about 8 years ago i had a very unusual dream and this was way before i knew much about the native american people..in this dream i saw a village and there were native men and women going about their everyday life the women were attending to their families and the men had been hunting then all of a sudden i heard a thundering sound of horses and the next thing i saw women and men running frantically
i was sort of bewildered on what was happening. the next thing i saw were men on horseback and i grabbed a woman and her child and i hid them in bushes and i told them not to make a sound..i could see the panic on her face and i re assured her that she and the child would be safe...even though i couldnt quite see the people on horseback i sensed there was danger around this dream still remains strong to me to this day so if anyone could give me an insight to this i would be very greatfull..and now i find myself amoung the native people and learning their ways and find that now i may have found the missing link to my existance..and for that i am eternally greatfull