In my dream last night a lion, large male, got out of an unatural display in the city.
I entered a school, I believe, to be safe and went around frantically closing all, doors and such.
Lots of people looked at me like I was crazy, but they hadnt heard the news yet, lion on the loose.
I saw the lion try to push one door open.
No damage was done, no one was hurt, at least in the building I was in.
I wanted to keep people safe.
exit dream.
Yesterday I was strengthening the chicken coop, I lost 6 chickens last week to who knows what?
I remember while I was looking into the chicken coop, as the chickens were upset, thinking whatever it was might be in there......I asked, outloud, to (?) have you ever been attacked by a wild animal?
And I wondered if that animals medicine becomes yours this way?
The last time I had a big cat vision was when my Rotti, Brando, was near death.
I saw him standing on a set of stairs, he was going up and a BIG CAT was heading down.
They were both in a freeze stare, you know the kind? Right before it all breaks loose?
Well, I had seen this as I walked out my back door and my reaction was to quietly walk right back in, because I knew what was going to happen and I knew who wasnt going to make it through. I wonder if Brando Medicine was Big Cat?
Brando did pass at the age of 13, very successful for a Rotti!
We finally got another dog, a jack russell and yesterday for the first time we set a weekend breakfast plate down for her as we always did for Brando.
She would not touch it!
We often would set Brando his Spirit weekend plate down and I wondered......Did he tell her, "That's mine"? lol.....I sure did wonder! Who could pass up biscuts and gravy!?
(Brando passed in Spring of 06")
I wonder, is it Big Cat medicine that stirs me whenever my loved animals pass?
PS: I've been attacked by a squirrel. Oh my gosh! Little varmets can do BIG damage when they are scared.
lol.......I was a bloody mess.
Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.