Beauty Walk
Let light enfold me
That my inside eye may see clearly
The path that lies ahead.
Let my mind be opened up
That I may recognize
The signposts along the way.
Grant me the wisdom
That comes from understanding
The true from the false.
And Guide my steps
So that should I falter or stumble,
Tripped by former beliefs
That bring me still
I may go forward with Courage
And with the determination
Which persistence Bears.
Let me be embraced
Witht the Love by which
The whole Creation is moved.
The very Essence with which
All things are held together
Dependent yet independent,
Whole yet individuated.
In which all are my relatives
Let me know the way
That is the beauty way
Where all who will
May walk in Beauty
and where the end of the path
is but a new beginning
To my infinity.
And every new beginning
Another ever-present moment
In Eternity