The Washoe Tribe
We have always been a unique tribe. When the Maker scattered the seeds of humanity a few were left over. With all other areas taken he gave the Washoe a place he had saved for himself, Lake Tahoe. He knew we would protect this special place, as we have for over 9,000 years.
For over 400 generations Lake Tahoe has been the center of Washoe life. It's crystal waters supported all living things including the Washoe People. In the early spring, Washoe families would gather at Tahoe to hunt and fish, celebrate the end of Winter and give thanks to the Maker.
The family unit was the strength of the Washoe Tribe. In the days before Europeon contact family groups lived in all areas of Washoe Lands. Spring and Summer were spent at Tahoe and in the high Mountains. In the Fall we gathered in the lower Mountains to harvest Pine Nuts. This was also a time of celebration and the reaffirmation of Tribal unity. Winters were spent in the lower valleys to the East, valleys which now hold the Reno/Sparks, Carson City, and Minden/Gardnerville areas.
At the Tribes's peak, we were about 5,000 strong. In the late 19th Century our numbers diminished to 300. Today we have about 1500 Tribal members.
While the Washoe Tribe may be small in population, it is greatlly endowed with natural, economic and political resources.
Our natural resources include geothermal springs, range land, commercial property, minerals, scenic and cultural assets. Located in both Nevada and California our resources are easily accessed by two major highways and an international airport less than 45 minutes away. The Tribe's unique environment and characteristics provide business and economic development opportunities not found anywhere else.
The economic benefits available for businesses seeking to relocate to Tribal lands are numerous and include:
- No Corporate Income Tax
- No Personal Income Tax
- No Severance Tax
- No Bank Excise Measure by Invoice Tax
- No Unitary Tax
- No Franchise Tax
- Non Profit Status
- Reliable and Available Labor Force
- Few Business or Environmental Regulations
- Creative Financing Alternatives
- Much, Much more.
The Washoe Tribe can provide aid and technical assistance for those willing to locate on Tribal property. This is a unique opportunity to participate in a new environment of a highly motivated reasonable labor force in a land gifted with natural, economic, cultural and historical resources unmatched in the West.
In todays business climate it is necessary to have partners who are well established, stable and who have values that build trust and confidence. The Washoe Tribe may not be the biggest business in Western Nevada but as the region's original inhabitants, we have the resources and qualities which make for successful investments and joint ventures.