Siler Roll 1851 - Eastern
Eastern Cherokee entitled to per capita payment. Old Settler Roll 1851 - Western
Recorded those Cherokee (still living) who had emigrated to Indian Territory prior to removal.
Chapman Roll 1852 - Eastern
Eastern Cherokee who actually received payment from the government (reference to Siler Roll).
Drennen Roll 1852 - Western
Recorded those Cherokee who came to Indian Territory in 1839 on the Trail of Tears.
Swetland Roll 1869 - Eastern
Recorded those Cherokees, and their descendants, who were listed on the Mullay Roll as residing in North Carolina.
Hester Roll 1883 - Eastern
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians that provides a great deal of detail about those listed.
Churchill Roll 1908 - Eastern
Additional roll of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians which also include those rejected from the Eastern Band.
Guion Miller Roll 1909 - Eastern & Western
For Cherokees (east and west) excluding the "Old Settlers."
Baker Roll 1924 - Eastern
The final roll of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee in anticipation of allotment. The land was not allotted and the reservation still exists. This roll is the basis for tribal membership in the Eastern Band.
The Dawes Rolls 1898-1914 - Western
The final roll of the western Cherokee. Allotment of Cherokee land to Cherokee individuals was based on this roll. Direct descendency from someone on this roll is required for tribal citizenship in the Cherokee Nation today