I have heard talk and talk and nothing is done. Good Words do not last long unless they amount to something.
Words do not pay for my dead people.
They do not pay for my country.
They do not protect my father's grave.
Good words do not give me back my children.
Good words do not give my people good health or stop them from dying.
I'm tired of talk constantly----makes my heart sick.
And I remember all the good words and broken promises.
If the white man wants to live in Peace with the Indian, we can live in Peace.
There need be no trouble.
Treat all men alike.
Give them the same law.
Give them all an even chance to live and grow.
You might as well expect the Rivers to run backwards. As that any man who is born a free man should be contented when penned up and denied liberty to go as he pleases.
We only ask an even chance to live as other men live.
We ask to be recognized as Men.
Free to Travel
Free to Stop.
Free to Work.
Free to choose my own Teachers.
Free to Follow the religion of my fathers.
Free to Think and Talk and Act for Myself.