SPINEL Blue, green. Calms, alleviates stress, depression. mental rejuvenation. Most commonly used to aid in detox (together with fasting, enemas, and alcohol/chemical detox of blood and organs, including skin.) Red: Also for strength, Kundalini.
STAUROLITE (Fairy Cross) Elements: Earth, Air, Fire & Water. Brown/grey, crosslike extrusions. Represents 4 elements and joining of spirit with earth/matter. Spirituality, compassion, allowingness, dis-attachment. Focus centered on the here and now.
STILBITE Pale pink/gray/white. Pink is especially helpful with loving, creative energy, acceptingness, allowingness, letting go, manifesting. May vivify/heighten physical senses, esp. taste. Detoxifies. Gentle self-expression.
SULPHUR Projective. Element: Fire. Solid/clear yellow. Rejuvinating, especially if one does a great deal of thinking/mental work and little physical exercise. Mental clarity, focus, analysis, understanding, willpower, discipline, confidence. Used in Egypt and modern hot springs/baths for arthritis, pain, rheumatism, swelling, lymph, cysts, hemorrhoids. Traditionally very healing for wounds, cleansing and healing skin, sinus, pancreas, liver, syphilis, appendix, indigestion, insomnia, depression, etc. Strengthens endocrine glands. Found in garlic, mustard, chives, onions, horseradish, etc. Repels garden bugs. 3rd chakra. Helps to eliminate negative thoughts and emotions. Good for flashes of inspiration and as aid to self-growth and perfection. Used in protective rituals or in home as a general magickal "ward".
SUNSTONE Projective. Element: Fire. Aventurine feldspar with gold-orange metallic sheen. Warms the heart and lifts/rejuvinates the spirit. Protection, life force, grounding. Energy, health and sexual energy.
TANZANITE Clear, blue-purple-violate Zoisite crystal. (Use clear ones for healing meditation.) Placed on brow, it powerfully opens brow plus crown centers for clairaudience, visions, spiritual connectedness, protection, manifesting. Helps expand our physical and mental seeing, hearing, hair, skin.
THULITE Avocado green with patches of pinkish red. Balances the four lower chakras. These are often thought the most difficult to bring into line as they affect our desires, sensuality, will and emotions. A marathon runner's stone. Works with breathing and allocation of energy. A creators dream as focusing on Thulite brings one quickly into altered states of consciousness with the ability to perceive inspiration when presented. Aids in answering questions involving love and logic. A healers dream as this stone can be worn or taped to the body for rapid absorption of its healing energies. Work well with the intestine, lower bowel and helps with pre-menstrual problems. Has been used successfully for fertility. There is a toxin release and an immune building combination that makes this a fine candidate for any weight management program.
TIGER'S EYE Projective. Element: Fire. Chalcedony Quartz Cat's Eye. Yellow-gold. Confidence, willpower, clear thinking (and thus speaking), personal power in life. Yellow/solar plexus chakra. (Not as strong as citrine or Topaz.) Works on mental plane; amplifies thinking and manifesting what you think about (careful!), will. Helps separate thoughts from feelings, so centered, less emotional. Digestion, stomach, anxiety, ulcers, bones. Use with malachite or pearl for mental/emotional balance, understanding. Helps change anxiety, fear and obsessiveness into practicality, logic, etc. Yang. Green or Blue: See Hawk's Eye.
TOPAZ Golden or pink/"Champagne" crystal. Golden: The most powerful, electromagnetic of yellow/solar plexus gems. A strong, steady, high level gem for mental clarity, focus, perceptivity, high level concepts, confidence, personal power, stamina. Helps mood swings, insomnia, worries, fears, depression, exhaustion, nervous system stress, stomach anxiety. Also works somewhat with the crown chakra. Liver/pancreas detoxification, bloodsugar balance, tissue and backbone strengthener (physically and emotionally). Radiates warmth, sun/light energy, protection. Excellent for water signs, teachers, excess work stress, manifesting, higher-self connection. Brings emotions and thinking into balance. Pink and Champagne: Works also especially with the heart for love, spiritual compassion. Blue: Alignment with our higher self, creative expression, writing, focus on your path.
TOURMALINE A powerful, electromagnetic, striated gem. Strengthens body and spirit (and meridians), transmutes lower frequency thought/energy to a higher frequency of light and brings light/spirit into the physical. Radiates light protection for wearer. Clearer=higher frequency, effectiveness. Especially for nervous system; blood/lymph toxins. Black: Powerfully deflects/shields against unwanted or dark energies, especially for sensitive people. Grounds spiritual/light energy into root chakra, for centeredness amid chaos. Neutralizes fears, resentment, neurosis, obsessions, intestinal or spine energy blocks, toxins, constipation. Place at feet, knees, or base of spine for groundedness during/after healing. Radiation protection. Blue (Indicolite): Wonderful for aligning with higher self for deep insight, vision, intuition, mental peace, patience, nerve system. Throat chakra. Green: Receptive. Element: Water. Taking heart, will to live, lifeforce, prosperity, compassion. Energizes central nervous system (for neualgia, migraine, burns, etc.). Opens/heals physical and emotional heart chakra (lungs, asthma, etc.). Cleanses meridians and blocks, stimulates new growth, rejuvinates heart, lymph, immune system. Thymus and entire body health. Yang. Pink: Emotional and spiritual love, healing loss, emotional pain, fear, self-gentleness (especially with severe illness like cancer, emphysema, etc.). Best in combination with counseling. Most powerful together with Kunzite or Rhodocrosite. Self-love, compassion, release of old hurt. Trust. Red: See Rubellite. Watermelon: (Red/pink and green) Brings together compassion, passion, depth of heart with lifeforce and groundedness (red). Emotional and spiritual love (light pink) expressed in the physical heart chakra. (Green) Excels for immune system and life-threatening illnesses. Balances metabolism, endocrine system; harmonizing. Empowers other tourmalines. Yin/yang balance.
TURQUOISE Receptive. Element: Earth. Lt blue/blue-green. A good general healer for all illnesses and excellent conductor (high copper). This gentle, cool, soothing stone is a Native American classic. It opens the throat chakra for open communication, creativity, serenity, spiritual bonding, upliftment; Opens the heart chakra for giving/receiving. Symbolizes our source (spirit/sky) and spiritual love for healing, help. On brow: Psychic connection to great spirit. Strengthens and aligns all meridians, chakras, and energy fields. Like amethyst, it protects and detoxes from alcohol, poison, pollution, x-ray/sun radiation. Ancient absorber of "negativity"; protection from "evil eye". Brings wisdom. Helps anorexia, headache, fear, etc. Throat, lungs, asthma, infections, teeth, TMJ, hearing, high blood pressure, creativity block, depression. Dull, paler=weaker. Works well with Chrysocolla, best with Silver. Used for healing on every continent! Androgynous, balances yin/yang. Fades in sunlight, sweat, oil, dishwater. Avoid bleach/chlorine!
ULEXITE (TV Stone) White/translucent. Insight into self and others; seeing solutions to difficulties. Somewhat 3rd eye opening. Some find it helpful for amplifying dreams, imagination, imagery, fantasy states for creativity (not recommended if addictive or escapism tendency). May fall apart if soaked in water.
UNAKITE Spiritual: Personal power. Taking charge of one's life. Guardian of fate, protection, leadership. Power used with gentleness, charismatic, enhances visions and journeying, balances the emotional body, rebirthing, unlocks blockages and allows release. Healing: Used to discover the root causes of disease or malfunction, balances weight distribution to desired places.
VARISCITE Solid cool, pale green. Eases depression, fear, worry, anxiety, impatience, stress of a hectic/pressured day by bringing calm and stillness to even the most busy/talkative mind, thus a good meditation stone. Works on astral and etheric level for healing via the central nervous system and at DNA level. Centers the solar plexus and heart chakras. Also slightly helpful for intuition center. Skin and blood vessel elasticity, impotence/male reproductive healing.
WAVELLITE Light green. Opens the heart chakra for clearing the emotional body. Provides understanding for emotional issues and help with healing them. Excellent for detoxifying.
WULFENITE Translucent yellow to red, mostly orange crystal. Invigorates and harmonizes emotions, passion, appetite. Warms and grounds. Helps us get in touch with feelings. Used for healing and warming reproductive chakra (especially women's). Spleen and yellow chakras, and digestion/nutrition assimilation. Cleanses and uplifts emotions, muddiness, stuckness or imbalance in spleen chakra. Reduces confusion in relationships. Overcomes limitations. A stone of transition. Used frequently for magick.
ZIRCON All colors. Clear, colorless, natural form: Works with the crown chakra and transpersonal point (and pituitary and pineal) for Universal Truth, intuition, durability, steadiness, integrity and connection with "All That Is." Eases depression, insomnia. Also historical poison detoxifier. Man-made (cubic Zirconia or "CZ") is not nearly as strong/effective as natural. "Pink Ice" is pink CZ.
ZOISITE Green with red streaks of ruby. For trust in the universe, releasing fears. Strengthens heart, energy/adrenals and reproductive chakra. General health.