EASTER EGG DYES Red cabbage leaves robin's egg blue color
Canned blueberries blue Orange or lemon peels yellow celery seed, or ground cumin yellow Carrot tops smoky yellow green
Ground turmeric yellow. Yellow Delicious apple peelings pale lavender flecked with soft rust color
Brown (not white) onion peels orange.
Fresh spinach pinkish color with gray-green buffs.
Fresh beets, cranberries, or radishes, or frozen raspberries pinkish-red tone
Strong brewed coffee beige on brown eggs
Dill seeds brown-gold shade
Chile powder brown-orange one
Purple or red grape juice or beet juice gray color.
If eggs are to be dyed, washing in a mild detergent solution helps to remove the oil coating so that the color adheres more easily. To dye eggs, place in a pan and cover with water. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to each cup of water and add the chosen dying material. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer gently 20 minutes. The color will deepen or change if the eggs are left in the dye solution overnight. Make sure to keep eggs refrigerated after coloring process, if hard-boiled. You can also color empty, washed & rinsed (inside and out) eggshells |