Today is my day off...I mean, day family here to cater to, too hot to work outside, I've been reading in this site for hours!!
I read the Red Road and when it said, we have the right to dance, I guess I wanted to come out of the closet so to speak of a dance that was given to me in my dream about 6 months ago (I really have no real time lines)....It could have been 3 months, who knows.
I was standing in a room, it was a big room and a woman came in and she began to dance in a circle with her back to the center.
Her dance started in a fetal position. As she moved around the circle she slowly came out of the fetal position, like a plant seed, in germination, breaking through the ground she continued around the circle and became tall and as she became taller the wind started to enfluence her. She began to lift her arms as to play in the wind and she became like in full bloom.
All this while continously moving around the circle.
It was beautiful, her movements.
She was telling a story.
She stayed in full bloom only briefly.
As she continued the circle she started her descent, just as she had come up she started back to the fetal/seed position slowly but methodicly.
I watched all this, this cycle of life....and then she grabbed me!
She pulled me deep into her side and she danced this dance with me. We were so close I could feel her movements.
Not only did I watch this dance I felt it.
This dream was such a GREAT gift to me I didnt want to forget it and went outside and did it, I danced the whole cycle to and from and back really is an unending dance, could go on forever.
I'm thinking dancing is important and a big part of story telling.
I am full,