I speak from the exalted, and somewhat lofted, position of old age as I sit here upon the hill of life. Having already achieved a long and fruitful existence upon these most sacred lands, it is a position from which I can now look back, with the aid of hindsight, when trying to measure the core of my existence. The paths that I have travelled in both my childhood and my youth were ones that had been chosen for me by those who wished to guide me in my pursuit of becoming a true Human Being. The paths that I followed in adulthood were chosen by me, and which have led me to this place and time.
In the beginning the paths were both long and winding, stretching without restriction far across the wide-open spaces of the plains. Upon which the buffalo herds roamed in ever increasing numbers, the herds numbering the same as the grains of sand that make up a desert, for they stretched from one horizon unto the other. During the journey of my youth I came to know each blade of grass, every bush and tree, each of my four legged brothers that shared these lands with me, as well as all the streams and rivers, from which I could draw water and quench my thirst.
I was taught how to hunt the animals that the Great Spirit placed here for me. For to survive upon the plains my body needed the strength gained from eating their meat. The courage that their powerful medicine offered to one wise, and respectable, enough to be able to hunt them down and kill them and then honour them in death. The warmth from their hides helped protect me against the sharp coldness of the long white winter moons. Their hides were also made into a tipi, in which I could live and raise my family.
As I grew, in both body and mind, I was also taught to respect the Earth for I was told that she was my mother. Therefore during my life journey and wanderings upon the Earth I was to ensure that wherever I went, whatever I did, and whatever I touched, nothing I encountered would be moved or changed. For each individual thing that I was to encounter had been placed there by the Great Spirit for a purpose.
For he was Father to all the living things upon these lands. Stories were told of how, long ago, within the dark fertile womb of the earth the Great Spirit breathed life into our Mother and the first Human Beings were born. And so, it was also foretold, when we completed the circle of life we were to be buried upon the belly of our Mother so that she may once again take our spirits into her womb so that through her we may be born again. For my religion has taught me that all true Human Beings will be reborn. To live once again upon these most sacred lands. These things I did learn when I was young and these things I still believe in now during the sun set of my life. Life was peaceful then and the Great Spirit provided plenty for his children. The colours of this time still shine brightly within my heart.
I took a wife, Morning Mist, and in time she proved to be as fertile as the lands on which we lived. With hides from a buffalo hunt I built a new tipi in which we were to live within the village of our people. Soon within her womb, one after the other, three children grew. Two strong sons and one daughter.
I watched with great pride as my two sons grew into fine young men and great warriors, Running Bear and Yellow Hand had, with time and careful nurturing, become true Human Beings and my heart soared like a bird in the clear blue sky above, such was my joy. My daughter grew to be as beautiful as her mother.
In time the young men of the village came with offerings in the hope of making her their wife. I knew that soon White Cloud would lose her heart to someone. A fine young warrior would come and steal her love and her heart away from me. Each time a young man approached and offered gifts I would look into my daughter’s eyes for a sign of her approval. For I had learned from when she was a child that her eyes always told the truth of what was in her heart. Each time her eyes would reflect the disappointment in the one whom now pursued her, and so I would refuse their gifts and send them away.
Then early one morning a young warrior, Running Antelope, a boy whom I had watched grow alongside my own two son's came to our tipi. He cried out his intentions so that the entire village would hear. He was both handsome and brave and stories were already being told of his exploits upon the field of battle. I knew in my heart upon hearing his cries the moment that I had been dreading had finally came for I saw the excitement pounding within White Cloud’s breast at the sound of his voice.
As I climbed out of the tipi I saw the four ponies, painted and decorated in the finest manner, that Running Antelope had brought as a gift in exchange for my daughter. Turning slowly back towards the tipi I saw White Cloud, in the arms of her mother, looking out from the entrance and it was then that I saw the look of love burning within her eyes for this young warrior now standing before me. Although it felt as if an arrow had pierced my heart I took the ponies in exchange for my beloved daughter. The whole village danced and sang with joy for they saw this as a good union and one which could bring only happiness to our people.
The passage of time did not help heal the loneliness that Morning Mist and I now felt when we were alone in our tipi. Our children were gone and the days seemed longer and the nights therefore more empty. The colours of my heart were awash with the tears that my wife cried at this time. Although our children remained within the village they were now leading their own separate lives. Then our world changed yet again when first our sons, then our daughter, presented us with grandchildren. Oh! How our hearts soared! We were happy to hear the sound of young children’s laughter in our tipi once again. And from this time, during my long circle of life, the colours in my heart have never shined more brightly.
But then there came a time when my path was crossed by one whom, I thought, could bring only bad medicine with his presence upon my lands. In my younger days, as a child, I had feared the image of this person for he was not like me. He did not live the ways of the Human Beings. I had heard the stories, whilst seated around the glow of the campfire late at night, but I had not believe them. My young mind could not comprehend that such a hideous creature actually existed. Yet later, when I eventually saw him in the full light of day, a new fear arose within me. I wondered whether he had come to disturb the happiness that I had found in my old age?
The colour of the skin of this man, when separated from his clothing is as white as snow. And hair covers the lower half of his face. To my old eyes he seem to be more bear than man. The smell that emanates from his body made me sick to my stomach, and still does just at the thought of it. And the fleas that infested both his body and clothing still staggers me to this day. The first time I encountered him was when I was returning to the village after having met my Spirit Guide in the Sacred Black Hills.
I saw him wondering aimlessly, on foot, across the plains as I sat upon the crest of a hill pondering who he was and why he was there. It soon became clear that whatever else he was doing he was hopelessly lost. For I could see that he had no idea in which direction he should be travelling. He appeared to be alone. And so I therefore approached him with caution.
At first I could see that he was frightened by my sudden and unexpected appearance. The look in his eyes showed his fear, although he tried to conceal this from me, but I could see. I could also tell that he was in too weak a state to offer me any real danger. So I climbed down from my pony, it immediately backed away from him with a snort because of the disgusting smell from his sweaty body, I, however ignored the stink, and walked slowly towards him. He stood unsteadily upon his feet watching me closely. I raised my hand in greeting as I smiled across at him. He appeared to understand that I meant him no harm and a smile creased his dry cracked lips. He spoke to me but I did not understand his strange words. Slowly he realised his error and giving the matter some thought suddenly began to make gestures with his hands. I watched slightly puzzled by his actions.
Then I slowly realised what it was he was doing! He was trying to sign to me that he needed water. I quickly went to my pony and brought back the water that I was carrying in a buffalo bladder. He took this from me and falling to his knees tried emptying the entire contents into his open mouth. I sat down on the ground close to him and watched the trickle of water dripping down from the hairs on his face onto the dust-covered shirt that he wore.
He pulled the covering, a wide brimmed hat, from his head and I was astonished to see a white band of skin high up on his face. It appeared to me that someone had tried to scalp his forehead instead of his hair, taking the sun tanned skin instead. I quickly lowered my eyes before he realised I was watching him for it could be considered rude, amongst my own people, to stare at someone so unfortunate as he. I waited until he was comfortable upon the ground opposite me before I offered him some dried meat. He nodded his thanks as he took it. I watched him look at the meat before taking a careful bite, and then he slowly chewed. I think he was a little surprised just how good it tasted, for a puzzled expression came over his face, and then he sat there eating hurriedly. I watched in subdued silence until he had finished for I was eager to find out all I could about this strange man who was cutting his own path across my lands.
The sun had started its decent in the evening sky, before long it would be too dark to continue on with my journey, I knew that a campfire would be needed to keep away the coldness of the long dark night. We would both be sleeping beneath the stars this night. He seemed to sense what I was doing for no sooner had I started to gather brush and old dried branches together for a fire he, without words or signs from me, sprang to his feet and started to help. When the wood was piled ready for the fire he brought something from out of his pocket and instantly had a small fire burning on a small stick that he held between his fingers. I watched amazed as he lowered the flame to the twigs. Soon the fire was burning brightly sending out both light and warmth.
I must have expressed the wonderment that I felt upon my face for he soon offered me one of the firestick’s. I took it and looked closely at the small thin stick that I now held whilst trying to figure out how the magic of the stick worked. He spoke again but only the sound of his voice drew my attention to him for I still did not understand his words. He smiled across at me as he slowly dragged another stick across a small rock by his feet. It too burst into a small flame. I lowered my own firestick and did the same upon a rock close by me. I then sat holding my own flame close to my face, staring at this instant fire, until it quickly burned itself out. Looking at the thin blackened wood I reached down to strike it once more against the rock. A strange sound filled the still night air.
The strange creature sitting opposite me was laughing at my intended action in trying to re-light the stick. At first I was angered and puzzled by his reaction. I looked again at the blackened firestick and slowly realised that the power of its magic must have all been used up. I allowed the stick to fall to the ground. Seeing that he had caused me some discomfort he pulled more from out of his pocket and handed them across to me with a smile and a nod of he’s head. I quickly took the sticks from him and placed them safely away inside my medicine bundle. With the acceptance of the gift I thereby allowed his slight against me go unanswered.
We sat together long into the night, each attempting to make signs for the other to read and understand, it was a long drawn out process. Then somewhere in the darkness of the night, our black shadows thrown out across the dark expanse around us by the yellow tongues of light from the fire, I think we began to communicate and understand each other. He told me he was a hunter of sorts. Following the buffalo herds. It was during his last hunt that a wounded buffalo charged at him as he was seated upon his pony. It killed the pony beneath him and knocked him to the ground! When he awoke his pack mules had wondered off, thereby, stranding him in the middle of the wilderness for me to find.
I told him that I also was a hunter. I tried to explain about the buffalo and the way it helped me live my life upon the plains. He asked me how many of them I killed during one hunt and I think he was surprised when I told him that I only killed those that I, or members of my village, could eat before the next hunt. My heart felt heavy when he told me that he only killed the buffalo for its hide. It seemed that he did not eat the meat. I asked him why he did not eat the meat? Was it because he needed the hides to build a big lodge? To my further surprise he told me that he did not need the hides to make a tipi in which to live. For living he would cut down the trees upon the plains and use them to build his lodge. It did not seem to matter to him that he was making changes without giving any thought to those who’s lands he was on.
I confess that when he tried to explain to me why he needed so many hides my mind could not comprehend the strange ways and actions of this creature sitting opposite me. He pulled a small leaf from out of his pocket and held this up for me to see. This I think was his reward for so many hides. The leaf was thin and crisp and bore pictures and symbols that meant nothing to me. It did not appear much of a reward to me although he appeared quite pleased to own such a thing. I pretended to watch until he had finished, but my heart was heavy, I could not shake from my mind the image of this person causing great destruction upon the lands and killing for the sake of obtaining a decorated leaf. It was painfully obvious that he held no feelings or thoughts for those around him. It was then that I made up my mind that as soon as he was asleep I would leave this creature just where I had found him. For I was sure, not only was he lost upon this earth, but he must also be lost within his mind and in his heart as well.
I then began to yawn and stretch, hoping to make it appear obvious that I was now tired and ready for sleep, and to my delight he began to yawn also. We both lay down and soon I could hear a deep breathing sound coming from him. I slowly sat up and looked across at him. He did not move. I rose to my feet and carefully made my way to where my pony was tethered.
I ventured forth into the night, wanting to put enough distance between myself and the strange heartless creature that I had found. When, two moons later, I entered the village of my people my heart was still heavy from my encounter. I did not speak of what I encountered for I did not want the sour taste of the words upon my tongue.
However, since that time I often reflect upon the sight that I had seen especially when I have my grandchild upon my knee. Hearing the sound of their laughter fills my heart with love and then I get to thinking that maybe I should have rubbed the white man out. Taken his scalp as a warning to all those who might follow. Protect the land and the people that I love so much against the white mans contamination. I do not know whether I done right by showing him the kindness of my people, only time will tell, but I hope I do not come to regret the errors of my way!