Siyo Elders,
At this point I have a few questions. I hope it is alright to gather them in one post.
1. When I use my drums, my voice to sing and my flutes I ask the Four Winds, Father Sky and Mother Earth, the Forefathers and all the Nations of Animals, Plants and Minerals to support and help me in what I am doing. Then I focus on the people, the issues or the situations that I request help or guidance for. When I drum, sing and play the flute I am hollow to receive. When I close I thank all the Spirits and Forces that were present and ask them to go home.
Is this in the traditional way also acceptable as prayers?
2. Usually I make my own instruments because I feel the love, respect and care of making adds to their sacredness. There is one drum I bought though because there was this instant connection. Can I use the same way of blessing the drum as explained in the pipe carrier?
3. When an instrument is made in this way and is given as a present, can I ask the instrument to guide the person who receives it? The instrument is alive and also carries the spirits of the tree and the animal it was made of.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and advise.
With love and respect - wado