He was from the Middle towns, 1758-1760. Also called Chewehe-echa. He was from loree (Jore), and records also place him in Nequassee.
MANKILLER He was from the Lower towns, 1761-1762. Called Mankiller of Keowee. Went with the Little Carpenter's peace delegation to the English in 1761.
MANKILLER He was from the Middle towns. Called Mankiller of Nequasee, and also called Classati.
MANKILLER He was from the Valley towns, 1751. Called Mankiller of Nottley, and was the headman of Nottley.
MANKILLER He was from the Valley towns, 1751. Called Mankiller of Noyowe, and was the headman of Noyowe.
MANKILLER He was from the Valley towns, 1730. Called Mankiller of Oconnie, who was visited by Alexander Cumming.
MANKILLER He was from the Overhills, 1751-1754. Called Lame Arm, First Man of Tellico, Mankiller of Settico, and Mankiller of Tellico. Served the French interest, and associated with French John and the Mortar. He was Oconostota's brother and the son of the Small Pox Conjuror of Settico.
MANKILLER He was from the Overhills, 1754. Called Mankiller of Slocke.
MANKILLER He was from the Middle towns, 1751-1759. Cailed Mankiller of Stecoe. He was the headman of Nequassee and Stecoe
MANIKILLER He was from the Overhills, 1754. Called Mankiller of Telassee, and was the headman of Telassee.
MANKILLER He was from the Overhills. Called Mankiller of Tellico. SEE Ostenaco.
MANKILLER He was from the Overhills, 1751. Called Mankiller of Tenase.
MANKILLER He was from the Overhills. Called Mankiller of Tomatley.
MANKILLER He was from the Overhills, 1753. Called Mankiller of Toqua.
MANKILLER He was from the Middle towns, 1759, Held hostage at Fort Prince George by the British and murdered in February 1760
MAY APPLE He was from the Lower towns, 1760. Associated wit the Mankiller of Nequassee, and was from Keowee
MOETOE He was from the Overhills, 1751. SEE Amahetai.
MORTAIR He was from the Oakecoys, 1754-1759. This Upper Creek warrior, named Yah Yah Tustanage, was Governor Louis de Kerelec's agent to Chota. He maintained a faction of Upper Creeks who associated with the Mankiller of Settico, Oconostota, Old Hop, and the Small Pox Conjuror of Settico. He was highly respected by the Chota people.
MOYTOY He was from the Lower towns, 1760. Called Moytoy of Keowee An associate of the Tail of Estatoe. He was from Keowee
MOYTOY He was from the Overhills, 1730-1741. The first English appointed ruler of the Cherokees. Originally from Little Hiwassee or Taseetchee of the Valley towns. He and Jacob the Conjuror were known as the leaders of Taseetchee. He was the brother of Old Hop and Little Carpenter's mother. He was known as the Rain Conjuror, and died in battle in 1741. He was originally the Head warrior of Tellico. He was appointed Emperor at Nequassee in 1730 by Jacob the Conjuror, and by election of the head chiefs. The title was called the Crown of Tenase.
MOYTOY He was from the Overhills, 1759. Called Moytoy of Settico or Moitoi He led nineteen warriors against the white settlements, and was pro-French.
NELLAWGITEHI He was from the, Lower towns, 1684. Signed the Treaty of 1684 with South Carolina. He was from Toxaway Name probably refers to Nottawago killer.
NETTAWAGETCHE He was from the Lower towns, 1753. Second headman of Toxaway. Name probably refers to Nottawago killer.
NICHOLEHE 1759. Held hostage at Fort Prince George by the British and murdered in February 1760.
NORRODELY He was from the Middle towns, 1752. He was from Stecoe,
NOTCHEE WARRIOR He was from the Overhills, 1751. Also called Tacit (Mankiller) of Natchey. He was the third rank headman of Great Iliwassee, and was originally from that place He later settled near Natchey Creek, Probably a Natchez Indian.
From the Archives of Blue Panther Keeper of Stories.