O`siyo Bob-GrayWolf
I put your answer under a New Discussion like the Translation Guidelines state "A New Discussion per Member. This way it will be more personal". The Transliterations for Bob and Yvette as follows Bob quaqua= qua-qua [kwah kwah]
Yvette Iquait = I-qua-it [ee quah eet]
Translation for Gray Wolf is as follows.
Tsalagi (Cherokee) words or names may look backwards, but this is because the subject comes first then what is describing that subject is next.
So Gray Wolf in Tsalagi would be written as Wolf Gray.
Waya usgolv sagonige wa-ya u-s-go-lv sa-go-ni-ge [wah-yah oo-s-goh-luh sah-goh-nee-gay]
AwiAdisi Wani Hvli