as some of you in the group know, i am handicapped. i have Cerebral Palsy that has affected my right side. my dream began when i was five years old. in my dream, i lived in a Cherokee village in 1815-20. i was 2-3 years old. i was playing in the woods with tree branches, stones, and in a small stream. Creator provided me with all of His gifts (everything in nature) to play with. i saw two young wolves and they were mates. i was playing with a girl who was also about my age and Cherokee. my dream was real in all aspects but one, i never saw the girl's face. i had this same dream every night for twenty one years. when i was twenty six years old, one afternoon, early evening, i decided to take my own life. i was always alone because of my handicap, and i was tired of the physical fighting i had to do at all times to prove my equality. i had a .22 caliber revolver on my dresser and it was always loaded. i picked it up and cocked it and, put it to my head. as i squeezed the trigger, i heard someone say "Don't do it". i didn't. that night i had the dream again, only this time i saw the girl's face. i knew then that i just HAD to find her. in 2004 i was a member of another group. i hosted the chats there. i began talking with another member and, i KNEW she was familiar, i just didn't know how. we exchanged pictures and i felt the strongest connection with her than i'd ever felt with anyone. we became fast friends. she told me she was moving to another state and i asked if we could keep in touch. she said yes we could. i never heard from her after she moved. i still had her contact information so i decided to email her (this was about a month ago). after she moved and we lost track of each other we each did many other things. in 2005 i was in deep thought and suddenly i had a vision, the girl i had met in this other group was the girl i had seen in my dream when i was twenty six. as i said earlier, i emailed her and she answered. i told her about my dream and would you believe it ?? she had the same dream about me. we've kept in contact here and on the phone. we are to meet the last of this year. we have yet to work out the details though. all the questions i've had in and about my dream, she has answered. we've known each other before. may the Creator smile on you, Lame Wolf |