Summer brings with it a number of pests we don't have to deal with in the winter. We want protection from these little critters, but have our reservations about using products with DEET and other chemicals.
Actually, DEET is considered safe according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and does not present a health concern when used sparingly for brief periods. However, many people feel uncomfortable using what is perceived to be such a toxic chemical on their skin, even for a short period of time.
Here are some alternatives; some are very simple and others are a bit complicated. Let's start with some easy ones.
Real vanilla, such as you can buy in Mexico, is great for keeping gnats, mosquitoes, ticks and other pests away. You smell good, too.
I have used it straight, dabbing it on a cotton ball and rubbing my neck, forehead, and arms with the cotton ball. Other suggestions are to use 1 tablespoon vanilla with 1 cup water (or half vanilla and half water), either put it in a sprayer or wipe on with a paper towel.
Vaporub or Absorbine Jr.
These probably work on pretty much the same principle. They seem to do a great job keeping gnats and mosquitoes away, but you smell pretty strong. No one at the Little League baseball games ever complained though.
Avon Skin-So-Soft®
Skin-So-Soft bath oil mixed half and half with rubbing alcohol has long been a favorite of everyone from campers to the marines. Avon has now put out its own version of this.
�?Bay leaves, cloves and eucalyptus can be wrapped in small cheesecloth squares and hung by open windows or doors.
�?Fresh basil, fresh mint, and whole cloves can be made into sachets. Wrap in squares of organza, tie with a ribbon and hang in windows or use in drawers.
�?If you're using the grill or barbeque, throw a bit of sage or rosemary on the coals to repel mosquitoes.
�?Make an herbal insect repellent by infusing (the process of steeping a substance in water to extract its soluble principles) a packed cup of basil leaves in 4 ozs. of water. Strain and add 4 ozs. of vodka. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and use as a mosquito repellent.
�?For flies, place a small, open container of sweet basil and clover near pet food or any open food in the house.