PYRITE (Fool's Gold) (With iron) One of the most grounding stones in use today. Used for focus, practicality, logic, memory, clearing fuzzy thinking/scatteredness, etc. like Hematite. Helps Yellow Chakra: Stomach, intestines, ulcers; sulfur and mineral assimilation, circulation, body acidity imbalances, depression, illusions/lack of clarity about situations/people. Great for grounding spaciness after meditation/psychic readings. Represents Sun's golden energy.
QUARTZ (Rock Crystal) Receptive/Projective. All elements. Clear, many forms and colors! Probably the most versatile multi-purpose healing stone. Easy to cleanse, store info/energy in, program or amplify energy and healing with. Can both draw and send energy. Powerful clear ones open brow, crown, and transpersonal chakras for meditation, sending/receiving guidance. Stimulates natural crystals in body tissues and fluids to resonate at new healing frequency. Works with all chakras and master gland. All With Chlorite: Powerful for sending and advanced specialized uses. Blue (or gray/lavender): A good healing stone for linking heart with throat and brow chakras to expand self expression and creativity, plus refining communication skills to new levels. Eases throat tension. Immune system, thyroid, iodine and B Vitamin use. Some say shining light through Blue Quartz can help reduce need for glasses. Still evolving. Yin. Rose: Projective. Element: Fire. Translucent to clear pink. Love, beauty, peacefulness, forgiving, lovingness, self-love, emotional balance. Soft. Gently soothes and warms heart center. Emotional healing, loss, stress, hurt, fear, low confidence, resentment, anger. Slowly eases childhood traumas/neglect/lack of love, low self-esteem. Cleanse and recharge often. Especially if fades. Aligns mental, emotional, and astral bodies. Spiritual: Self acceptance, healing emotional wounds, stress, calm, peace and reducing haste. Healing: Clears body fluids, reduces wrinkles, clears skin, pain relief, coughs, burns, blistering and lungs. Rutilated/Rutile: Clear quartz with metallic, golden rutile, copper, or blue/gray titanium fibers that powerfully electrically conduct and amplify energy/thoughts/programming for healing. Intensifies/deepens altered states. Opens Crown/brown chakras for meditation, clairvoyance, telepathy, insight. Some make one too spacey or scattered to wear. (Induces Alpha) Stimulates immunity, strength, blue corona, imagery, dreams. Golden fibers may increase radiation protection and health rejuvination. Each stone's energy/qualities are unique. Androgynous. Smoky Quartz: 2 kinds: 1.) Smoky, rootbeer, or chocolate-colored clear crystals. The clearest, most intense ones powerfully open the crown chakra drawing light down the root chakra, inducing Alpha/deep meditation for channeling/higher guidance, deep relaxation, lovingness. Ancient use also to stimulate meridians, kundalini, and correct fertility/PMS/reproductive imbalance. Stores info well. Aleviates fear, anxiety, depression, emotional stuckness, etc. 2a.) Dense, dull, solid/semisolid black/brown, less attractive. Very grounding, opposite of other smokeys . May feel dense, heavy, nonconductive. 2b.) Many were irradiated to turn them this flat, dark color with white edge of base. If so, they're not useful for conducting light/healing, thus less useful for wearing or healing.
RHODOCHROSITE Projective. Element: Fire. Energy, peace, love. Solid to clear pink. Gentle, yet probably the most vibrant loving stone to heal the heart chakra, especially for giving/receiving love. Also for loneliness, loss, heartache, fear, insecurities, inner-child issues, abuse, incest. Helps self-forgiveness, deservingness and trust issues, spiritual- and self-love, desire to live, purpose. Best worn 24 hrs. a day. Electromagnetic. Stronger than Rose Qtz. Solar plexus, stomach (anxiety), food addictions, anorexia, asthma, eyesight (especially emotional not-seeing, to avoid pain), thymus. Specialized uses to detox/heal blood, liver, cancer.
RHONDONITE Projective. Element: Fire. Peace, anti-confusion. Pink, black inclusions. Works with heart chakra; helps us express confidence and lovingness on physical plane in day-to-day ways. Calms and feeds the soul through the heart; love and service. Soothes nightmares. Stress, heartache, loss, etc. Ancient use also: Speech/hearing problems/growth, fear, illness (emphysema, asthma). Strengthens mantras, chanting, affirmations, singing, toning. Spiritual: Finding one's greatest potential, the love stone, reducing tension and stress, attention to details and clarity. Healing: Arthritis, anxiety, joints, emphysema and heart disorders and sensitivity to light.
RUBELLITE (Red Tourmaline) Strengthens, grounds/rejuvenates, warms. Unites heart and body for love, courage, passion, energy, stamina, steadiness. High lithium content (thus pink/red color) brings emotional balance, lovingness, devotion in a down-to-earth way. Balances body's electrochemistry. Heart and root chakras. Helps detach from personal pain. Releases reproductive chakra blocks; stimulates fertility. Used to strengthen and detox blood and immune system and to ease radiation effects. Yang.
RUBY Projective. Element: Fire. Red corundum. Contains chromium (blood sugar balance). Warms, energizes after exhaustion. Strengthens physical and emotional heart (4th chakra), love, courage, confidence, vitality, stamina, strength, leadership, success over challenges. Intensifies all emotions (passion, jealousy, impatience, love). Attempted use for pressure/control (for love, etc.) backfires onto user. Used for reproductive/root chakra; infections, cholesterol, clots, blood detox (alcohol, caffeine, etc.), sexual blocks. Stimulates circulation, menses, pituitiary, healing the earth.
RUTILE See Quartz - Rutilated.
SAPPHIRE Receptive. Element: Water. Corundum. Blue, green, pink, purple, clear. Related to Ruby. Blue: Communication, insight, intuition, clairaudience, inspiration, spiritual prayer/devotion, peacefulness. Detoxing skin, body. Antidepressant. Cools, contracts, soothes, thus reducing inflamation, fevers, nosebleeds. Hearing problems, TB, burns, etc. Nervous system (& epilepsy) and meridians. Strongest if next to skin. Especially throat chakra. Star: Also, wisdom, will, centering, cheerfulness, luck. Reduces radiation effects, anxiety, procrastination. Some effects subtle. Black: More grounding. Protection. May strengthen by posing challenges to overcome.
SELENITE Element: Water. A Gypsum. White/clear striated crystals. Mental focus, growth, luck, immunity, kundalini. Centuries-old recordkeepers of events/information. Smoothes emotions. Holding crystal, visualize it bringing white light/energy (higher ideas/consciousness) from transpersonal point above head down through body, out through feet into earth/physical plane. Place on 3rd eye for stored info. May help physical and emotional letting go. Reproduction, spine and nervous system, emotional and athletic flexibility. Sends healing to the earth. Expands sensitivity, field of awareness.
SERPENTINE Projective. Element: Fire. Protection, lactation. Guard against poisonous creatures. Spiritual powers: Assists visualization and meditation. Aids in raising the Kundalini. Clears chakras. Healing attributes: Eliminates parasites, helps diabetes and hypoglycemia. Best used when directing the energies.
SILICA (Gem Silica) The highest, purest form of gem quality Chrysocolla. One of the highest evolved blue-green stones. (Also see: Chrysocolla).
SILVER Excellent for mental, emotional, and physical releasing and cleansing. Works on mind/emotions to see overview, emotional balance, patience. Like the moon's energy, it has gentle, cool, smoothing effect. Thus it reduces inflamation, fever, nervous system stress. Best with the gentler, cooler-colored gems. Works with pituitary and upper energy centers. Generally Yin.
SMITHSONITE Light blue, pink, or lavendar fuzzy bubbles. Harmonizes and aligns heart, throat, and brow chakras for smoother communications, leadership, perceptiveness and depth in relationships, and expansion into new areas. Meditation clarity, and receptiveness. Insight via dreams, dream recall. Versatile; Historically works well in many areas, especially throat chakra, nose, lymph, immunity; tissue elasticity. Chakra corresponds with stone color.