General Abdominal Pain Information Abdominal pain is experienced by nearly everyone at one time or another. The abdomen is the area in the trunk of the body that extends from between the rib cage to the pelvic region. Abdominal pain can be mild or severe, and it can stem from something as simple as overeating to causes as serious as appendicitis and gall bladder disease. Possible Causes of Abdominal Pain Determining the exact cause of abdominal pain can be tricky because there are so many aspects to consider. The best thing to do is to examine the symptoms and their severity and seek medical attention if necessary. See the supplements section below for a list of possible ailments that can lead to abdominal pain.
Possible Symptoms of Abdominal Pain Symptoms of abdominal pain include cramping and discomfort in the abdominal region, Diarrhea, vomiting and burning in the stomach and esophagus can also occur. The pain can be generalized or localized and can be felt across the abdomen, around the navel, along the upper and lower sides of the stomach and across the rib cage. Possible Lifestyle Changes for Abdominal Pain Abdominal pain can be prevented by developing regular eating and bowel habits; avoiding chewing gum and carbonated beverages that contribute to swallowing air; avoiding abdominal injuries by always wearing a seat belt whenever driving or riding in a car. Treatment of abdominal pain is determined by whatever it is that is causing the symptoms. Most mild abdominal discomfort can be improved by getting adequate rest; eating smaller, more frequent meals; drinking plenty of fluids; and avoiding high-fat foods. If the pain does not subside within a day or so; worsens and becomes more frequent; is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, nausea or fever; or if the pain localizes to one specific area of the abdomen, see a doctor.
Beneficial Dietary Supplements Digestive Enzymes enhance digestion.
Fiber fights constipation, a common cause of abdominal pain.
Astragalus protects the immune system, supports adrenal gland function and aids digestion.
Cinnamon relieves diarrhea and nausea, and it enhances digestion.
Licorice is effective in treating muscle spasms, cramping and pain.
Ginger and Peppermint settle the stomach and stimulate digestion.
Fennel has been known to relieve abdominal pain. General Abscesses Information An abscess is an accumulation of pus in a tissue, organ or confined space in the body due to infection. An abscess is a sign that the body is trying to rid itself of impurities. Abscesses can appear internally or externally and can form in the brain, lungs, gums, teeth, sinuses, tonsils, kidneys, rectum or any other part of the body. Most abscesses heal completely in one to two weeks with proper treatment.
There are two types of abscesses: Acute abscesses appear suddenly (over a few hours or overnight) and usually respond well to treatment. Chronic abscesses develop over a period of days or weeks and are more resistant to treatment due to the sevarity and widespread nature of the abscess.
Possible Causes of Abscesses Abscesses are the result of injury or lowered resistance to infection. Infections can be produced by bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. Some abscesses are removed through surgery, others respond well to application of heat, but the most effective treatment is through antibiotics and/or herbs. Possible Symptoms of Abscesses Symptoms of abscesses usually appear as a swollen, inflamed, hot, red and tender in the general area of the abscess. Sufferers also experience fever, chills, fatigue, weight loss and loss of appetite. Eat fresh pineapple daily to fight inflammation and aid healing. Eat garlic and onions to cure and prevent abscesses. Perform a liquid fast using only fresh juices for 24- to 72-hours to cleanse the system. Apply honey to external abscesses to destroy bacteria and viruses. Those on antibiotic treatment should supplement their diet with B vitamins and yogurt.
Beneficial Dietary Supplements Zinc stimulates the immune system and fights infection.
Coenzyme A supports the immune system.
Colloidal Silver acts as a natural antibiotic and disinfectant.
Garlic stimulates the immune system and acts as a natural antibiotic.
Vitamin A strengthens the cell wall and protects against bacteria.
Vitamin B Complex aids healing.
Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids aids the immune system function and tissue repair.
Vitamin E aids circulation.
Burdock Root, Cayenne, Dandelion Root and Red Clover help heal abscesses.
Chamomile Tea is effective in treating dental abscesses.
Milk Thistle, taken in capsule form, aid the liver and helps cleanse the bloodstream.
Tea Tree Oil kills infectious organisms in external abscesses. General Acidosis Information Acidosis of the blood occurs when the body is overly acidic and has lost its alkaline reserves. Acidosis occurs when blood pH drops below 7.4. Dietary measures are critical because the body is more susceptible to illness and disease in an overly acidic state.
Respiratory acidosis occurs when the lungs cannot remove all of the carbon dioxide (a normal by-product of metabolism) produced by the body. This causes a disturbance of the acid-base balance in which body fluids become excessively acidic.
In chronic respiratory acidosis, mild impairment of the ability of the lungs to remove carbon dioxide occurs over a long period of time, leading to an unstable situation. This is because the kidneys increase their retention of bicarbonate to maintain an acid-base balance in the blood that is almost normal. In severe cases, the carbon dioxide builds up very quickly, leading to severe disturbances in the acid-base balance of the blood, i.e. blood acidosis. Possible Causes of Acidosis Acidosis of the blood and bodily fluids often occurs as a result of improper diet. High animal protein, processed junk foods and many cooked foods all become acid in the body. Other causes of acidosis include: disorders of the kidneys, liver and adrenal glands; malnutrition; obesity; ketosis; emotional upset; stress; anorexia; toxemia; high fever or body temperature; and excess niacin or aspirin. High intake of vitamin C may also be a contributing factor to acidosis. Environmental pollutants and acids in the water and air may also contribute to low blood pH (high acid) levels.
Respiratory acidosis can be a consequence of any lung disease that prevents removal of carbon dioxide. Common lung diseases that lead to respiratory acidosis include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), severe asthma and airway obstruction.
Other diseases that may lead to respiratory acidosis include obesity hyperventilation syndrome, excessive fatigue of the diaphragm or muscles of the rib cage, and severe deformities of the spine and/or rib cage. Nearly any lung disease may lead to respiratory acidosis. Possible Symptoms of Acidosis Some symptoms of acidosis may include insomnia, water retention, migraines, constipation with diarrhea, burning sensation of the tongue and mouth, halitosis (bad breath), lightheadedness, fainting and nausea. Excessive respiratory acidosis may lead to confusion, lethargy or poor organ function. In extreme cases, low blood pressure and shock may result. Possible Lifestyle Changes for Acidosis To rebalance and raise the blood pH, it is beneficial to eat 50% raw fruits and vegetables (with the exception of plums, prunes, and cranberries which remain as acid in the body). Carrot juice is beneficial to re-establish balance. Deep breathing may be included in the treatment program. Smokers should stop smoking as soon as possible. Not smoking can prevent the development of many severe lung diseases that can lead to respiratory acidosis. Acid and Alkaline Self Test Purchasing litmus paper and applying saliva to the paper will indicate whether your body fluids are to acidic or too alkaline. Litmus paper will change color to indicate pH levels of body fluids. Red litmus paper turns blue in alkaline and blue litmus paper turns red in an acid. These tests should be performed before eating or one hour after eating. Beneficial Supplements Alkalizers assist in raising blood and body fluid pH levels. These may be formulated supplements or individual nutrients.
Sulfur acts as a buffer to maintain proper pH levels.
Phosphorus is a mineral that helps convert food to energy.
Kelp (Seaweed) is high in alkaline and other healthy nutrients.
Coral Calcium contains natural mineral alkalizers.
Ionized Oxygen supports cell oxygen levels and increases energy and stamina while reducing acidity levels.
Coenzyme A supports the immune system and detoxifies the body of many dangerous substances.
Elder Bark, Hops and Willow reduce stress. General Acne / Pimples Information Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when oil and dead skin cells get trapped in the pit of the hair follicle. Bacteria then begins to multiply and the area becomes inflamed producing pimples, blackheads and whiteheads on the face and upper body. Acne affects 80% of the population at some time between the age of 12 and 44, making it the most commonly treated skin condition. Although acne affects more than 20 million teenagers, it is appearing in adults in increasing numbers. Most acne cases are in the mild to moderate range, but severe acne can cause serious cosmetic problems, which often leads to emotional stress and low self-esteem. Possible Causes of Acne / Pimples In the surface of normal skin, sebum oil passes through the hair follicles to the skin surface. When acne is present, sebum (oil) which normally drains to the surface of the skin gets blocked and bacteria begins to grow. | FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=A micromedone infection developing." The Beginning - Micromedone Both whiteheads and blackheads start out as a "microcomedone", which is the oil blocked in the hair follicle. The picture to the left is a "microcomedone". After the microcomedone forms either a blackhead or a whitehead develops. | The Whitehead A whitehead is formed when the trapped sebum and bacteria stays below the skin surface. | The Blackhead A blackhead occurs when the trapped sebum and bacteria reaches the surface of the skin and opens up. | Acne blemishes may be a message that something is wrong with your body’s chemistry, diet or method of skin care. Acne often occurs with pubescence (puberty) because the sebaceous glands are stimulated by androgens, the male hormones. These hormones stimulate the production of keratin protein and sebum oil. Sebum is often secreted in a faster rate then it can be excreted from the pores - creating an acne blemish - that supports bacteria growth and infection. Acne may be caused by hormonal changes or hormonal imbalances, heredity, oily skin, monthly menstrual cycle, candidiasis, allergies, stress, and the use of certain drugs, such as birth control pills or steroids. Acne may also be caused by allergic reactions to foods or dairy, a nutritional deficiency or a diet high in saturated fats, hydrogenated fats and animal fats. Other causes may include environmental conditions and pollutants that can clog the skin pores. Low body pH levels foster the growth of bacteria that may cause acne to develop (see Acidosis). Poor kidney and liver function may also play a role in acne development. Possible Symptoms of Acne / Pimples Acne appears as whiteheads and/or blackheads on the face, shoulders, neck and chest. Acne can range from mild to severe and can last a few weeks, months, years or can come and go throughout life. If a blemish becomes infected, a pimple can result. Severe acne can be painful and can cause serious scars if not treated.
Possible Lifestyle Changes for Acne / Pimples A diet high in raw vegetables and fruits is beneficial. Avoid all forms of sugar, alcohol, butter, caffeine, cheese, chocolate, cocoa, cream, fat, fried foods, margarine, hydrogenated oils, soft drinks, iodized salt and processed foods. Sugar may impair immune function and promote the growth of bacteria and candida. To determine if you have an allergy that may be the cause of acne, eliminate food, such as dairy, for at least one month and slowly return it to the diet to see if the acne returns. The face should be kept free from oil by washing with an herbal cleanser or with lemon juice three times per day. Hair should be kept clean, as well. Friction makes pimples more likely to erupt, so not over-scrub or touch the affected area whenever possible. Avoid tight clothing and do not wear makeup whenever possible. When makeup must be worn, use water-based, hypoallergenic products without harsh chemicals, dyes or oils. Do not squeeze the spots as this may increase the growth and development of bacteria, worsening the condition and increasing the chance of scarring. Many dermatologists recommend 15 minutes of sunshine, regular exercise and sufficient sleep every day. Beneficial Dietary Supplements Alpha-Sterol helps open the blocked pores releasing the excess oils from the skin.
Tea Tree Oil is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic.
Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) reduces inflammation and promotes healing.
Vitamin B3 improves circulation to the surface of the skin surfaces and helps repair skin conditions.
Acidophilus Probiotics help replenish natural good body bacteria to reduce acne outbreaks.
Chromium Picolinate aids in reducing skin infections.
Colloidal Silver is considered a natural antibiotic and may be applied topically and taken internally.
Essential Fatty Acids helps keep skin smooth, repairs tissue and dissolves fatty deposits that block pores.
Potassium and Zinc helps heal tissue and prevent scaring.
Garlic improves blood circulation, destroys bacteria and enhances immune function.
Burdock Root, Dandelion Leaves, Milk Thistle and Red Clover are powerful blood cleansers when taken internally.
Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex Agnus Castus) may be taken internally to aid in reducing acne breakouts related to hormonal changes from PMS.