"Talking Leaves" was the name Sequoyah (George Guess), a Cherokee from the Overhill area, used to describe the pages of books. They were his inspiration to develop the Cherokee Syllabary (writing system).
WKI's "Talking Leaves" is designed to provide you with lists of books, e-texts (online books), newspapers, e-zines (online newspapers & magazines), listserves (e-mail discussion groups), and other resources, all of which carry the messages of many Native Americans and Native American organizations. Articles here and in the various newsletters reflect current issues important to Native America, as well as providing glimpses into the traditions of the many Nations represented.
Keeping up on current events in Native America helps young people begin to understand what it is like to grow up in a culture other than their own. It also helps them understand the many issues that all cultures have in common ... lack of adequate food and shelter, rising and falling economies, employment, education, substance abuse prevention, the environment, political reform, and so on. By learning about both shared issues and issues unique to Native America, we begin to learn from each other and to find a common ground on which we can build friendship, trust, and cooperation.
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</SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT></NOSCRIPT> Note to parents, educators, advisors and youth group leaders
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