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When you find yourself using the word “can’t�?/B>, try substituting the word “won’t�?and notice how the energy shifts; now, you’re taking responsibility in the situation. “I can’t carry that heavy basket!�?becomes a lot more empowering when you change it to “I won’t carry that heavy basket.�? Now you’re making a conscious choice. You can try the same thing with should, another disempowering word. Should is laden with guilt. “I should clean the house,�?or “I really should go on a diet.�?BR>Be empowered. “The house needs cleaning, but I want to go to that event. I’ll clean it tomorrow,�?or, “I’d love to lose some weight, but I’m not ready to commit. After the holidays I’ll get serious.�? These are examples of empowered choices - but it’s important to act on the choices you make. If you decide to put something off until another time, follow through when the time arrives. You’ll be surprised at how confident and powerful you become. |
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| | From: free4vr | Sent: 5/12/2008 5:59 AM |
..... perfecto !!! a light bulb just went on ..... how truly amazing changing one word can make a difference .... i will attempt to use this philosophy in my every day life ...
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I think I'll try the can't/won't thing today. Thanks. hugs Jacquie |
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I've always been a strong believer in what you have said. It is amazing what we can do when we believe in ourselves and learning to say no is an important part of believing in yourself. Its easier to say "I can't" because some people do not like to hear you say "I won't" but in the end if you do this they learn to respect your bounderies. No one can truly treat us with respect until we treat ourselves with respect. If we refuse to see and understand ourselves, how can anyone else no matter how hard they try? Instead they stumble in the dark trying to give us what they think we need. PJ |
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