A few drops of eucalyptus oil on a scrap of absorbent cloth will deter flies. Leave in areas where flies are a problem. Try tying them in windows or on the deck.
�?Use lavender oil, and dab it on your pulse points (on wrists, behind ears, temples, behind the knees, and on the ankles). Smells wonderful, but apparently the insects don't think so.
�?Make a solution of mint oil and rubbing alcohol, place in a spray bottle and spray yourself before any outings, the mint acts as a natural deterrent for most insects.
�?In Mother Earth News, June/July 2005 there is a formula for people who don't want to use insect repellents containing DEET or other questionable ingredients.
Mix together:
2 tablespoons citronella essential oil
2 tablespoons rosemary essential oil
2 tablespoons geranium essential oil
2 tablespoons eucalyptus essential oil
½ cup olive oil
Store in a labeled, opaque bottle. Dab the oil on a bandana, clothing, hat or skin. Keep away from eyes and mouth.
Citronella candles actually work quite well at repelling mosquitoes, but in order to really work well you need to surround your self with a large grouping of candles both on the ground and up high. �?Mix oil of citronella with Vaseline and apply to exposed areas as a mosquito remedy.
Strange Methods
Some of the pest control methods sound very strange, but I figure if they cost practically nothing, why not try it.
A plastic bag filled with water and hung will repel flies from the area. In the Ozark Mountains where the fly problem is horrible, these bags can be seen over every front door and on every patio. (Supposedly the fly can see his reflection in the bag and does not like it.) Whatever the reason, the bags really seem to work.
The color yellow may deter flies. Use yellow in the kitchen and the amount of flies will cut back. It sounds a little too simple to be true, but the amount of flies in the kitchen was cut down visibly by putting up yellow curtains.
Fabric Softener Sheets
Tie a fabric softener sheet (such as Bounce) through a belt loop when outdoors during mosquito season.
Relief from Bug Bites
If you didn't use any of the above repellants or they didn't work for you, here are some suggestions on how to relieve the itching.
�?Use a cotton ball to dab mosquito and other bug bites with white vinegar straight from the bottle.