Fourth Generation This is my family file my grandmother Bertha Franklin she was the daughter of John Franklin and Fetna Goin she was Cherokee but I am looking for other lines of the Tribes in My ancestry most of this info is at Ancestry Family Trees could someone help me find the rest of my Indian ancetors or know anything about the names listed here to the Native American Indians.Wado Little Eagle.
</DIR> 8. Samuel Jarrell was born about 1852. He married Martha Underwood on 18 Jan 1870 in Patrick Co.VA.
<DIR> I have marriage lis. for Samuel Jarrell and Martha Underwood I have census records from 1880 census
records from 1860 in Va.
</DIR> 9. Martha Underwood 1 was born2 in 1850.
<DIR> I have marriage lis to Samuel Jarrell census records for1880
</DIR> 10. John Walker Franklin was born on 26 Jan 1855 in Appomattox Va. He died on 21 Jun 1934 in Appomattox Va. He was buried in Liberty Baptist Cememtary Appo.Va. He married Fettna Ellen W. Goin about 1880 in Appomattox Va.
11. Fettna Ellen W. Goin was born in 1864 in Buckingham ,VA. She died about 1901/1906.
<DIR> She is seen on 1880 census record living next door to her Father (Doctor Merry)Daniel M.Goin she is
married to John Walker Franklin she is 16 years old they are listed as F.E.W.Franklin and J.W.Franklin
have the marriage lis of Bertha Fidlelia Franklin her daughter she is listed on the marriage lis as her
mother with John Walker Franklin as father.
</DIR> 12. (Silas?)Samuel Benjamin Giles was born about 1855. He died on 21 Feb 1935 in Appomattox,Va.. He was buried in Mann Cemetary in Appomattox,Va. He married Cora Rutledge.
<DIR> I have a copy of his death certificate Source Richmond,Va Vital Records and he is seen on 1880 census
and 1860 census in Va.He is also seen on 1910 Census Roll 1620 South Side Township, Appomattox, Va
Household #142 Sila B. Giles, age 54 general farmer, Cora B. wife, age 55,Raleigh M. son Laborer,home
farmer,age 20,Lou E. son,Age 17,Orson T. son age 14
</DIR> 13. Cora Rutledge was born in 1855 in Evergreen,Va. She died on 24 Apr 1936 in Appomattox Va. She was buried in Mann Cemetary in Appomattox,Va.
<DIR> Have death Certificate from Vital Records Richmond,Va She is seen on 1860 Census-Appomattox,VA Post
Office-Walker`s Church & Evergreen,Va Lewellen S. Rutledge was 6 years old at time sister. Cora B.
Rutledge, age 5.John Sherfield (Sheffield) at age 61 assuming that it is Sarah`s father,carpenter,William
Rutledge is 33 years old and and Sarah Rutledge is 39 years old Vaule of estate is 50 Census 1870-
Sourhtside Township, in the county of Appomattox,Va 8th of Sept.1870. William Rutledge, Listed age at
51 Occupation Jobbing around living with wife, Sallie Rutledge, age 48,Children Lewellen S. age 16 Cora B
. age 15 and John J, age 10
</DIR> 14. Zachary Lawhorne was born in 1873. He married Ella Campbell.
15. Ella Campbell was born about 1872.
</DIR> 1. Underwoo.GED, .Source Media Type: Other."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
2. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
Fifth Generation
<DIR> 16. Joseph Jarrell 1 was born about 1829. He married Elizabeth.
<DIR> I have throughly researched this Man my GGgrandfather the information was very hard to find and has
taken me over 2 years but here is what I have Joseph Jarrell was born in Franklin Co VA. he is seen on
the 1850 Federal Census Records in Franklin Co Va age 21 years old living with him is Elizabeth at 23
years old and a child America Jarrell age 9 .Through various records and censuses I have come to find
that his family goes back to Theodorie/Theodorick/Theodoric/Fitzgerald all through the Census records
and some of his Children it is spelled Jerrold,Jarrold,Gerald,Jerald,Jareld,which proves that the orginal
spelling of Joseph Jarrells name was Fitzgerald and the Fitz was dropped.1850 is the first census record
he is seen on with his family.Living beside him is a John Jerrold/Jarrell with wife Ann/Annay/Annie Martin
and there son John A.Jarrell at 2 years old.Joseph Jarrell is seen on the 1850 and 1860 census records
but by 1870 he is dead and Elizabeth is a widow.Joseph was born 1829 according to the census records
so he did not live a long life.
Joseph Jarrell married Lucy Peters in Franklin Co VA in 1827 it is beleived that he lived with her family
because he cannot be found on 1830 or 1840 or 1850 census records. I found a Family Tree on the
internet he is said to have died in 1848. There are very few Jarrells that lived in Franklin Co Va from 1790
to 1850 when Joseph is first seen on the census record.Joseph Jarrell and Lucy Peters are evidently
Joseph Jarrells mother and father.There is also a Addison (Addy Jarrett) seen on the census records in
Franklin Co Va from 1810 to 1840 on the 1810 census record he is seen as Jarrel not Jarrett in 1820 the
spelling of the name was changed.This is only in theroy but Isham Fitzgerald,Theodorick Fitzgearld and
John Jarrell and Joseph Jarrell all have marriage records in Franlklin Co Va it is also seen on records that
the Fitzgerald clan moved to Kentucky them and 11 other families moved in wago trains to Kentucky.
This leads us to the story that was told to my dad by Cloud Abernathy who lived in Georgia for awhile
that he told my dad that Blake Fitzjarrell was dads GGuncle.Which would be Joseph Jarrell was my
GGgrandfather who would be Blake Fitzjarrells brother.Now if Joseph Jarrell who married Lucy Peters in
Franlin Co Va in 1827 is the father of my Joseph Jarrell born 1829 this could tie the families in because
some of the family may have decided not to go to Kentucky and stopped over in Franklin and decided to
stay.I will have some updates soon.Also on the 1850 Census records living not to far away is a William
Jarrold with wife Rachel both are 35 years old and Thomas Fitzgerald with wife Lavinia and children both
are 40 years old. I found a record of Thomas and his family living in NC for a time.
</DIR> 17. Elizabeth was born about 1830.
<DIR> I have marriage lis. for Samuel Jarrell and Dennis Jarrell and Sarinda Jarrell and they have Elizabeths
name on them and I have census records for 1850 and 1860
</DIR> 18. Samuel Underwood 2 was born3 in 1813 in Franklin Co.,Va. He died in 1860. He married4 Rebecca Hollins on 13 Sep 1833 in Franklin Co.,Va.
19. Rebecca Hollins 5,6 was born in 1804 in Floyd Co.VA. She died on 1 Nov 1887 in Patrick Co.VA.
<DIR> Sources for birth and death Library of Va Death Records
</DIR> 20. William H. Franklin was born in 1825 in Appomattox Va. He married Judith Goin.
21. Judith Goin was born in 1829 in Appomattox Va.
22. Doctor Merry Goin was born on 1 Apr 1837 in Buckingham Va. He died in 1896. He married Mary Jane Ferguson ? in Appomattox Va.
23. Mary Jane Ferguson ? was born in Jul 1838 in Buckingham Va. She died before 1905 in Appomattox,Va..
24. Josiah Giles was born in 1807/1808 in Prince Edward Co Va. He died on 10 May 1882. He was buried in Appomattox,Va. He married Elizabeth Brooks in 1830 in Campbell ,Co,VA.
25. Elizabeth Brooks was born in 1812 in Va.
26. William Rutledge was born in 1827. He married Sarah Sheffield on 18 Sep 1850 in Lunenburg,Va.
27. Sarah Sheffield was born in 1822. She died about 1928 in Va.
28. Daniel Lawhorne was born in 1813. He died in 1884 in Tyro,Nelson,Co.Va.. He married Elizabeth "Besty Daniel" Campbell on 15 Oct 1853 in Nelson Co Va.
<DIR> Daniel Lawhorne mar. Martha Thompson, Daughter of Matilda (?),on 9 Jan. 1841 in Amherst Co Va.
Henry M. Lawhorn Jr. attended;Henry was father of the groom. Daniel Lawhorn mar. Elizabeth L.
Campbell on 15 October 1853 in Nelson Co. Va.Daniel Lawhorn died of paralysis in Tryro,Nelson Co. Va
on 15 July 1884..........He was listed as Daniel Lawhorne, as Head of household of 20 and under 30 years
old on the census of 1840 in Amherst Co Va He was a farmer listed on the census on 22 October 1850 in
the Eastern District in Amherst Co Va as Daniel Lawhorn, the 37 year old of household.Listed with him
were 29 year old Martha Lawhorn, 8 year old Uriah Lawhorn, 3 year old Sarah Lawhorn,He was a farmer
listed on the census on 5 July 1860 in Massies Mill P O,Nelson Co ,Va, as Daniel Lawhorn,the 43 year old
head of househild.Listed with him were.36 year old Elizabeth Lawhorn,17 year old,Hughriah Lawhorn,10
year old Lucinda M Lawhorn,5 year old Mary E. Lawhorn 7 year old Charles Lawhorn 3 year old Avariller
Lawhorn 1 year old William H. Lawhorn,
</DIR> 29. Elizabeth "Besty Daniel" Campbell was born about 1829 in Nelson Co.,Va.. She died in 1935 in Nelson Co.,Va..
30. Leander Fitzgearld was born about 1844. He married Teressa Kay Campbell.
31. Teressa Kay Campbell was born in 1841. She died in 1925.
<DIR> As copied from handwritten entry in Will Book 0,Page 318 in the Nelson Co.Va Circuit Court Clerk`s
Office by Cheryl Snead ,Jan. 2003 The Last Will and Testament of Terressia Campbell.......I,
Terresia Campbell of Alhambra,Va Nelson Co. Va. do hereby bequeath all of my belongings to Isaiah J.
Campbell .Except as here in stated. I love all my children but I love Isaiah the best because he has been
with me all his life. To Lena Gray, her daughter I will one dollar To Ellen(Ella)
Lawhorne I will one dollar To Verdie Mohler I will one dollar To Grant Campbell I will one dollar
and to Emmett Campbell I will one dollar. But if not called for in two years it is to remain my son`s
Isaiah`s money. I also will to my son Isaiah J. Campbell. One said Deed of Truat recorded in Clerk`s
office in Nelson Co. And allso enny other money or property that I may possess .It is also understood
that the said Annie B Campbell and none of her people is to have one penny of my money oonly at the
decreation of my son Isaiah J. Campbell Given under myh hand and seal this 9 day of April 1924 Seal
Terressia Campbell Witness: H. C. Campbell,Alhambra,Va Witness: Joseph T. Hatter, Alhambra, Va.
Virginia In the Clerk`s Office of the Circuit Court of Nelson Co. March 26, 1926 A paper writing,
bearing date the 9th day of April 1924 purportin to be the last will and testament of Terresia Campbell ,
late of this Co.,deceased,(who departed this life November 24,1925), was this day produced before the
undersigned Clerk of this Court by Isaiah J. Campbell, and offered for proof, and thereupon was duly
proved by the oaths of H. C. Campbell and Joseph T. Hatter, the two subscribing witnesses thereto
</DIR></DIR> 1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R), Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of June 29, 2003, Film #: 184308, Ref #: 4469, Page #: 198, Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 USA.
2. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
3. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
4. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
5. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
6. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
Sixth Generation
<DIR> 32. Jarrell 1 .
36. Samuel Underwood IV 2 was born3 about 1790 in Orange Co.,Nc. He married4 Docia about 1812 in Franklin Co.,Va.
37. Docia 5,6 .
38. John Hollins Holland .John married Mary.
39. Mary .
42. Jordon D. Sr. Goin was born in 1790 in Appomattox Co,Va. He died in Appomattox Co,Va. He was buried in Appomattox Va. He married Judith Falwell.
<DIR> Information contributed by ancestors and family of Holdren, St.Clair, Tuggle and Wright.
~Genealogy is our Heritage~
</DIR> 43. Judith Falwell .
44. Jesse Goin was born about 1794 in Buckingham Va. He died on 25 Dec 1854 in Appomattox,Va. He married Lucy.
45. Lucy was born about 1800. She died about 1880.
48. Josiah Giles was born in 1756 in Chesterfield,Va. He died in 1837 in Prince Edward Co Island ,Va.
52. Blanks Rutledge was born in 1779 in Va. He died in 1860 in Va. He married Mary Polly Clay.
53. Mary Polly Clay .
56. Henry Lawhorne Jr. was born in 1790. He died in 1850. He married Rhoda Lawhorne.
57. Rhoda Lawhorne .
58. Willis Campbell was born in Nelson Co.,Va.. He died in Nelson Co.,Va.. He married Hannah Painter.
59. Hannah Painter was born in 1808 in Nelson Co.,Va..
60. James Sr. Fitzgearld was born on 16 May 1815 in Nelson Co.,Va.. He died on 28 Apr 1837 in Nelson Co.,Va.. He married Rachel (Coffey) Ramsey.
61. Rachel (Coffey) Ramsey was born in 1820 in Nelson Co.,Va.. She died in Nelson Co.,Va..
62. Wyatt Campbell was born in 1814. He died in Averill Campbell Cemetery,Montebello,Va. He was buried in Averill Campbell Cemetery,Montebello,Va. He married Louisa Ramsey.
<DIR> Think of these files as tools for your own research. Some of theinformation has been documented and
some has not. I've had a lot of helpfrom other researchers. If you have any info or questions e-mail me at
:[email protected]
</DIR> 63. Louisa Ramsey was born in 1815. She died in 1903 in Averill Campbell Cemetery,Montebello,Va.
</DIR> 1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R).
2. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
3. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
4. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
5. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
6. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
Seventh Generation
<DIR> 72. Samuel Underwood III 1 was born2 about 1766 in Orange Co.,Nc. He died3 in 1818. He was married4 about 1785.
88. James Goin ? .
96. Perrin Giles was born in 1715 in Henrico Co Va. He married Lucy Trent.
97. Lucy Trent was born about 1812.
104. Joseph Rutledge was born in 1744 in Amelia,VA. He died in 1814 in Greenville County, South Carolina. He married Mary Pascal in Va.
105. Mary Pascal .
106. Obediah Clay was born in 1737. He died on 9 Nov 1815.
112. William Henry Lawhorne was born in 1766 in Amherst Co.,Va.. He died in 1830 in Amherst Co.,Va.. He married Lydia Thomas.
113. Lydia Thomas .
118. Henry Painter .Henry married Sarah Williams.
119. Sarah Williams .
122. William Ramsey was born in 1799 in Nelson Co.,Va.. He died in Nelson Co.,Va.. He married Mrs. Ramsey.
123. Mrs. Ramsey was born about 1800 in Nelson Co.,Va.. She died in Nelson Co.,Va..
124. George T. , Jr. Campbell Capt. was born in 1774 in Amherst Parish,Va.. He died in 1830. He married Edith (Eady) Burcher Whitehead in 1794 in Amherst Co.,Virginia.
<DIR> Think of these files as tools for your own research. Some of theinformation has been documented and
some has not. I've had a lot of helpfrom other researchers. If you have any info or questions e-mail me at
:[email protected]
</DIR> 125. Edith (Eady) Burcher Whitehead was born about 1773.
<DIR> Think of these files as tools for your own research. Some of theinformation has been documented and
some has not. I've had a lot of helpfrom other researchers. If you have any info or questions e-mail me at
:[email protected]
</DIR> 126. John ? Ramsey was born in 1795. He married Matilda (Lilly).
<DIR> Think of these files as tools for your own research. Some of theinformation has been documented and
some has not. I've had a lot of helpfrom other researchers. If you have any info or questions e-mail me at
:[email protected]
</DIR> 127. Matilda (Lilly) .
</DIR> 1. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
2. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
3. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
4. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
Eighth Generation
<DIR> 144. Samuel Underwood Jr. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 was born8,9,10,11,12,13,14 about 1743 in London Grove,Chester,Pa. He died15,16,17,18,19,20,21 before 8 Jun 1803 in Franklin Co.,Va. He married22,23,24,25,26,27,28 Misniah Cannaday about 1764.
145. Misniah Cannaday 29,30,31,32,33,34,35 was born36,37,38,39,40,41,42 about 1751. She died43,44,45,46,47,48,49 in 1803 in Franklin Co Va.
192. William Giles was born in 1684 in Henrico Co Va.
208. James Rutledge was born in 1711 in Lunenburg,VA. He married Sarah.
209. Sarah was born in 1716. She died in 1743 in Amelia,VA.
213. Martha Ann Lewis .
224. Henry Lawhorne was born in 1746. He died in 1780. He married Judith.
225. Judith .
248. George ? Campbell Sr was born in 1761. He died in 1791. He married Elizabeth ? ?.
<DIR> Think of these files as tools for your own research. Some of theinformation has been documented and
some has not. I've had a lot of helpfrom other researchers. If you have any info or questions e-mail me at
:[email protected]
</DIR> 249. Elizabeth ? ? died in 1835.
<DIR> Think of these files as tools for your own research. Some of theinformation has been documented and
some has not. I've had a lot of helpfrom other researchers. If you have any info or questions e-mail me at
:[email protected]
</DIR> 250. John ? Whitehead was born in 1735 in New Kent Co.,Virginia. He died in 1787. He married Sarah ? Burcher.
<DIR> Think of these files as tools for your own research. Some of theinformation has been documented and
some has not. I've had a lot of helpfrom other researchers. If you have any info or questions e-mail me at
:[email protected]
</DIR> 251. Sarah ? Burcher was born in 1739. She died in 1792.
<DIR> Think of these files as tools for your own research. Some of theinformation has been documented and
some has not. I've had a lot of helpfrom other researchers. If you have any info or questions e-mail me at
:[email protected]
</DIR></DIR> 1. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
2. Underwoo.GED.
"Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
3. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
4. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
5. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
6. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
7. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
8. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
9. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
10. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
11. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
12. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
13. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
14. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
15. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
16. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
17. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
18. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
19. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
20. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
21. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
22. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
23. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
24. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
25. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
26. Underwoo.GED.
"Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
27. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
28. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
29. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
30. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
31. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
32. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
33. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
34. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
35. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
36. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
37. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
38. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
39. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
40. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
41. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
42. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
43. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
44. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
45. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
46. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
47. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
48. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
49. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
Ninth Generation
<DIR> 288. Samuel Underwood Sr. 1 was born2 about 1715 in London Grove,Chester Co.,Pa. He died3 about 1774. He married4 Ann Travilla on 10 Mar 1737/1738.
289. Ann Travilla 5 was born6 in 1721 in Chester Co.,Pa. She died7 in 1804 in Randolph Co.,Nc.
384. William Giles was born in 1650. He died in 1692. He married Bethany Knowels.
385. Bethany Knowels .
416. Unknown Rutledge .
426. John Lewis .John married Elizabeth Warner.
427. Elizabeth Warner .
448. Thomas Lawhorne 1 was born in 1710 in Goochland. He died in 1756.
</DIR> 1. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
2. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
3. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
4. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
5. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
6. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
7. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
Tenth Generation
<DIR> 576. Alexander Underwood was born in 1688 in Anne,Arundel,Co.MD. He married1 Jane Harry in 1710 in Anne Arundel Co.,Md.
577. Jane Harry 2,3,4,5,6 was born7,8,9,10,11 in 1688 in Chester Co.,Pa. She died12,13,14,15,16 about 1744.
</DIR> 1. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
2. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
3. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
4. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
5. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
6. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
7. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
8. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
9. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
10. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
11. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
12. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
13. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
14. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
15. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
16. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
Eleventh Generation
<DIR> 1152. Samuel Underwood 1,2,3 was born4,5,6 about 1660 in Anne Arundel Co.,Md. He died7,8,9 before Feb 1721/1722 in New Castle Co.,de. He married Mary Ann Wilcocks.
1153. Mary Ann Wilcocks was born in 1660 in New Castle,Co.DE.
</DIR> 1. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
2. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
3. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
4. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
5. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
6. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
7. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
8. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
9. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
Twelfth Generation
<DIR> 2304. Thomas Underwood 1 was born2 about 1626 in England. He died3 before May 1674 in Anne Arundel Co.,Md. He married4 Elizabeth Meeres in 1649 in Anne Arundel Co.,Md.
2305. Elizabeth Meeres 5 died6 before 1674.
</DIR> 1. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
2. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
3. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
4. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
5. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."
6. Underwoo.GED."Date of Import: May 5, 2000."