| | From: starduster0 (Original Message) | Sent: 9/21/2008 3:19 AM |
First off let me say hello & thank you for accepting me in your group, I am 59 years old and live in the state of ohio, i was born and raised in kentucky (southeastern) but moved to ohio when i was 16, and have lived here since,but make trips back home often. my father's heritage was blackfoot, and my mother's was cherokee, i have always known about my heritage and have always been so very proud of it i have done some studying and try every day to live by the Red Road, life is always a learning process, I have two grown sons and two grandchildren ages 10&5 who are my world, my family and i go to pow wows around the state and really enjoy just meeting all the wonderful people there and we often join in, i am looking forward to meeting all of you and also learning the ways of our people. Blessings, (starduster) |
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Welcome! Thanks for your intro! It will be nice to get to know you better. Jump on in on the boards! Come visit in chat! ENJOY! You're gonna LOVE it here!! Blessings and Peace! With Respect and Joy, Tia |
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Welcome Starduster and thank you for posting a bit about yourself. Do enjoy yourself here. Linn |
| | From: Mirabby | Sent: 9/22/2008 8:38 PM |
Osiyo Starduster! What part of Ohio do you live in? I was originally from the area between Youngstown and Akron. Little tiny burg called Berlin Center, population 800. I think it's still 800 actually. I live in Florida now. Thank you for telling us a little about yourself. I really hope you can drop into chat one night. We do have a lot of fun there. Blessings to you and I hope you find yourself quite at home here. We are all family. Mira, Manager |
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Hi I was born and raised in Ky and still there...lol Good to have you her with us and hope you will enjoy all we have to share...hugs Annie |
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