| 1 recommendation | Message 1 of 4 in Discussion |
| (Original Message) | Sent: 10/10/2008 8:45 PM |
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I had to delete the message ,because it showed my email. I'll try to get it again with no addresses. |
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OK here it is.
En Vogue with Leonard Peltier
The cause of Leonard Peltier will always be en vogue if that means to right a wrong and a man wrongfully held in prison for thirty something years should be released - then everyone should know about it and be en vogue.
The case of Leonard Peltier is one that has been ongoing for Indigenous people from the time of “discovery�?to the present day. This is not an isolated case, which many people who support political prisoner’s rights know all too well. Leonard Peltier has been imprisoned for over 32 years and while there has been some who have let his plight fall to the wayside, for many of us he has never been forgotten. Leonard has remained in the hearts of many people who have continued to keep the faith that one day he will be free.
However this is not the case all too often, many people all too often view the case of Leonard Peltier as an Indian problem or Indian concern. It should be a concern for all Americans, because if his case stands as precedence then the freedom of everyone is in jeopardy. Because of the length of time that Leonard Peltier has been in prison, many people due to their age, especially the youth, do not know who Leonard Peltier is to us. Anyone 30 years or younger has likely yet to be educated on the case of Leonard Peltier. Any adults alive during the time Leonard Peltier was sentenced to prison may have died or perhaps are living as elders that don’t have the youth, means or health, to say much or do much about it anymore.
That is why at this time we are reasserting the need for Freedom for Leonard and reeducating the public about the injustice that has gone on for over 32 years. You can help Leonard Peltier get justice and freedom by:
a) Signing the online petition at http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/parole2008/;
b) Writing letters on behalf of Leonard Peltier’s freedom through parole, clemency or pardon. Write to your Congressmen, your Legislators, the President, the US Parole Board and Human Rights Organizations;
c) Starting a support group as an official branch of the LP DOC in your state or local area;
d) Taking the resolution found at www.whoisleonardpeltier.com to your tribal elected officials and ask them to pass it unanimously; if you are not a tribal member anyone can get their organization to pass the resolution in support of Leonard Peltier’s freedom and send it to the Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee where it will be presented to the appropriate agencies;
e) Donating to the Leonard Peltier gift and clothes drive for Pine Ridge Reservation;
f) Leonard himself has said that he appreciates the donations to his commissary account, but he would rather people donate directly to the Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee (LP DOC) because it goes directly toward gaining his freedom. The LP DOC is in direct contact with Leonard Peltier daily and works closely with his legal team to gain his release. Please consider donating to the LP DOC in the effort toward gaining Leonard’s freedom today.
Leonard Peltier is a focal point for combating the injustice of the government who has targeted people, especially Native American people, who are dissenters with the US Policies toward native peoples. All too often people equate dissention with being unpatriotic, however, that could not be further from the truth. The only difference between dissenters who are championing our rights under the Constitution and the treaty rights that are being trampled on is that they don’t have uniforms or have the government sanctions of the bureaucrats. But they definitely are sanctioned under the articles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. And though they are unfunded except for their own dedication and passion, they are as patriotic as any soldier whoever fought for freedom for this country.
Thank you for all who are working to bring Leonard Peltier’s case to the forefront of people’s thoughts daily and unfailingly. We are altogether grateful for everyone who is contributing their time, efforts and money toward the cause.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse |
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Thank you for posting this Lemmytalk, If it may or may not make a difference, i will go see try if i can sign that petition from my country. I noticed sometimes it is not possible. With Respect / Vic I do like this picture a lot, and hope no one is offended by me posting. Sorry to say i can not Remember where i found it. |
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