Every citizen of the planet Earth can gain value from the wisdom of the Native Americans, from their belief that the Earth is a spiritual presence that must be honored, not mastered. Modern "civilized" man is facing the inevitable results of following a philosophy of dominance, rather than one of harmony. We have gotten out of balance with our Earth and the very future of our planet and our society depends on our capacity to restore that balance. We are crying out for help, for the truths of nature, for words of wisdom. The wisdom exists in the words and insights of the Native American people. But these people speak quietly. Their words are simple and their voices soft. We have not heard them because we have not taken the time to listen. Perhaps now is the time for us to open our ears and our hearts to the words they have to share. Native Path's goal is to increase awareness of and respect for the wisdom of the Native American people. We pray that their traditions will be remembered, grow and prosper.