A bit about myself. My first wife died in 2004. Pat was part Shawnee but was never told anything about that part of her heritage. I was born in England and my parents were Irish and Scots. I began learning about NA culture and heritage so I could teach our children at least a part of what they would have learned had we lived anywhere near a NA community.
I have since remarried and my current wife PJ is part Cherokee. She only recently learned she had NA bloodlines and is in the midst of her own learning curve of things NA.
I served in the USArmy 1964-1966 as part of a Spcl Ops sniper team that went to various parts of SE Asia. I retired as an engineering manager with AT&T and then sold insurance for 16 years before retiring for good.
I am an asst. mgr at two other NA sites and attend Pow Wows that are within driving distance for a daily trip and when funds allow will go to them over a weekend.
I hope to increase my understanding of NA culture and heritage and see if I can finally teach myself more than a few words in 2 or 3 NA languages.