South Carolina �?Indians, Native Americans �?Indian Tribes South Carolina Indians �?Main Menu - Ashepoo... Ishpow - a Cusabo tribe
- Beaver Creek
- Bohicket - Bohickott, Bohickett - a Cusabo tribe
- Catawba Issa, Esaw
- Chaloklowa Chickasaw
- Cheraw - Sara, Saraw, Charaw
- Cherokee - Ani'-Yun'wiya, Tsalagi, Keetoowah
- Chicora - Chickoree, Chichanee
- Cofitachiqui - Cafitaciqui, Coluchike, Cutrafichiqui, Cutifaciqui
- Combahee - a Cusabo tribe
- Congaree
- Coosa - Coosaw - a Cusabo tribe
- Croatan Indian Tribe
- Cusabo Cussabee, Corsaboy - family of coastal tribes between Charleston and Savannah
- Cusso - Casor, Cusaboy, Couexi - a Cusabo tribe
- Edisto- Audusta, Orista - a Cusabo tribe
- Escamacu - St Helena Indians, Uscamu - a Cusabo tribe
- Etiwan - Etiwa, Etiwaw, Itawan, Eutaw - a Cusabo tribe
- Hook - Back Hook, Black Hook, Pohoc
- Keyauwee
- Kiawah - Kiawa, Kiawaw - a Cusabo tribe
- Kusso-Natchez - Edisto
- Natchez Natches, Nah'-Chee, Nauche, W'Nahk'-Chee
- Pee Dee
- Pee Dee Indian Nation of Beaver Creek
- Saint Helena - St Helena
- Saluda
- Santee - Seretee, Sattee
- Sewee - Seewee
- Stono - a Cusabo tribe
- Sugeree - Sugau, Sagaree
- Waccamaw - Waggamaw
- Wando a Cusabo tribe
- Wappoo - a Cusabo tribe
- Wassamasaw - Wassamasaw Tribe of Varnertown
- Wateree
- Waxhaw Flatheads
- Westo Westoe
- Wimbee Wimbehee - a Cusabo tribe
- Winyah Winyaw, Weenee
- Yemassee - Yamasee, Yoa
- Yuchi - Hogologe, Uchee