(PART 1)
National Archives Trust Fund Board
National Archives and Records Administration
Washington, DC
1984 (Revised 1995)
This select catalog lists the records published on microfilm by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) that relate directly to American Indians, to the formation of federal Indian policy, and to the personnel who created or enforced that policy. The catalog is divided into civilian agency records and military establishment records. In each section, the publications containing the most information about Indians are listed first.
All of the microfilm catalogs available through the National Archives gopher are also offered in printed form. For ordering information, please contact the Publications Distribution (NECD), National Archives, Room G9, Seventh and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20408; telephone 1-800-234-8861.
Brief narratives give the history of the office that created or accumulated the records as well as the type, scope, and organization of the records themselves. In several cases, the narrative has been omitted because the publication titles are self-explanatory and the publication consists of only a single roll of microfilm. In other cases, narratives are used sparingly because the records on microfilm cover a broad range of subjects, only a few of which relate directly to American Indians. For such microfilm publications, only the rolls dealing primarily with Indian subjects are listed. However, when a microfilm publication relating to Indians and other subjects contains only a few rolls, all the rolls are listed. Rolls of microfilm may be purchased individually.
The narratives in this catalog are necessarily less detailed than the information contained in the descriptive pamphlets (DPs). Descriptive pamphlets contain explanations of the origin, content, and arrangement of records for most microfilm publications. Researchers wanting more information on individual publications that have DPs may want to consult them before ordering the publication. Because this select catalog lists only records published by NARA on microfilm, it reflects only a portion of manuscript material relating to Indians in the National Archives.
For more complete information on the subject, see Guide to Records in the National Archives Relating to American Indians, compiled by Edward E. Hill (1981), which is for sale from Publications Distribution (NECD), Room G9, National Archives, Seventh and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20408. The Guide provides a comprehensive review and description of NARA records, including those on microfilm, that are concerned with American Indians and their relations to the American government and the people of the United States. Indians who lived along the international boundaries of Canada and Mexico and in former colonies of European nations and who had direct contacts with, and were a matter of domestic concern to the United States, are within the scope of the Guide. The Guide does not include information about Indians in other parts of the Americas with whom the United States may have had more remote concern in the conduct of foreign affairs or who were the subject of a survey or study.
The records listed in this catalog are from the following record groups: on next page.....>>>>