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Legends - Tales : Hopi Prophecy......How the Great Chiefs Made the Moon and the Sun
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From: MSN NicknameAnnie-LL  (Original Message)Sent: 7/14/2007 12:49 AM

How the Great Chiefs Made the Moon and the Sun

Once upon a time, when our people first came up from the villages of the
underworld, there was no sun. There was no moon. They saw only dreary darkness and
felt the coldness. They looked hard for firewood, but in the darkness they found

One day as they stumbled around, they saw a light in the distance. The Chief
sent a messenger to see what caused the light. As the messenger approached it, he
saw a small field containing corn, beans, squash, watermelons, and other
foods. All around the field a great fire was burning. Nearby stood a straight,
handsome man wearing around his neck a turquoise necklace of four strands. Turquoise
pendants hung from his ears.

"Who are you?" the owner of the field asked the messenger.

"My people and I have come from the cave world below," the messenger replied.
"And we suffer from the lack of light and the lack of food."

"My name is Skeleton," said the owner of the field. He showed the stranger the
terrible mask he often wore and then gave him some food. "Now return to your
people and guide them to my field."

When all the people had arrived, Skeleton began to give them food from his
field. They marvelled that, although the crops seemed so small, there was enough
food for everyone. He gave them ears of corn for roasting; he gave them beans,
squashes, and watermelons. The people built fires for themselves and were happy.

Later, Skeleton helped them prepare fields of their own and to make fires
around them. There they planted corn and soon harvested a good crop.

"Now we should move on," the people said. "We want to find the place where we
will live always."

Away from the fires it was still dark. The Great Chiefs, at a council with
Skeleton, decided to make a moon like the one they had enjoyed in the underworld.

They took a piece of well-prepared buffalo hide and cut from it a great circle.
They stretched the circle tightly over a wooden hoop and then painted it
carefully with white paint. When it was entirely dry, they mixed some black paint
and painted, all around its edge, completing the picture of the moon. When all of
this was done, they attached a stick to the disk and placed it on a large
square of white cloth. Thus they made a symbol of the moon.

Then the Great Chiefs selected one of the young men and bade him

to stand on top of the moon symbol. They took up the cloth by its corners and
began to swing it back and forth, higher and higher. As they were swinging it,
they sang a magic song. Finally, with a mighty heave, they threw the moon disk
upward. It continued to fly swiftly, upward and eastward.

As the people watched, they suddenly saw light in the eastern sky. The light
became brighter and brighter. Surely something was burning there, they thought.
Then something bright with light rose in the east. That was the moon!

Although the moon made it possible for the people to move around with less
stumbling, its light was so dim that frequently the workers in the fields would cut
up their food plants instead of the weeds. It was so cold that fires had to be
kept burning around the fields all the time.

Again the Great Chiefs held a council with Skeleton, and again they decided
that something better must be done.

This time, instead of taking a piece of buffalo hide, they took a piece of warm
cloth that they themselves had woven while they were still in the underworld.
They fashioned this as they had fashioned the disk of buffalo hide, except that
this time they painted the face of the circle with a copper-coloured paint.

They painted eyes and a mouth on the disk and decorated the forehead with
colours that the Great Chiefs decided upon according to their desires. Around the
circle, they then wove a ring of corn husks, arranged in a zig zag design. Around
the circle of corn husks, they threaded a string of red hair from some animal.
To the back of the disk, they fastened a small ring of corn husks. Through
that ring they poked a circle of eagle feathers.

To the top of each eagle feather, the old Chief tied a few little red feathers
taken from the top of the head of a small bird. On the forehead of the circle,
he attached an abalone shell. Then the sun disk was completed.

Again the Great Chiefs chose a young man to stand on top of the disk, which
they had placed on a large sheet. As they had done with the moon disk, they raised
the cloth by holding its corners. Then they swung the sun disk back and forth,
back and forth, again and again. With a mighty thrust, they threw the man and
the disk far into the air. It travelled fast into the eastern sky and

All the people watched it carefully. In a short time, they saw light in the
east as if a great fire were burning. Soon the new sun rose and warmed the earth
with its kindly rays.

Now with the moon to light the earth at night and the sun to light and warm it
by day, all the people decided to pick up their provisions and go on. As they
started, the White people took a trail that led them far to the south. The Hopis
took one to the north, and the Pueblos took one midway between the two. Thus
they wandered on to the places where they were to live.

The Hopis wandered a long time, building houses and planting crops until they
reached the mesas where they now live. The ruins of the ancient villages are
scattered to the very beginnings of the great river of the canyon--the Colorado.

Hopi Prophecy

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