Indians Gift to the World Have you ever stopped to think just what the Indians have contributed to the the world??
Way back when the Europeans first came here, they found that some of the Indian tribes had set up a government for their tribes. They had been used to a country run by Monarchy. It wasn't long before even the U.S. was using the methods of the Indians to control the 13 colonies.
Their biggest contribution has been in the field of medicine.
A group of army recruits were dying off from"scurvy", Thinking the Indians gave it to them they banned the Indians from the Fort. When one of them noticed that the men who were sick among the Natives recovered while the soldiers died. When questioned on how they were treated, the Indians showed them the bark and needle tea they made from the Hemlock or Pine trees.This gave them huge doses of Vitamin C. Of course testing was done by the U.S., and they decided to use citrus on ships instead, but the idea and cure came from Indians.
Then we go to Timbuktu where the Natives there drank a tea from a tree that kept them from getting Malaria. Our Quinine came from this finding by the Indians.
Ipecac came from the roots of a certain tree. Used by the Indians, it caused a person to expell poisons accidentally ingested. It is used today in hospitals around the world.
The Incas used sea Kelp and never had goiter problems. Now it is shipped around the world for it's Iodine
Pinkroot was used for intestinal worms in Natives
Dogwood can reduce fevers. One tree gave the ingredients that led to acidysalicylic acid where we get Aspirin. It was used for fever,headaches and minor pain in the Natives,long before it became Aspirin.
Arrow tips were painted with a gum substance that paralyzed their enemy, now it's the relaxant for surgerys everywere. It relaxes the strong muscles and makes surgery less complicated.
The list goes on and on. So the savages weren't so unknowledgable after all. We can still teach many things if the chance were given