A-ah! - Watch out.
agles'ka - Lizard.
agli - to return.
aguipi - browned meat or food.
ahunka - coyote. (Nakota say S'ungmanitu)
akeeya - repeat.
akewancinyankin kte (or ktelo) - until I see you.
amba - goodbye (short version)
anapo - to count coup.
Ate - Father (also Uncle - his father's brothers)
awi - they.
blotan hunka - war leaders or chiefs.
cahotska - frost
Canapegi Wi - September (moon when leaves turn brown.)
Canapekasna Wi - October (moon when leaves fall.)
canh'a - turtle
Canku Wakan - Holy Road (the Oregon Trail.)
Cannanpopa Wi - February (moon of popping trees.)
cansasa - tobacco (shredded inner bark of red willow, red dogwood or red alder.)
cansiyo - prairie chicken
canska - red legged hawk
cante - don't
canupa - pipe
ce - manhood (penis)
cetan - hawk
cha - without
Chaka dee Wapka - The Powder River
champah or chapa - beaver
chante - heart
chante ista - the one eye of the heart
chante sica - sad heart (cante chante sica yaun sai ye - don't have a sad heart.)
chikala - little or small
chun - tree
chun humpi ska - sugar (literally translated as tree juice.)
cikala Lakota wowaglake? - Do you speak Lakota?
cola or kola - friend (colapi - friends.)
cunka - shield
esnella - a loner
ey-hee! - alas!
Hahawokpa - River of Canoes (Mississippi river.)
halhate - magpie
hanblecheyapi - vision quest (crying for a vision.)
hanhepi-wi - moon (literal translation is night sun.)
Hanskaska - Wolf society
hau, hou or hao - hello
hayhahkah - elk (bull - hehaka; cow - unpan the n's are only just pronounced)
hecheto aloe - It is finished
hecheto welo - It is done well, it is good
heech - owl
hechinshkayapi - mountain sheep
hehaka - elk or mouse
Hehaka Wakpa - Elk River (Yellowstone River.)
hehoka - contraries
Heska - the Shining Mountains (the Bighorn Mountains.)
hetukhasan - weasel
heyah - no
heyoka - clown
hin (or han) - yes
hinhan - owl
hohe - enemy
hoka - badger
hokagica - heron
hoppo - let us go
hunka - chosen
Hunkapi - The Making of Relatives Ceremony
hunkayapi - chosen relatives
hunkaschila - young men
hunkeshne - slow
hupacansakala - swallow (the bird)
hupakigulake - bat
i-g-mutanka - mountain lion (the n is almost silent)
igmuhota or ig muguleza - lynx (also wildcat or bobcat.)
Ihoka - Badger Society (literal translation - badger mouth.)
iktomi - spider
ina - mother (used in the context of the dynamic and active power of the earth.)
inska - excuse me
inyan - stone
lotancila - I love you
Ishna Ta Awi Cha Lowan - Buffalo Ceremony (Preparing for Womanhood.)
ishta - she, female, girl
isnati - bleeding (menstruation.)
isn tipi - the alone lodge (where women went during menstruation.)
itaytkahlah or tashnahecha - chipmunk
iyotake - sitting
jialepa - meadowlark
jigala - little
kaga - demon
kangi - crow
kangi tanka - raven
Kangi yha - Crow Owners Society
kapi - story
kiksuyapi - remember
kimimila - butterfly
kin - this
kokipa - fear
ksape - knows or sees
kte - dead, killed
kuwapi - is chased by
le mita - mine
le mita cola - my friend
le mita pila - my thanks
leksi - uncle (his mother's brothers.)
lela - very
lela oosni - very cold
lochicha - mink
lowan - to sing (or singer.)
lowan henica? are you a singer?
luta - red
ma or maki - mother
maga - goose
magaksica - duck
magaska - swan
mahhapahskaychah - martin
mahpiya - sky
Mahpiyato - the Arapaho (Blue Clouds.)
mahpyua - cloud
Mahpyua Luta - Red Cloud
mahstinchala - snowshoe rabbit
mahstinshkah - jack rabbit
mahto - bear (grizzly - mahto-shahkay hanska; black - mahto-wahhay seecha; brown - mahto-hotah.)
Maka - Earth
Maka Blu Wakpa - Shifting Sands River (Powder River.)
maka mani - to walk
makah - skunk
Kake Ska - White Earth River (White River of South Dakota.)
mato - bear
maya owicha paka - fate (literal translation - he who pushes you off the cliff.)
mayugo - I'm tired<O:P> </O:P>
maza - metal
maza canku - iron
maza ska - silver, white metal
meeyahslaychalah or ma shlecha - coyote
meeyah chah - kit fox<O:P> </O:P>
micaje - my name is
mieyobo - I am<O:P> </O:P>
minne (or mni) - waters
minne sota - many waters
minne wakan - holy water (usually used to describe whiskey)
mita - mine
Mita kuye ayasin - We are relatives (also Miataku Oyasin)
Miwatini - Owl Society<O:P> </O:P>
Mnilusa - Running Water river ( Niobrara river)
Mnisose - Muddy Water river ( Missouri river)
moksins - moccasins
na - and<O:P> </O:P>
nacacijin - loyal, faithful
nacha - great, noble
Nahan rei ni wayon heon - I am still alive
najin - standing<O:P> </O:P>
nakun - known
napin - necklace
Natan uskay! - Attackers are coming!
niyaha - feather<O:P> </O:P>
nunpi (or nunpa) - two
ocheti -seven
ohan - wear this
ohinyan - forever
ohitka - brave, courageous
ohunka - false, untrue
oiowan - song<O:P> </O:P>
Okaga - the Spirit of the south
onikare - sweat lodge<O:P> </O:P>
Onjinjintka Wakpa - Red Flower Creek (Rosebud Creek)
oo-oohey - it is time<O:P> </O:P>
oosni - cold
opawinge - one hundred
opiaon - smoke vent
optate - to choose<O:P> </O:P>
otonwanhe - village, town
owa - wound<O:P> </O:P>
owa sicha - bad wound
owatamla - straight tongue
owotonna - honest, straight
Oyatenupa - the Omaha tribe (the Two Circle People)
ozuye - warrior
Paha Sapa (sometimes Pa Sapa) - The Black Hills
paha - mountain, butte<O:P> </O:P>
pah-hi - porcupine
palamo - thanks
Pani - the Pawnee
Pankeska Wakpa - Shell River (Platte river)
papa - dried buffalo meat (jerky)<O:P> </O:P>
pehan - crane<O:P> </O:P>
Pehingnunipi - May (moon of shredding ponies)
Peji Sluta - Greasy Grass<O:P> </O:P>
pejula - medicine<O:P> </O:P>
pejula sapa - coffee (literal translation - black medicine)
pejula wacasa - medicine man (sometimes pejuta wicasa)
pesla - bald<O:P> </O:P>
peta - stone<O:P> </O:P>
pezuta wicasa - herbalist (healer) pi - to use for<O:P> </O:P>
pila mita - my thanks
pispinza - prairie dog (the n is almost silent)
Psatoka - Crows (Absaroka)<O:P> </O:P>
ptan - otter
pte - buffalo (cow)
ptecila - small buffalo
pteyahpa - cowbird<O:P> </O:P>
sahungka gelah or shoghila - red fox
sapa - black
schila - old<O:P>
shakowan - council fires<O:P> </O:P>
shah-y-ela - those who speak a different tongue (the Lakota name for the Tsististas)
shaychatungka - wolverine<O:P> </O:P>
sheo - sage hen
shinte or sinte - tail
Shinte Galeska - Spotted Tail<O:P> </O:P>
shunkaha - wolf (somtimes shunktokecha or Shunkahmahneetu)
Shunke Canku - Iron Horse (i.e. train)<O:P> </O:P>
shunke (or s'unka) - dog<O:P> </O:P>
shunke wakan - horse (literal translation - holy or sacred dog)<O:P> </O:P>
shunke-kan - pinto
sicha - bad
sinkpaylah - muskrat
sipawicayaska - beetle
ska - white<O:P> </O:P>
s'kipipi -chickadee
slol yapi - the people
sni - negative, not
sosa - muddy<O:P> </O:P>
sosho -snake
sota - many
Susuni - Shoshone (or snake tribe)
to - his<O:P> </O:P>
tah �?moose
tshcha - deer
tah chasala or tahheencha - antelope (pronghorn) tahheenchala - white tailed deer<O:P> </O:P>
tahhenchala - mule deer
tahunsa - cousin
tajuska - ant<O:P> </O:P>
taku-skan - spirit, living force
tanagila - humming bird
tanka - great, big, or bull
tanke - sister<O:P> </O:P>
tannicala tusweca - dragonfly
tashina - robe<O:P> </O:P>
tashina pte - buffalo robe<O:P> </O:P>
Tashunke Witko - Crazy Horse (A literal translation is His Dog is Enchanted but in this case the "wakan" is dropped from "horse" and people would still know the meaning.)<O:P> </O:P>
tasina - shawl, blanket
tashnahhayhotah - ground squirrel
tatanka - buffalo bull<O:P> </O:P>
Tatanka lyotake - Sitting Bull (his name is really Buffalo Bull Sitting)
Tatanka Wapahun - Buffalo Bull Society<O:P> </O:P>
tinza - power, strength
Tioheynuka Wi - January (moon of frost in the lodge)
tipsila - prairie turnip
tiyospaye - family group (band)
to - blue<O:P> </O:P>
to (toh) - a vigorous affirmative like "damn right."
Tokala - Kit Fox Society<O:P> </O:P>
tokalu �?fox
toniktuka hwo? - How are you?
tonkalla - mouse<O:P> </O:P>
tonwan - spirit, bad spirit
toskala - woodpecker
tuka - but<O:P> </O:P>
tunkaschila - grandfather
tunkes - hot stones<O:P> </O:P>
Umi or Yum - Whirlwind
unchi - grandmother
Unshimalam ye oyate - Have mercy on me
wabluska - insects
wacca pella - stream
wacekiyayo - pray
wachin ksapa yo - listen to me - be attentive
wachpanne - poor, needy<O:P> </O:P>
wacipi - dance<O:P> </O:P>
wackikun or waschichin - white man
wagachun - cottonwoods<O:P> </O:P>
Waga Wakpa - Swimming Bird river ( Laramie river)
waglesksun - turkey<O:P> </O:P>
waglula - woodgrub or maggot
wahi - I come, I am coming
wahinhayya - gopher<O:P> </O:P>
wakan - holy, sacred
Wakan Tanka - Great Spirit
wakikunza - camp leader
wakina - thunder<O:P> </O:P>
Wakincuzas - pipe owners (village headmen or councilers)
wakinyan - thunder powers or lightning<O:P> </O:P>
Wakinyan Tanka - Thunderbird
Wakpa - river<O:P> </O:P>
wakon-ya - springs (where water is born)
Wamanuncha - Prince of Thieves (especially applied to Custer)
wan - surprise<O:P> </O:P>
wana - one or now
wanagi - ghost, spirit
Wanagi Tacaku - Spirit Path
wanagitakimimila - moth
Wanagi Yata - Place of Souls<O:P> </O:P>
wanbli or anunkasan - eagle
Wanbli Galeska - Spotted Eagle
Wanbli Luta - Red Eagle
wanichi - no good<O:P> </O:P>
Wanicokan Wi - December (midwinter moon)
Waniyetu Wi - November (winter moon)
waniyetula - winter<O:P> </O:P>
waniyetula wowapi - winter count<O:P> </O:P>
wapiye - medicine man (a curer with herbs only - no spiritual power)
washtay or washte - good<O:P> </O:P>
was'te (pronounced wash-tay) - greetings!<O:P> </O:P>
wasichu or washitu - bad medicine, white man
wasin - here<O:P> </O:P>
wa'sin - frog<O:P> </O:P>
wasiyuta el unpi - those who live among the whites - the loaf around the fort people
wasna - pemmican<O:P> </O:P>
Wasutan Wi - August (moon when all things ripen)
wayo - true<O:P> </O:P>
Waziah - Giant God of the North
weecha or wichitigulegha - raccoon
Whope - earth principle<O:P> </O:P>
wi - sun
wicasa - man
wicasha - an important man<O:P> </O:P>
wicasha wakan - a holy man, a visionary
wicasha yatapika - a shirtman
wichashita - chief<O:P> </O:P>
Wickmunke - Rainbow God (also a trap)
wicksemna - ten<O:P> </O:P>
Wicokannanji Wi - July (middle moon)
winkte - half man<O:P> </O:P>
Wipazuka Waste Wi - June (moon when the chokecherries ripen)
witko or whte - enchanted, magical, crazy<O:P> </O:P>
Wiwanyag Wachipi - Sun Dance
wochangi - power<O:P> </O:P>
wonamayin - mistake
Wotawe - Oglala buffalo society
woya - story
yamina - three<O:P> </O:P>
Yanpa - the Spirit of the east<O:P> </O:P>
yaspapi - the time of the bitten moon (first half of new moon, last half of old moon)
yata - place<O:P> </O:P>
Yata - the Spirit of the west.
yeosh palay - clans, tribes
yunke-lo - death
yuwipi - medicine man or healer
</O:P>zeecha - squirrel (red)
zintka - birds<O:P> </O:P>
zunta - honest
zuya - warpath<O:P>