First befor I got to far I'm not sure if all of my questions can be answered but if not I do understand .
1.) How do I know What Clan I am ?
2.) How do I get my " indian " name ?
3.) Is it safe to try to dicipher my own dreams or should I ask someone else to help me figure out what they mean ?
4.) Is it ok that I have been smudging myself for years and am I doing it right ?
A.) I use tobacco , White sage and cedar
B.) I start by asking the great spirit for guidence and protection and asking for my ancestors to help me to clean my soul .
C.) I then start facing the east and move clockwise to the So. We. then the No and back to the east asking mother earth to lend my her bounty to clean my soul .
D.) Then I light in a shell my tobacco , sage , and cedar and fan it form my feet to my neck reaching all sides of my body to the best of my ability then use my left hand to scoop the smoke over my head then I let the feelings that are bad leave me while the shell slowly burns out .
E.) then I start facing the east again thanking the mother earth ,Great Spirit , and my ancestors for their help and guidance then go counter clockwise to the No ,We, So. then back to the east to release all in my circle .
Thank You for your time and patients
Alissa Wild