Famous Chiefs & Cherokees - Part 4
STANDING TURKEY He was from the Overhills. SEE: Old Hop.
STANDING TURKEY He was from the Overhills, 1754-1761. Cherokee name, Canorcortuker, Conocktoco, Cunnicatoka, Kanagatucko. He was the son of Old Hop, and appointed to take his father's position. Associated with Oconostota. He was from Chota. After Old Hop's death in 1760, he was appointed to take his rulership, by Oconostota. He was known as Ocayula or Oukah Ulah (ruler to be).
STICKOEE He was from the Middle towns, 1751 An English informer.
SUCKCORUFTEKE He was from the Lower towns, 1751. The headman over Tomassee. One of nine leaders of the Lower towns.
SUNARETEHEE He was from the Middle towns, 1760 Also called Sanaratehee. Was killed in the attack on Fort Prince George on 16 February 1760.
SUTICHETTCHEE He wag from the Middle towns, 1730 Also called Suttellitchee Went on trip to England in 1730. fie was a representative ofthe Old Warrior of-luskasegee, and from that town.
SUWEGAS He was from the Middle towns, 1751. Ile was from Eahhoay.
SWALLOW WARRIOR He was from the Lower towns, 1756-1757, He was the head warrior of Estatoe, and led 100 men to attack Fort Duquesne. Served the English interest.
SWANUGI Fie was from the Lower towns, 1751 Also called All Bones, Kalahu, and Skiagunsta of Cheowee.
TACITE OUSTENAIRA He was from the Lower towns, 1751 Tacite is defined as Mankiller (Tacite, Tossety, Tossity, and Otossity).
TAIL He was from the Lower towns, 1761. Cherokee name, litana. A half breed. Served in Oconostota's War of 1760. He was from Estatoe. Tail Benge later was called by this name, He spoke fluent Creek and was associated with Moytoy of Keowee, Known to attack the white settlers.
TALLICHAMA 1759. "Talli" is defined as 'two," Held hostage at Fort Prince George by the British and murdered in February 1760.
TALLITAHE 1759 . Name defined as "twokiller" Held hostage at Fort Prince George by the British and murdered in February 1760.
TAME DOE She was from the Overhills, 1738-1775. She was Little Carpenter's sister, and Nancy Ward and Long Fellow's mother. She married Sir Francis Ward.
TEETATELOSKI He was from the Overhills, 1761. Went with Little Carpenter's peace delegation to the English. He was from Settico.
TELLITLEHE He was from the Overhills, 1756. One of six great men of the Overhills.
TELLOQUOLUFTOKAY He was from the Overhills, 1730. A Tellico headman.
TENASE WARRIOR He was from the Overhills, 1730. He helped Moytoy and Alexander Cumming establish rulership over the Cherokees in 1730. May be Johnny of Tenase or Warrior of Tenase.
TERRAPIN He was from the Overhills, 1765. Also called Tuskasah of Chiles Tooch. He was Oconostota's son by his first wife, a Creek woman. Born in Chota about 1740.
TETHTOWE He was from the Lower towns, 1730. SEE: Tiftowe.
TETTATELASKI He was from the Overhills, 1761. Went with Little Carpenter's peace delegation to the British,
THICK LEGG WARRIOR He was from the Overhills, 1758- 1759.Served the English interest, and was from Chatuga.
THIGH He was from the Overhills, 1756-1759, Served as an interpreter between the Savannahs and Cherokees. Formerly a prisoner of the Savannahs, and was from Great Tellico. Associated with French John and Savannah Tom.
TIFTOA He was from the Overhills. SEE: Willenawah.
TIFTOWE He was from the Lower towns, 1730-1761. Also called Teptoa and Old Tiftowe, Went on trip to England in 1730. He was a headman in Estatoe. Also listed from Keowee. Served the French interest and Oconostota in 1760.
TISTOEE He was from the Overhills, 1761. He was an old man from Tomatley.
TOHANORAWIGHTON He was from the Overhills, 1762. Went to England in 1762 with Ostenaco and Lieutenant Henry Timberlake.
TOLLITCHE 1751. SEE: Suttellitichee.
TONY OF CHOTA He was from the Overhills, 1760. Died of smallpox as a hostage at Fort Prince George in February 1760.
TOSSETTEE He was from the Overhills. SEE: Mankiller of Telassee.
TOSSETY He was from the Overhills. SEE: Mankiller of Settico.
TOTAIAHHOI 1759. Held hostage at Fort Prince (' George by the British and murdered in 1780.
TOTTERSHALL He was from, the Lower towns, 1755. Served the English interest, and was a messenger from Keowee to Chota.
TSIYUGUNSINI He was from the Overhills, 1775. Name defined as "Dragging Canoe." He was Little Carpenter's son, and from Great Island.
TULLITHUSSQUE He was from the Lower towns, 1756. A headman in the Lower towns-
TUSCOLOSO He was from the Overhills, 1759 Worked with Greeks against the English traders. He was from Settico.
UCANOREACH He was from the Overhills, 1753. A deputy of Old Hop who associated with Little Carpenter for Chota's benefit.
UCONACO He was from the Lower towns, 1756. A headman in the Lower towns.
UKANTA He was from the Overhills, 1751. A headman in Chota. The name probably signifies Ogana or Groundhog. Possibly Oconostota.
UKEYOUROUGH A headman in the Lower towns, 1756.
UKWANEEQUA He was from the Overhills, 1730, Supposed to have, went on the trip to England in 1730.
ULOFTA He was from the Overhills, 1751. A headman of an Overbill town. One of the leaders of the Great Tellico faction.
UNANIKALLAREE He was from the Overhills, 1751. A headman of an Overhill town. One of the leaders of the Great Tellico faction.
USLUNECUS He was from the Overhills (Tenase), 1754,
USTENEUE He was from the Overhills (Tuskasegee), 1754.
WARD, NANCY She was from the Overhills, 1755-1775. Known as Ghighau, Nanyehi, War Woman, Most Beloved Woman . After 1755, she led the women's war council. She was Tame Doe's daughter, and Little Carpenter's niece. Raised by Oconostota and Lucy Ward. She married Kingfisher, and later Bryant Ward. She was from Chota, and later Womankiller Ford. Born in 1738 at Chota and died in 1822 an Ocoee River, A member of the Wolf Clan.
WARRIOR OF ESTATOE He was from the Lower towns, 1753- 1761.Cherokee name, Ecuwe. Also called the Old Warrior of Estatoe, Ayatsigi (Warrior). The head warrior of the Lower towns. Went with the Little Carpenter's peace delegation to the English in 1761.
WARRIOR OF NOITLEY He was from the Valley towns, 1751.Cherokee term for warrior, 'Ayatsigi.'
WARRIOR OF STECOE He was from the Middle towns, 1760. Died as a hostage at Fort Prince George on 8 February 1760 at 7:00 P.M.
WARRIOR OF TENASE He was from the Overhills, 1754-1755. A warrior from Tenase.
WARRIOR OF TOMATLEY He was from the Overhills, 17 54-1755 A headman in Tomatley.
WARRIOR OF TOOGALOO He was from the Lower towns, 1751. Also called the Good Warrior or Old Warrior.
WARRIOR OF TOQUA He was from the Overhills, 1754. A headman of Toqua
WAUTEKA He was from the Middle towns Ioree, 1759.
WHITE, ANDREW He was from the Lower towns, 1751-1752. A half breed from Keowee. He killed an Englishman at the Occonies. In 1752, he was held as a prisoner of the English.
WHITE OWL He was from the Middle towns, 1761. Called the King of Kituwah, and killed on 29 May 1761 in battle.
WHITE OWL He was from the Overhills, 1757. Cherokee name Ookoonaka. A young warrior and son of Little Carpenter. He was &om Toqua and later atchey Creek.
WHITE OWL He was from the Lower towns, 1761. He was a diplomat of Oconostota, who was sent to demand peace with the English in 1767 He was from Toxaway.
WHOATEHE 1759. Held hostage at Fort Prince George by the British and murdered in February 1760.
WHOKLORER He was from the Lower towns, 1754. A headman over Keowee.
WILLENAWAH He was from the Overhills, 1751-1777. Also called Gray Eagle, Great Eagle, Tiftoa, Woolenawah, and Woolochuoah. He was from Tenase and later Great Tellico. A warrior.
WOHACHE He was from the Lower towns, 1748-1757. Also called Ohatchee, Wawhatchee, Wayayochy, Wryoche, and Yorhatche. A headman over three Lower towns. He served as a speaker for Lower towns, and was against the English interest. He was from Keowee. He replaced Skiagunsta of Keowee as the head warrior of the Lower towns in 1753. As a young warrior (1748) he lived in Conasatchee (Sugar Town). In 1756, he attempted to separate the Lower towns from the authority of Chota.
WOLF He was from the Lower towns, 1756-1761. Cherokee name Waya. A head warrior in the Lower towns. Associated with Willenawah, and was from Keowee.
WOLF KING He was from the Overhills, 1760. He went with the Old Warrior to New Orleans in 1760, to request presents from the French.
YACHTANNO He was from the Lower towns, 1759. He took English scalps on the Broad and Catawba Rivers, and was an associate of Saloue (Seroweh). He was from Estatoe.
YACHTINO He was from the Overhills, 1757-1762. Also called Youghtanno. In 1757, he led forty warriors from Chilohowie and Telassee against Fort Duquesne. He was visited by Lieutenant Henry Timberlake in 1762, and was from Chilohowie.
YAHOKA He was from the Lower towns, 1753. A headman in Keowee.
YELLOWBIRD He was from the Lower towns, 1751-1754. Cherokee name Cheesquatarone. He was from Estatoe. One of the head warriors of the Middle towns. He was from Ioree (Jore) or Watoga.
YORHATCHE He was from the Lower towns (Toxaway), 1753.
YOROGOTOGASKEE He was from the Lower towns, 1717. He received presents from the British in South Carolina.
YOUNG TWIN He was from the Lower towns, 1760. Little Carpenter accused him of murders, and turned him over to the English. This was to get the release of several key chiefs held at Fort Prince George. Associated with the Slave Catcher of Conasatchee (Sugar Town).
YOUNG WARRIOR He was from the Lower towns, 1761-1766. He was a young warrior from Estatoe, and against the English interest.
Reposted with Permission from Tiger Lilli Sakima
From the Archives of Blue Panther Keeper of Stories.