| | From: shamrar (Original Message) | Sent: 4/4/2007 9:55 PM |
Hi hope someone can explain my dream, it was so vivid, I really believed I was there.I was in a car with my brother and a man who was trying to sell me property, we travelled up and up a long dusty troad, one side looked down to a sheer drop the other hills and mountains of woodland,we came up near twisted rusty mental fenching surrounding a vast area of land, there stood a large dark ruin, the road turned into an up hill narrow trackwere an old for sale sighn lay on the floor,I got out the car dispite the man shouting this was not for me,the urge to climb up the gate to get in was so great I did just that, the sheer horror I faced made me cry,as mounds of wolves lay on the dirt some were dead some too weak to move, yet all with the same intense look making my heart race, I came to the last large mound and stooped to touch the poor creatures, some licked my hand,they had been starved and beaten as I eased one onto its side, I found more horror cubs, and more cubs, the adults were trying to keep warm.I was so enraged I started ripping down the fenching and told the man this was my home now they drove away while I cared for all the wolves ,they showed such trust and love towards me, dream ended with me living so peacfully with the pack, the sun is going down and I stand on the grass mound with the firstgrey wolve standing by my side and tall fenching errected by me to keep people out and the wolves safe. This same dream comes to me when ever times are tough for me and my family. love Shamrar |
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From what i can see of your dream. The wolves represent your family. The man is someone who has been making problems for you. The hills and mountains maybe, the trials you face in your life, but it seams that you have come through allot, and the dream is just to remind you, how far you have come.
I sometimes study my dreams, write them down, and look at them later, taking note of anything that keeps repeating it self, what they call symbols. I offten get mountains and animals, in my dreams, also bags, houses, water, many things. Sometimes, i can work out the dream, sometimes it remains a mystery. Hope that helps. |
| (1 recommendation so far) | Message 3 of 11 in Discussion |
Moonightstar...the ways of my people and most tribes is that noone can interpet a dream other than a elder or medicine person.Some people may have dreams of helping or answering others but its not the ways of our ancestors...wado annie |
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Hello Annie, are you saying that only the elders can interpret the dreams? Can you please explain? |
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Thanks for saying that glad to be of help. |
| (1 recommendation so far) | Message 8 of 11 in Discussion |
Morningstar....yes, what I said is the ways of our people...The medicine men and women are the ones we go to for such interpitation of dreams...and some elders are gifted with this knowledge also. wado annie |
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Shamar, no need for apology as you didnt know but maybe in the future you could come to one of the elders to ask and they will tell you where to get your answers. Hope that you will soon find out the truth about your dreams. Maybe you could come to our Tuesday night Teaching chat and ask this there as others may want to learn this also. I feel this would be a good one....hugs annie |
| | From: shamrar | Sent: 4/12/2007 9:25 PM |
Greetings Annie, So sorry could not get to meeting but having bad time at moment,just got house then lost job,my two daughters are disabled ,and oldest one is having bad time with her illness,so please know I am sorry for not taking part in chat, as really want to learn about my dream, and be able to take part within the group, just so tired at moment,I will try to join in chat as soon as I can , hope you are well. Love and Respect Shamrar |
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