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What a beautiful concept: to spread loving peace with every step. The Native American Teacher, Oh Shinnah, says that city sidewalks contain many fragments of crystals, and that these crystals pick up the frame of mind, heart, and spirit with which we walk on them and then transmit them to others. If we keep this in mind, Simple Giving becomes an even more powerful practise. Try this simple Walking Prayer. As you pass people, animals, trees, or any beings, silently send out love from your heart. Be aware that the Great Spirit is continually pouring Unconditional Love through you to everyone you see and through everyone else as well. However, it’s up to us to take that vibratory energy and willingly project it out to others. Watch your thoughts, let judgments go, and just feel love, serenity, and joy radiating out to all who come near you. It is easier to be in this giving vibratory state when you are silent. Once you begin to communicate verbally with others, it becomes more difficult. But the silent giving exercise helps us all to develop the ability so that we can use it when we are talking as well. |
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It's strange that you mention this, ShawneeFireBird, but that's exactly what I was doing as I drove to my friend's house this morning. Not only do I do it while I walk but I do it while driving. I spend a lot of time in my car waiting for traffic lights and such here in Dallas. I started using the time to send love out to everything as I travel, even the other travelers around me. It is the most amazing feeling. I also asked for protection from the Winged Ones as I drove to my friend's house because it's quite a distance away. I saw all kinds of birds like cardinals, mockingbirds and even a scissortail flycatcher. I sent them all love to thank them for guiding and protecting me. I never feel alone, no matter where I go. Peace to you, Sister. |